Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2 819 840 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316535 Chaetocauda sichuanensis Wang 1985 Chaetocauda sichuanensis Wang 1985 , Acta Theriol. Sinica, 5 (1): 67 . Type Locality: China , N Sichuan Sheng , Pinwu county, Wang-lang Natural Reserve . Vernacular Names: Sichuan Dormouse . Distribution: Known only from the type locality, a subalpine deciduous and coniferous forest in the Sichuan highlands; limits unknown. Conservation: IUCN – Endangered as Dryomys sichuanensis . Discussion: Reviewed by Rossolimo et al. (2001) ; see also Vorontsov (1986) and Wang (2003) .