Revision of the Australian Spider Genus Habronestes (Araneae: Zodariidae). Species of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory Author Baehr, Barbara text Records of the Australian Museum 2003 2003-12-10 55 3 343 376 journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.55.2003.1389 2201-4349 10092723 Habronestes hamatus n.sp. Figs. 19, 20 , 138 Type material . HOLOTYPE 3: NSW, Pulletop , 33°58'46"S 146°30'28"E , 24.ii.1999 , D. Driscoll , QM S51505 . Diagnosis . Carapace sepia brown. Abdomen with 4 pairs of white patches on top and 2 patches in front of spinnerets. Male palp with VTA hidden by extremely large LTA; tibia with a thick spine retrolaterally at base of large, dorsolateral tibial apophysis. Description . Male ( holotype ). Total length 5.52; carapace 2.80 long, 2.00 wide; 1.28 high; cl/cw 1.40; sternum 1.40 long, 1.16 wide; sl/sw 1.21. Abdomen 2.72 long, 1.76 wide. Colour . Carapace sepia brown, iridescent; sternum reddish brown; chelicerae medium brown; maxillae, labium pale brown, bases darker brown. Abdomen sepia brown with 4 pairs of white patches on top and 2 patches in front of spinnerets; laterally sepia brown with 1 long horizontal white stripe reaching front; ventrally pink brown; legs medium brown with indistinct colour pattern; legs I–IV with pale brown coxa and sepia brown femur. Carapace . Raised at front. Sternum . Heart-shaped anteriorly straight; with lateral margin produced between coxae and intercoxae; glossy. Eyes . In 3 rows 2 4 2. PLE largest. Eye group width 0.7 of head width; AME 0.12; ALE 0.12; PME 0.18; PLE 0.30; AME–AME 0.06; AME–ALE 0.10; ALE–PLE 0.08; PME–PME 0.14; PME–PLE 0.14. MOQ: AME–PME 0.50; AME–AME 0.30; PME–PME 0.50. Clypeus & chilum . Clypeus 0.72 high; chilum undivided, long. Male palp ( Figs. 19, 20 ). RCF 2 3 of the cymbium length. LTA with tshaped horizontal plate and 2 large hooks retrolaterally; DTA with thin stalk; VTA with blunt tip. Tibiae short; DTiA 1.5 as long as tibia, with thick basal spine. Figs. 14–16. Habronestes body, dorsal view: (14) Habronestes pseudoaustraliensis n.sp. ; (15) Habronestes rawlinsonae n.sp. ; (16) Habronestes hebronae n.sp. Scales 1 mm. Female . Unknown. Distribution . Known only from type locality in western New South Wales ( Fig. 138 ). Etymology . Species name is an adjective (Latin: hamatus = with hooks) taken because of the large hooks on the retrolateral part of the LTA of the male palp.