Systematic revision and total evidence phylogenetic analysis of the Andean family Metasarcidae Kury, 1994 (Opiliones: Laniatores), with description of two new genera and twenty new species Author Benedetti, Alipio Rezende Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal: 11.461, 05422 - 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil & Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, campus Sao Joao Evangelista, Av. Primeiro de Junho, 1043, Sao Joao Evangelista, MG, Brazil Author Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal: 11.461, 05422 - 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2022 2022-08-16 80 309 388 journal article 1864-8312-80-309 D5C0468B99A14EF39237D9BC51A8BDA3 11907D1B6F665D96B5FD2F9751431366 3.21. Ayacucho spiniger (Roewer, 1957) comb. nov. Figs 3B , 7Q, R , 16 A-C , 23A, B , 28 Palcares spiniger Roewer, 1957: 72 (desc.), fig. 4 (dorsal habitus, femur IV), 5 (details of femur IV armature), 6 (pedipalpus); Kury 2003 : 145 (cat.) Palcares serrifemur Roewer, 1959: 70 (desc.) fig. 2A (dorsal habitus, femur IV), 2b (details of femur IV armature); Kury 2003 : 145 (cat.), syn. n. Redescription. MALE: Measurements ( n =4) DSW: 3.4-3.8 (3.7); DSL: 4.2-4.6 (4.6); CL: 1.4-1.5 (1.4). FIVL: 4.9-5.9 (5.9). ChL: 1.3-2.7 (2.7). Coloration : (Fig. 23A ) Dorsal scutum and legs yellow-orange. Anterior and posterior margins of DS and free tergites darker. Dorsum : (Fig. 3B ) Alpha-type DSS, with shallower constriction II (almost faint). Anterior margin of DS with median elevation completely covered by granules. Ocularium covered with tiny granules and two long spines. Carapace densely covered by tiny granules. Areas I-IV densely covered with small granules; I with a pair of small spiniform tubercles; II and IV each one with a pair of tubercles twice the size of those on area I; III with pair of spines. Lateral margins of dorsal scutum covered with minute granules. Posterior margin of dorsal scutum with a small to slightly larger granules, armed with 2-3 spines; a single tubercle located to the right of the pair of spines, when present. Free tergites covered with granules of different sizes and armed with spines. Free tergite I with a pair of spines; II with 2-3 spines, two large and one three times lower; III with three spines. Anal operculum with three tubercles. Chelicerae : (Fig. 3B ) Swollen in large males (swollen in holotype); similar to females in small males. Segment I densely covered with granules. Segment II predominantly smooth, with setae at certain points of the frontal face, with two teeth on finger. Segment III with one tooth. Pedipalpus : With small granules distributed mainly on the dorsal surface of the femur, tibia and patella. Trochanter with a ventrodistal setiferous tubercle. Femur with a ventrobasal setiferous tubercle and a row of six ventral setiferous tubercles. Venter : Coxae I-IV with granules sparsely distributed. Genital area almost smooth. Free sternites I-III with rows of small tubercles. Genital operculum granulate. Legs : (Figs 3B , 7Q, R ) Coxae I-II each one with a prolateral and a retrolateral apophyses; III with a retrolateral apophysis; IV with granules distributed more densely on the prolateral face and an apical prodorsal apophysis. Trochanters I-IV with sparsely distributed granules. Femora I-III granular. Femur IV slightly sinuous, granular; with a retrolateral row of 15 tubercles along the apical ⅔ and a prolateral row of 12-13 tubercles along the apical 1/2 ; retro and prolateral tubercles size growing apically; the smallest tubercles are short and blunt, while the largest are long and with an approximately straight or lanceolate apex. Patella IV with granules distributed throughout its length and with three dorsoapical tubercles. Tibiae I-IV with sparse granules. Tarsal segmentation: ( n =8) 6-8 (7), 11-14 (11), 7-8 (7), 8-9 (8). Penis : (Fig. 16A-C ) VP rectangular; distal margin slightly concave; large lateral projections. MS C1 -C3 subapical long and apically curved; MS A1 sub basal long and straight; MS B1 sub basal long and straight (MS A1 and MS B1 shorter than MS C1-C3); MS D1 short, dorsally placed, next to MS A. Lateral sacs long and with blunt apex; with long T3-like microsetae. Stylus dorsally curved, with subapical ventral projection. Dorsal process long and tapered. Promontory convex. - FEMALE: Measurements ( n =4) DSW: 3.4-3.8; DSL: 4.2-4.6; CL: 1.4-1.5. FIVL: 4.9-5.5. ChL: 1.3-1.6. (Fig. 23B ) DSS with constriction II well marked. Granules of ocularium smaller than in male. Pedipalpal femur with a proapical spine, absent in males. Femora IV unarmed. Dorsodistal apophysis of coxa IV slightly lower than in male. Tarsal segmentation: ( n =4): 7-8, 10-13, 7-9, 8. Figure 15. Penis of Ayacucho , dorsal, lateral and ventral views, respectively. A - C A. pomacocha sp. nov. ; D - F A. querococha sp. nov. ; G - I A. silvae sp. nov. ; Legend bars = 0.1 mm. Diagnosis. Similar to Ayacucho inermis comb. nov. because of two rows of tubercles on the femur IV (pro and retrolateral; Fig. 7Q, R ). Differs from Ayacucho inermis comb. nov. because femur IV with some lanceolate tubercles (Fig. 7Q, R ); ventral plate of penis with conspicuous lateral projections; long MS C on VP; lateral sacs with long T3-like microsetae, dorsal process long in relation to stylus (Fig. 16A-C ). Distribution. (Fig. 28 ) PERU. Junin . Campanillaya . Hacienda Maraynioc. Palca Material examined. Type material : Of P. spiniger : Holotype , ' PERU , Junin , Campanillaya , near to Palca in Rio Tarma , 2,600 m a.s.l. , 06/I/1955 , Weyrauch leg. (SMF RII 11418 /24). Of P. serrifemur : Holotype , ' PERU , Junin , Hacienda Maraynioc , east Tarma , Chanchamayo bay , 3,500 m a.s.l. , 10/X/1956 , Weyrauch leg. (SMF RII 12764 /35) - Paratype 1 ♀ 'ditto' (SMF RII 12764 /35) . Additional material : 3 ♂ , 3 ♀ ' PERU , Junin , Palca , 11°21′28.9″S 75°33′23.9″W , 19/IV/2011 , R. Pinto-da-Rocha , A. Benedetti , J. Ochoa & D. Silva leg. (MUBI) ; 3 ♂ , 2 ♀ , 'ditto' (MUSM); 7 ♂ , 5 ♀ 'ditto' (MZSP 36980).