The Polyplacophora (Mollusca) collected during the First International Marine Biodiversity Workshop for Rodrigues (western Indian Ocean), with the description of a new species Author Schwabe, Enrico text Journal of Natural History 2004 2004-12-01 38 23 3143 3173 journal article 10.1080/00222930410001695114 1464-5262 5251862 Cryptoconchus oliveri n. sp. ( figures 14– 16 , 17E ) Cryptoconchus porosus : Leloup, 1981a: 21 [ non (de Blainville MS, Burrow, 1815 )]. Cryptoconchus burrowi : Kaas, 1985a: 331 ; 1986: 20 [ non ( Nierstrasz, 1905 )]. Material examined. 2 spms, ca 9.6 6 4.9 mm (curled) (pd), 8.4 6 5 mm : RDS 35, Grande Baie, 19 39.047 S, 63 26.381 E, 21.5 m , coral rubble, leg. N. Bruce. FIG. 14. Cryptoconchus oliveri n. sp. (A) Dorsal view of head valve; (B) close-up of the tegmentum region of the head valve; (C) dorsal view of the second valve; (D) close-up of the posterior tegmentum region of the second valve; (E) dorsal view of the tail valve; (F) close-up of the tegmentum of the tail valve. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, C); 200 M m (B, D, F); 500 M m (E). FIG. 15. Cryptoconchus oliveri n. sp. (A) Radula; (B) close-up of the head of the major lateral tooth and the spatulate uncinal tooth from the right side; (C) frontal-lateral view of the central tooth; (D) nude dorsal girdle surface; (E) close-up of the pores, to show an empty pore and a spicule in situ ; (F) isolated dorsal girdle spicules. Scale bars: 100 M m (A); 50 M m (B, C); 250 M m (D); 15 M m (E); 20 M m (F). The larger disarticulated specimen becomes the holotype , which is deposited in NMGW ( NMW .Z.2001.061.00001), the other, selected as paratype , is deposited in the author’s collection (ES coll. 235). In addition, material from the MNHN, cited by Kaas (1986) gets paratype status. The specimens are preserved in ethanol and measure 8.4 6 2.4 mm ( Mayotte : récif M’sanga Tsohole St. 66, 5 m; 12 41.8 S 44 58.7 E; leg. P. Bouchet , 29 March 1977 ) (16 ctenidia on both sides of the foot) and 15.6 6 6 mm .