On some extinct reptiles and batrachia from the Judith River and Fox Hills beds of Montana Author Cope, E. D. text Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1876 1876-12-31 28 340 359 journal article 26021 10.5281/zenodo.3368363 6de1cdbb-5c8e-4f58-b9e0-1790503ef0a5 3368363 Laelaps laevifrons , sp. nov. A tooth half the size of those referred to the L . hazenianus , and exceeding by a little the largest of those of L . explanatus , presants such characters as induce me to believe that it belongs to a species distinct from either . It is of the elongate aeurninnte form of some of those referred to the L . incrassatus , and both sides are convex, but not equally so. A shallowly concave plane occupies the middle of the more convex side. The posterior cutting edge is denticulate to the base, but the anterior, though of the same form as in the other species, and unworn, is absolutely smooth. In this respect it differs from the other species, excepting L falculus . The denticulations are finer than those of any other species, measuring M ..00020; in L . explanatus they measure M ..00022.