Australian Opilonini (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) part I: A revised taxonomy for Australian Opilo Latreille including descriptions of new genera and species Author Bartlett, Justin S. Author Lambkin, Christine L. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-12-15 5220 1 1 81 journal article 38594 10.11646/zootaxa.5220.1.1 cf89b358-7eae-4dae-936d-c5e78f9af18f 1175-5326 7441294 A49322AD-8E50-412D-84E3-E7C2D07EDBEC Ancyropilus monteithi sp. nov. ZooBank registration: 827B290A-91D3-4C2F-8089-0C260E6AA1EE ( Figs 14 , 30 , 69 , 105 , 143 ; Map 1) HOLOTYPE ♁: Queensland : Qld : 16°58′ Sx 145°26′E Emerald Hill, Mareeba. 6-7 Nov 2004 . G.B. Monteith. open forest. 11680 ( QM , type reg. T258547) . PARATYPES (12): Queensland : same data as holotype (8, QM ); Dimbulah , 11.11.43 (1, QDPC ); 12.39S 142.42E , QLD, 4km NE Batavia Downs , 11 Dec 1992 17 Jan 1993 , Malaise Trap, P .Zborowski (1, ANIC ) ; Mutchilba, N.Q. , Dec. 1933 , A. D. Selby // F. E. Wilson Collection // COL-65676 (1, NMV ) ; same data as previous except COL-65678 (1, NMV ) . Diagnosis. Pronotum rounded laterally, disc dense with setae and fine punctation; elytra notably broader than pronotum, dark with orange fasciate and apical maculations (humeral maculae absent), the transverse fascia large and curved at the suture, punctation without nodules, 8 th stria beginning between 7 th and 12 th punctation of 7 th stria, at least striae 2–9 terminating at apical macula, interstriae densely setose ( Fig. 14 ); femora predominantly yellow, terminally brown, tarsi with three ventral tarsal pads. Description. Habitus : Fig. 143 . Total length : 11.1–13.2 mm ( holotype , 12.1 mm ). Head : Cranium black, clypeus, supra-antennal elevations and submentum black, gula, anteclypeus and labrum orange, antennae and palpi brown to orange-brown; eyes separated by about 0.72–0.8 eye widths ( holotype , 0.8); vertex and frons with dense network of punctation, most punctures circular though interstical surface irregularly-shaped, vertex finely rugulose at base, frons with a short impunctate strip near vertex, slightly raised at narrowest point, transversely rugulose below narrowest point; clypeus with circular punctation, smooth before anteclypeus; genae and submentum wrinkled; exterior margins of terminal palpomeres about 1–1.5 times (maxillae) and 1.9–2.2 times (labium) the length of inside edges; antennae reaching base of pronotum or almost; eyes and most of cranium vested with long erect orange setae, frons and vertex densely distributed with shorter setae. Prothorax : Black; pronotum 1.17–1.3 times longer than wide ( holotype , 1.2), sides rounded, middle about as wide as anterior part; subapical depression deeply v-shaped, central impression slight, lateral sulci indistinct, surface rough in appearance, densely covered in network of tightly-packed punctations; well-distributed with very fine short setae (sometimes in tuft-like clusters on disc near subapical depression) and fewer long erect setae. Pterothorax : Sternites dark brown, dense with fine posteriorly-directed setae; elytra blackish with orange markings (each elytron with a large apical macula and a broad fascia which curves at the suture), length to width ratio 2.44–2.54:1 ( holotype , 2.45:1), notably wider than pronotum; 8 th stria beginning between 7 th and 12 th punctation of 7 th stria, at least striae 2–9 reaching apical macula with most punctation well-marked (striae 1 and 10 sometimes ending before apical macula); punctation circular, without nodules; epipleurae extending half way into apical maculae; interstriae dense with short, fine, setae (>3 per puncture, often several setae across interstrial width), plus longer thicker erect setae (<1 per puncture); hindwing with CuA 3+4 and CuA 1 cross-veins complete, MP 3+4 basad of CuA 1 crossvein small (but not completely absent). Legs : Femora predominantly yellow, black just before tibia, tibia entirely black, tarsi dark brown, ventral tarsal pads orange; femora slender (profemora slightly thicker but not particularly swollen). Abdomen : Ventrites orange. Male genitalia : Tegmen ( Fig. 30 ) slightly narrowing toward parameroid lobes, dorsal sinus about one-quarter tegmen length, open apically, internally tapering inward with a semi-circular excavation on each side at half its length, terminally curved, ventral sinus of similar length, tegminal arms tapering gently to meet apodeme, apodeme about one-quarter tegmen length; median lobe as in Fig. 69 ; pygidium as in Fig. 105 . Etymology. We name this species after Dr Geoff Monteith, former Senior Curator of Queensland Museum Entomology, in acknowledgement of his lifelong commitment to entomology and species discovery in Queensland . Biology. Adults have been collected during November and December. Mareeba specimens were collected in open forest. The Balavia Downs specimen was collected in a Malaise trap. Distribution (Map 1). Ancyropilus monteithi sp. nov. is known from the Atherton Tableland and near Batavia Downs, Cape York Peninsula.