Order Rodentia - Family Muridae Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2 1189 1531 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316535 Acomys (Peracomys) louisae Thomas 1896 Acomys (Peracomys) louisae Thomas 1896 , Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, 18: 269 . Type Locality: Somalia , 40 mi (64.4 km) south of Berbera. Vernacular Names: Louise's Spiny Mouse . Synonyms: Acomys (Peracomys) umbratus Thomas 1923 . Distribution: Somalia and Djibouti ; see Bates (1994); limits unknown. Conservation: IUCN – Lower Risk (lc). Discussion: Subgenus Peracomys . The type-species of subgenus Peracomys (F. Petter and Roche, 1981 ) ; distinction from other Acomys confirmed by Denys et al. (1994) . F. Petter (1983) included umbratus in the species. Pearch et al. (2001) listed A. louisae for the Djibouti fauna following Scaramella et al. (1974) .