New World Pholcid Spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae): A Revision At Generic Level Author HUBER, BERNHARD A. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 2000-06-30 2000 254 1 348 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)254<0001:NWPSAP>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5350821 Ibotyporanga naideae Mello-Leitao, 1944a: 6 7. TYPES: Four female syntypes from Aurá , Pará , Brazil ; no date (Leitao Carvalho), in MNRJ (1532), examined. DIAGNOSIS: Medium-sized, short-legged pholcid with eight eyes, globular opisthosoma; easily distinguished from any other known pholcids (including the otherwise very similar genus Gertschiola ) by the medially fused apophyses on the male chelic- erae (fig. 358), and the curved, thin procursus describing a circle (fig. 360). MALE (Porto Nacional): Total length 2.6, carapace width 1.2; leg 1: 7.7 (2.1+0.4 +2.0+2.6+0.6), tibia 2: 1.7, tibia 3: 1.4, tibia 4: 1.9; tibia 1 l/d: 13. Habitus as in fig. 357; carapace with shallow thoracic groove (as in female, fig. 365), ochre-yellow with brown median mark; eight eyes on slightly elevated, brown ocular area (figs. 357 358); distance PME-ALE about 30% of PME diameter. Clypeus brown, slightly more protruding than in female; sternum ochre-yellow, wider than long (0.80 versus 0.65). Chelicerae ochre-yellow to brown, with long median apophysis ending in small hook, and stridulatory files laterally (figs. 38, 358, 361). Palps ochre-yellow, only procursus blackish; coxa without retrolateral apophysis, femur proximally with stridulatory pick (modified hair; fig. 39, arrow in fig. 359) on prolateral side, prominent apophysis on retrolateral side (fig. 360), tibia enlarged, procursus simple but very long, describing circle, bulb with many small toothlike projections on prolateral side (figs. 60, 360). Tarsal organ capsulate with small opening (fig. 78). Legs ochre to light brown, with very distinct brown rings on femora subdistally and tibiae proximally and subdistally; legs without spines (femora with long stiff hairs ventrally; Mello-Leitao referred to these as cerdas , i.e., bristles) and curved hairs, with many vertical hairs on tibiae (fig. 109); retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 56%; tarsus 1 with ~ 6 8 pseudosegments. Opisthosoma globular, greenish-gray, covered with dark spots, except ventrally; genital plate large, brown, about rectangular. ALS with only one piriform gland spigot each (fig. 174). Four epiandrous spigots in front of male gonopore (fig. 128). FEMALE ( syntypes ): Carapace width (N = 4) 1.03 1.16; tibia 1 (N = 3) 1.61 1.77. In general very similar to male. Epigynum simple brown plate, internally with pair of transparent blind tubes laterally (fig. 364; receptacles?). VARIATION (Porto Nacional): Tibia 1 in 7 males : 1.76 2.20 (x¯ = 2.01); tibia 1 in 12 females : 1.84 2.23 (x¯ = 2.00); total length in 8 females 2.67 3.60. NOTE: In penultimate males the palps are Figs. 357 360. Ibotyporanga naideae Mello-Leitao , male. 357 . Habitus, lateral view. 358 . Prosoma, dorsal view. 359 . Left palp, prolateral view (arrow points to stridulatory pick). 360 . Left palp, retrolateral view. Scale lines: 1.0 mm (357 358). curiously enlarged and twisted, but the chelicerae show no sign of the developing apophysis. DISTRIBUTION: Widely distributed in central and northern Brazil . NATURAL HISTORY: At Tocantins , the spi- ders were collected on the old dry leaves that are still attached at the trunk of Babaçu ( Orbignya martiana , Palmae ), in the interior of a little wood of Cerrado (E. H. Buckup, personal commun.). MATERIAL EXAMINED: BRAZIL : Pará: Figs. 361 366. Ibotyporanga naideae Mello-Leitao. 361 . Male chelicerae, lateral view. 362 . Epigynum, ventral view. 363 . Epigynum of female from Porto Nacional, dorsal view. 364 . Epigynum of syntype, dorsal view. 365 366 . Prosoma of female syntype, frontal and ventral views. Scale lines: 1.0 mm (365 366), 0.4 mm (361 364). Aura´ ’’: types above ; Tocantins : Porto Nacional , Nov. 10 13, 1992 ( E. H. Buckup ), 93 12♀ 11 juveniles in MCN (28605) ; Amazonas : Manaus , Reserva Campina , Jan. 24, 1994 ( A. D. Brescovit ), 1♀ in MCN (25605) ; Mato Grosso : Poconé : Fazenda Sta. Ines , Aug. 4 10, 1992 ( A. A. Lise & A. Braul ), 2♀ in MCP (2587) .