Palaearctic Xantholinini of the Museum of Zoology in Lund, Sweden, with description of two new species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). 182 ° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae Author Bordoni, Arnaldo text Zootaxa 2007 1624 59 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179260 3841a2d8-b3e9-4058-8652-de28c2673c9d 1175-5326 179260 Key to Mediterranean species of Xantholinus , subgenus Calolinus Coiffait, 1956 Note. Identification of species of this subgenus is difficult because the species are very similar in the body colouration, size and puncturation. A study of the internal sac of the aedeagus is essential. 1. Body on average brown with elytra paler; eyes larger, about1/4 the length of temples; elytra longer than pronotum; body length 8–10 mm ................................................................................................................ 2 - Body brown, pale brown or yellowish; eyes smaller, about 1/6 the length of temples; elytra shorter than pronotum; body length 6.5–8.5 mm ............................................................................................................ 8 2. Head almost ovoid ....................................................................................................................................... 3 - Head more or less subrectangular................................................................................................................ 4 3. Body large, pronotum wide; elytra with fine and sparse puncturation. Internal sac of the aedeagus with distal group of short spinules and two asymmetrical series of median spines. ( Fig. 1 in Bordoni 1979). Turkey ...................................................................................................................... X. puthzi Bordoni, 1979 - Body slender; elytra with denser puncturation. Internal sac of the aedeagus without distal group of spines (Fig. 54 in Assing 2007 ). Turkey ...................................................................... X. penicillatus Assing, 2007 4. Head more or less dilated posteriad............................................................................................................. 5 - Head nearly not dilated posteriad; blackish brown, elytra dark red, with large puncturation. Internal sac of the aedeagus with symmetrical patches of long spinules and with some distal large spines ( Fig. 1 in Bordoni 1975 , as X. pantokratoris Bordoni ). Greece .................................................. X . nicolasi Coiffait, 1972 5. Body red brown, elytra slightly paler or yellowish ..................................................................................... 6 - Head and abdomen blackish brown to black, pronotum of similar colour or paler with anterior angles reddish, elytra bright reddish, posterior margins of visible segment V–VI reddish ......................................... 7 6. Elytra yellowish, with fine puncturation. Internal sac of the aedeagus with symmetrical patches of long spinules, but without spines ( Fig. 3 C, D in Bordoni 1976 , as X. phenicius Coiffait ). Mediterranean ......... ......................................................................................................................... X. rufipennis Erichson, 1839 - Elytra hardly paler than the rest of the body. Internal sac of the aedeagus with a distal series of little spines and two median series of spines (Fig. 85 C in Coiffait 1982). Cyprus , Lebanon , Israel ............................... ........................................................................................................................... X . sidonensis Coiffait, 1956 7. Pronotum similar in colour to head and abdomen. Internal sac of the aedeagus with two contiguous series of numerous spines, distally with a short series of 6–8 stout spines and with a cluster of 6 very long and slender spine-like structures (Fig. 36 in Assing 2007 ). Turkey .................................... X. ibex Assing, 2007 - Pronotum paler than head and abdomen, with anterior angles reddish. Internal sac of the aedeagus with two long series of spines, the left series with very long and slender spines, distally without cluster or series of spines (Fig. 45 in Assing 2007 ). Turkey ........................................................ X. marasicus Assing, 2007 8. Larger species; body size 8.5 mm; body completely light yellow; eyes very small and flattened; frontal and ocular furrows short and superficial; anterior margin of pronotum not oblique, sides almost subrectilinear; elytra shorter than pronotum. Internal sac of the aedeagus with two series of large spines ( Figs. 6– 7 in this paper). Cyprus .................................................................................................... X . cypriacus n. sp. - Smaller species; body size 6.5–7.2 mm. Body pale brown; pronotum distinctly narrower that head. Internal sac of the aedeagus covered by scales, with a long group of numerous little medio-distal spines (Fig. 85 E in Coiffait 1982). North Africa ..................................................... X. maghrebinus Quedenfeldt, 1882