On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae) Author Huber, Bernhard A. 33607F65-19BF-4DC9-94FD-4BB88CED455F Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany. b.huber@leibniz-zfmk.de Author Villarreal, Osvaldo 679C385E-B068-4351-9D2F-97753E534C26 Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. osvaldovillarreal@gmail.com text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-10-01 718 1 317 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2020.718.1101 4069574 F9E9A91E-488C-4DB1-9361-E788E9AC5BC1 Chibchea thunbergae Huber sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 91ADBB74-C36E-45E0-8584-C2AA3C4DFBBD Figs 106–107 , 112–120 , 128–130 , 1035 Diagnosis Distinguished from similar congeners ( C. tunebo Huber, 2000 ; C. merida Huber, 2000 ; C. danielae Huber sp. nov. ) by male chelicerae ( Figs 118–119 ; without proximal apophyses, without short spine-like hairs distally), and by long median receptacle in internal female genitalia ( Figs 120 , 129 ). Etymology This species is dedicated to Greta Thunberg for her courageous fight against human-induced climate change, defying the resistance of many, including some of the most powerful yet ignorant political leaders of the world. Type material VENEZUELA Lara holotype , ZFMK (Ar 21841), between Coro and Barquisimeto, El Rodeo ( 10.7240° N , 69.3008° W ), 400 m a.s.l. , 19 Nov. 2018 ( B.A. Huber , O. Villarreal M. ) . Other material examined VENEZUELA Lara 2 ♂♂ , 5 ♀♀ , ZFMK (Ar 21842), and 3 ♀♀ , 3 juvs in pure ethanol, ZFMK (Ven18-200), same collection data as for holotype . Assigned tentatively VENEZUELA Falcón 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , ZFMK (Ar 21843), and 1 ♀ in pure ethanol, ZFMK (Ven20-150), forest near Santa Cruz de La Alegría ( 10.8795° N , 68.4949° W ), 100 m a.s.l. , 15 Feb. 2020 ( B.A. Huber , O. Villarreal M. , Q. Arias C. ) . Figs 106–111. Chibchea Huber, 2000 , live specimens. 106–107 . C. thunbergae Huber sp. nov. ; male and female from Lara, between Coro and Barquisimeto. 108–109 . C. danielae Huber sp. nov. ; male and female from Mérida, Mesa Bolívar. 110–111 . C. tunebo Huber, 2000 ; male and female from Táchira, La Trampa. Description Male ( holotype ) MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 2.0, carapace width 0.8. Distance PME–PME 95 µm ; diameter PME 65 µm ; distance PME–ALE 100 µm ; distance AME–AME 15 µm ; diameter AME 15 µm . Leg 1: 14.2 (3.4 +0.3 +3.5+6.0 +1.0), tibia 2: 2.4, tibia 3: 2.0, tibia 4: 2.6; tibia 1 L/d: 50. COLOR (in ethanol). Carapace ochre to light brown, medially and laterally slightly darker; clypeus with pair of wide brown marks; sternum dark ochre; legs ochre to light brown, without dark rings; abdomen pale greenish gray, dorsally and laterally with dark bluish marks, ventrally with light brown mark in front of gonopore and long dark blue band behind gonopore. BODY. Habitus as in Fig. 106 . Ocular area moderately raised. Carapace with distinct thoracic groove. Clypeus unmodified. Sternum wider than long (0.56/0.40), unmodified. Abdomen elongated, tapering towards spinnerets. CHELICERAE. As in Figs 118–119 , pair of proximal bulges set with slightly stronger and longer hairs, distally strongly invaginated, with pair of distinctive brushes of hairs directed towards median; fangs unmodified. PALPS. In general as in C. merida Huber, 2000 (cf. Huber 2000 : figs 643–644); coxa with distinct retrolateral apophysis, trochanter barely modified, femur proximally with retrolateral-ventral process, distally only weakly widening; tibia very short; procursus very simple ( Figs 112–114 ); genital bulb ( Figs 115–117 ) with hair-like processes on distal apophysis (very similar C. merida ). LEGS. Without spines and curved hairs; few vertical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 11%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1; tarsus 1 with ~20 pseudosegments, indistinct. Male (variation) Tibia 1 in two other males from type locality: 3.3 (both). The male from Santa Cruz de La Alegría has slightly longer legs (tibia 1: 3.8) and a slenderer bulbal apophysis; material from this locality is thus assigned tentatively. Female In general similar to male ( Fig. 107 ). Tibia 1 in five females from type locality: 2.9–3.3 (mean 3.1). Epigynum ( Fig. 128 ) light brown bulging plate, wider anteriorly than posteriorly; without posterior plate. Internal genitalia ( Figs 120 , 129–130 ) with pair of oval pore plates and long median receptacle originating anteriorly and directed towards posterior. Females from Santa Cruz de La Alegría share the long median receptacle but have smaller pore plates; tibia 1: 2.6, 3.0. Distribution Known from two localities in the Venezuelan states Lara and Falcón (Fig. 1035); however, specimens from Falcón are assigned tentatively. Natural history At the type locality, the spiders were found in a disturbed forest very close to the ground, in strongly curved dome-shaped webs. Three of the eight females had a large whitish genital plug (cf. C. merida Huber, 2000 ; Huber 2000 : figs 645, 647).