Basal Cyclorrhapha In Amber From The Cretaceous And Tertiary (Insecta: Diptera), And Their Relationships: Brachycera In Cretaceous Amber Part Ix David A. Grimaldi Author Grimaldi, David A. Division of Invertebrate Zoology American Museum of Natural History, New York text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 2018-10-24 2018 423 1 97 journal article 7631 10.1206/0003-0090-423.1.1 2e886aea-b59a-45a6-aeaa-2427d584a894 0003-0090 4613008 Lonchopterites burmensis , new species Figures 2 , 26 DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from the type species by the ocellar setae lying outside of the ocellar triangle; lack of inner vertical setae; base of arista slightly dorsal to apex of basal flagellomere (vs. on apex); face with smaller pair of setae lateral to vibrissae; vein R 1 slightly shorter (0.28× wing length, vs. 0.40×). Based on unique male specimen. DESCRIPTION: Head: [(Seen largely in just dorsal view), total width ca. 280 µm . Eyes of male dichoptic, widely separated ( 150 µm near middle of frons); mesal margins diverging posterioad; dorsoventral facets undifferentiated; eye completely bare, fine setae lacking. Frons: Broad, without median furrow; pair of well-developed inclinate interfrontals present, bases very close to bases of antennae; distance between interfrontals approximately equal to that of ocellars. One pair of fronto-orbital setae present, slightly lateroclinate and reclinate; setal base very close to inner margin of eye. Interfrontal, fronto-orbital, and ocellar seta approximately equal in length. Ocellar setae reclinate and slightly lateroclinate, bases situated lateral to anterior ocellus, not within ocellar triangle. Inner vertical setae apparently lacking; outer vertical setae lateroclinate, length ca. 1.3× that of fronto-orbital. Postocellar setae lacking. Row of 3–4 stiff, inclinate postoccipital setae present on each side. Pair of large, projecting facial vibrissae present; vibrissae slightly larger than orbitals; slightly smaller seta lateral to vibrissa. Antenna: Porrect; scape small, cylindrical, bare; pedicel slightly conical, asymmetrical, distal rim with fine setulae (especially mesal margin), pedicel without conus (visible through cleared cuticle); basal flagellomere short, slightly asymmetrical and short, with fine setulae; base of arista situated slightly dorsal to apex of basal flagellomere; arista with two articles, basal one minute and ringlike, arista overall long and virtually bare, very faintly microsetulose, length ca. 220 µm (base of antenna 100 µm ). Mouthparts: not visible; oral margin protruding slightly. Thorax: Fairly long, ca. 0.50 mm , ca. 0.30 mm at deepest portion; dorsally (scutum) bristly, flattened posteriad; subscutellum and anatergite not exposed. Acrostichals and dorsocentrals long, suberect, in rows extending entire length of scutum; acrostichals in two rows of 9–10 setae each (anterior setae thicker); row of slightly longer dorsocentrals lateral to this, posterior dorsocentrals more than 2× length of anterior ones. Pleural area obscured, sutures not visible, devoid of setae. Postpronotal lobe with 3 fine, long setae; notopleural area with 2 long, fine setae. Prescutellum absent; apex of scutellum slightly upraised; two pairs of scutellar setae, one apical pair (upright and cruciate), one subapical pair. Wing: Fairly slender, width 0.42× the length, length 0.85 mm , apex slightly pointed; overall faintly fuscous, membrane entirely covered with minute microtrichia; no pterostigma. No setae on any veins except C; large prehumeral costal seta absent. Costal vein terminating at apex of R 4+5 , having row of ca. 25 long spinules on leading edge, no setae or spinules on lateral surface. Sc short, apically evanescent. R 1 very short, 0.28× the wing length; R 2+3 slightly sinuate, 0.82× length of wing; R 4+5 ends at pointed apex of wing, this vein distinctly thicker than others; M veins very faint, forked, length of fork 0.52× length of wing, stem of fork very faint, grading basally to nebulous; CuA 1 complete, reaching wing margin, slightly curved; cell bm not apparent, cell cup faint (M margin nebulous); vein A 1 present but incomplete. Crossvein br-m, bm-cu, and dm-cu absent; anal lobe present but small, with marginal fringe of ca. 12 fine, long setae; alula absent. Legs: Male protarsomeres lacking denticles; metatarsomeres lacking rows of pali- sade setae; pulvillus well developed, empodium setiform; metabasitarsomere slightly expanded in width, broader than any other tarsomeres, slightly shorter than metatarsomere 2. Apex of tibia with pair of short, stout, curved, spinelike setae on ventral margin; dorsal margin with erect, fine preapical seta. Abdomen: Abdominal muscle plaques apparently absent; spiracles not observable; six large tergites visible (including epandrium); segmentation of basal tergites not visible. Male Terminalia: Well developed, ventroflexed; cercus terminal; epandrium tucked ventrally, with comb of ca. 10 fine setae on medial margin; two rows of setae forming basketlike structure; surstylus not visible (possibly absent). Phallus short, terminal, spinelike. Female Terminalia: Unknown. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Holotype , male, AMNH Bu-SE15, from mid-Cretaceous of northern Myanmar , Kachin Province . Deposited in AMNH . In excellent condition. ETYMOLOGY: In reference to the source country.