Review Of The American Genera Aspar Halašková, 1977 And Blaszakzercon Kemal & Koçak, 2009 (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) With Description Of Three New Species Author Ujvári, Zs. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2012 2012-08-10 58 3 275 296 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5735834 2064-2474 5735834 Aspar opisthoisotrichus sp. n. ( Figs 1–2 , 5–12 ) Type material. Female holotype and one female paratype : USA , Oregon , Curry County , Alfred A. Loeb State Park , 8 mi. NE. Brookings , from tan-oak, willow and fern litter, 12.08.1985 , coll. E. E. LINDQUIST. ( Fig. 44 ). The type material is deposited in CNC (coll. number of holotype : CNCAZ0620 ; coll. number of paratype : CNCAZ0619 ) . Diagnosis. Setae j1 and r3 elongate, brush-like, plumose, r1–2 short, plumose, j6, z6 and s5 bipectinate, the remaining podonotal and opisthonotal setae thick, blunt, with serrate margins (see Figs 9–12 ). Glands Po2 situated anterolaterally to Z2. The ornamentation on the surface between submarginal and central setal series of opisthonotum weakly developed. Description. Female. Length of idiosoma: 317–339 µm (328 µm); width: 226 µm (n = 2). Dorsal side. ( Fig. 1 ). Podonotum with 20 pairs of setae, j1–6, z2–6, s1–6 and r4–5 inserted on podonotal shield, r1–3 inserted on peritrematal shields. Setae j1 and r3 elongate, brush-like, plumose, r1–2 short, plumose, j6, z6 ( Fig. 7 ) and s5 ( Fig. 8 ) bipectinate. The remaining podonotal setae uniform, thick, blunt, with serrate margins. Glands gds1 (po1) situated posteriorly to s1; gdj4 (po2) situated medially to z4; gds4 (po3) somewhat medially to line connecting s4 and s5, in equidistant position. Central surface of podonotum between setae j4–5 covered by granulate pattern, other parts with undulate-serrate lines. Central muscle scares behind setae j5 with strongly sclerotized posterior margins. Opisthonotum with 21 pairs of setae, J1–5, Z1–5, S1–5, R1–6. Each opisthonotal setae of similar appearance, thick, blunt, with serrate margins. Setae J1–4, Z3–4, J5 and Z5 constitute a central series, Z1, S2, Z2 and S3–5 constitute a submarginal series. Row of setae J1–4 parallel, behind these setae, row of Z3–4, J5 and Z5 posteriorly divergent. Length of opisthonotal setae and distances between their insertions as in Table 1. Glands gdZ1 (Po1) situated medially to insertions of Z1; gdS2 (Po2) anterolaterally to Z2; gdZ3 (Po3) on line connecting J4 and Z3, in equidistant position; gdS5 (Po4) posteriorly to S5. Marginal serration shallow and obtuse. Lateral surface of opisthonotum (around submarginal setal series) bearing a reticulation of granulate ornamentation, central surface between the central setal series with dense, granulate pattern. The ornamentation on the surface between submarginal and central setal series of opisthonotum weakly developed. Dorsal cavities not conspicuous. Ventral side ( Fig. 2 ). Shape of peritrematal shields, peritremes and peritrematal setae typical for the genus. Posterolateral tips of peritrematal shields reaching beyond insertions of R2. Peritrematal shields covered by longitudinal lines. Sternal shield weakly sclerotized, 49 µm long and 35 µm wide at the level of setae st2, with concave posterior margin; its ornamentation not conspicuous. Genital shield relatively narrow, oval. Adgenital glands gv2 with a 1–2 openings, situated on adgenital platelets. Ventrianal chaetotaxy complete, setae Zv1 present. Setae Jv1–3 and Zv1–3 smooth, pointed and needle-like. Zv4, Jv4–5 and adanal setae similar in appearance to opisthonotal setae. tral view (scales: 100 µm) Figs 1–4. Females of Aspar species : 1 = A. opisthoisotrichus sp. n. , dorsal view, 2 = A. opisthoisotrichus sp. n. , ventral view, 3 = A. tamalpaisensis sp. n. , dorsal view, 4 = A. tamalpaisensis sp. n. , ven- Postanal seta short, wide. Anal valves with vestigial euanal setae. Glands gv3 situated anterolaterally to adanal setae. Ventrianal shield covered by a web of serrate-undulate lines. Gnathosoma. Situation of hypostomal and subcapitular setae typical for the family. Setae h1–2 similar in appearance, elongate, needle-like. Setae h3 shorter than h1–2, needle-like, h4 somewhat longer than previous setae, serrate. Corniculi horn-like, internal malae with a pair of bifurcate (scale: 25 µm) Figs 5–20. Structures of Aspar species (5–12: A. opisthoisotrichus sp. n. , 13–20: A. tamalpaisensis sp. n. ): 5–6 = epistomes, 7 = seta z6, 8 = seta s5, 9 = seta J1, 10 = seta R1, 11 = seta Z5, 12 = seta Jv5, 13–14 = epistomes, 15 = seta z6, 16 = seta s5, 17 = seta J1, 18 = seta R1, 19 = seta Z5, 20 = seta Jv5 anterocentral branches and with serrate margins. Chelicerae relatively stout, fixed digit with 5–6 teeth, movable digit with 4–5 teeth. Epistome ( Figs 5–6 ) typical for the genus Aspar , of Parazercon - type (see UJVÁRI 2011 b ). Male and immature stages. Unknown. Etymology. The name of the new species refers to the uniform opisthonotal setae. Differential diagnosis. The three Aspar species can be distinguished according to Table 3.