On some extinct reptiles and batrachia from the Judith River and Fox Hills beds of Montana Author Cope, E. D. text Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1876 1876-12-31 28 340 359 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3368363 6de1cdbb-5c8e-4f58-b9e0-1790503ef0a5 3368363 Scapherpeton tectum , sp. nov. Represented by a vertebra which is one of the best preserved in the collection. The most prominent specific character is seen in the entire roofing over of the neural canal between the anterior zygapophyses, and in the downward production of the inferior median line of the centrum, and accompanying downward prolongation of the articular cups. The chordal perforation is at the superior fourth of the vertical diameter of the cups. The neural spine is produced backwards and curved tipwards, and is narrowed between the posterior zygapophyses, and is striate grooved on the under surface . About half of the posterior zygapophysis projects beyond the edge of the cup of the centrum. Immediately below the anterior edge of the posterior zygapophysis, the diapophysis begins. It is vertical, of an irregular figure S in section, and is directed outwards and backwards. A foramen passes under its middle, emerging a little before the middle of the same horizontal diameter of the centrum . It is joined by another which strikes it from below at right angles. There is a deep notch embraced between the superior part of the diapophysis and the posterior zygapophysis. The neural canal is wider than deep. A fragment accompanied this vertebra when found, which resembles the articular portion of the mandible. There is no angle projecting behind the quadrate facet, which is oblique, truncating the extremity of the ramus. The lower edge is acute, behind roughened, and a thickening extends along the middle of the inner side of the ramns so far as preserved. The character is that of a Urodele Batrachian.