New species of Oropezella Collin (Diptera, Hybotidae, Ocydromiinae) from Brazil and Costa Rica, with comments on the relationships among species-groups Author Ale-Rocha, Rosaly Author Freitas-Silva, Rafael Augusto Pinheiro De text Zootaxa 2014 3852 5 501 539 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3852.5.1 089d3fcb-fa57-4f3e-8ba0-d8c86d970c81 1175-5326 229686 B3987891-E380-4525-9CB6-4177BD38716F Oropezella clavata sp. nov. ( Figs 29–33 , 113) Diagnosis . Scutum dark brown with postpronotal lobe, notopleuron, postallar callus and scutellum dark yellow; hind tibia clavate apically with a dark brown ring; abdomen pale brown on tergites 1–4, dark brown on the remaining segments. Etymology . From the Latin “ clava ” (club), in reference to the apical shape of the hind tibia. Description . Holotype male. Body : 3.4 mm . Wing: 3.1 mm . Head : antenna brown, located above middle of head; scape 1.3 times longer than pedicel; postpedicel conical, flattened, as long as scape and pedicel combined, 3 times longer than wide; stylus bare, apical. Ocellar triangle protuberant, two pairs of proclinate ocellar setae, anterior pair elongate, posterior pair half length of anterior pair. Narrowly dichoptic; frons moderately long, longer than half length of face. Proboscis and palpus brown, palpus bearing 2 long median bristles. Postcranium brown with golden pruinescence; postoculars elongate, scattered, upper setae longest. Thorax : entirely covered with dense golden pruinescence; pronotum and scutum dark brown, postpronotal lobe, notopleuron, postallar callus and scutellum dark yellow, mesopleuron brown with margins of sclerites paler, laterotergite pale brown. Bristles thin, elongate and scattered; acr and dc uniserial. Differentiated bristles: 1 strong npl; posterior dc longer than anterior dc; 1 long pal; 1 long and strong apical sctl and 1 lateral bristle half length of apical. Wing (Fig. 113): sub-hyaline; R1 meeting C beyond middle of wing; cell dm emitting 2 veins; cel cu p present. Legs : yellow, coxae and trochanters with yellow pruinescence, apical ring on hind tibia and whole hind tarsus brown, tarsomeres 1 and 2 of fore and midlegs yellow and tarsomeres 3–5 pale brown. Hind femur and tibia slightly clavate near apex. Differentiated bristles: fore tibia with 3PV near middle; fore tarsomeres 1 and 2 with AV and PV strong setae; mid femur with 1A and 2PV sub-apical; mid tibia with 1A near base, 1A near middle and 1A strong apical, 1D near base and 1V at distal third; hind femur bearing 1AV and 1A sub-apical; hind tibia with 1D apical, 1AD near base, 1AD very strong near middle and 1AD apical, 1A apical, 1AV and 1PV near middle. Abdomen : segments 1–4 with sclerites pale brown, other segments shiny dark brown; gold pruinescence on tergite and sternite 8, other sternites with median stripe of white pruinescence. Bristles brownish, thin, short and scattered, tergites 7 and 8 circlet with strong black bristles. Terminalia : hypandrium short, about 1.5 times longer than wide, with slightly concave apex ( Fig. 29 ); epandrium short, not deeply cleft dorsally, epandrial lamellae fused basally by broad area ( Fig. 30 ); left epandrial lamella shorter than right, with long, slender dorsoapical process, apex knob-like on dorsal view ( Figs 30, 32 ); right surstylus shorter than left, sub-triangular ( Fig. 33 ); left surstylus simple, short, strongly curved inwards ( Fig. 32 ); articulated distal portion of phallus simple, elongate, about half length of basal portion, with basal process very short, inconspicuous ( Fig. 31 ). Female . Unknown. FIGURES 29–33 . Oropezella clavata . Hypopygium: 29 , ventral aspect; 30 , dorsal aspect; 31 , phallus, lateral aspect (hypandrium spotted); 32 , 33 , left and right epandrial lamella, surstylus and cercus, respectively, lateral aspect. Scale bar = 0.1 mm. Type material . HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: [ BRAZIL ] PR [Paraná], S[ão] J[osé dos] Pinhais / Serra do Mar / i.1985 , Malaise / J. A. Rafael ( INPA ) (in good condition, left postpedicel and stylus, left notopleural bristle lost, not dissected). Paratypes : BRAZIL , Paraná : 1♂ , same data as holotype ( INPA ). Santa Catarina : 1♂ , Seara, Nova Teutonia, viii.1967 , F. Plaumann ( INPA ); 3♂ , idem, 27º11'B [S] 52º23'L [W]. ix.1971 , 300– 500 m ( MZSP ); 1♂ , idem, xi.1972 ( MZSP ). Distribution . Brazil (Paraná, Santa Catarina).