A taxonomic monograph of the Middle American leaf-litter inhabiting weevil genus Theognete Champion (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; Molytinae; Lymantini) 2458 Author Anderson, Robert S. text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-14 2458 1 1 127 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2458.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2458.1.1 1175­5334 5316658 7E42061C-9D11-49C5-8737-CEED0864E699 15. Theognete stefurinoi Anderson , new species ( Figures 63 , 72 ) Diagnosis . Size. Length, female, 5.65–5.99mm . Width, female, 3.37–3.60mm . Along with the unrelated T. birdi , this is the largest species of Theognete . Pronotum strongly cordate, with cluster of suberect scales laterodorsally in anterior half on each side and with pair of paramedian clumps situated on low tubercles. Elytra laterally with low tubercles and clusters of semi-erect scales behind humeral region and (less so) along sutural interval at declivity. Procoxae widely separated by distance equal to width of coxa. Ventrite 5 with pair of subbasal punctures and row of subcontiguous punctures around apical margin. Male unknown. Geographical distribution . México ( Oaxaca ). Natural history . Collected from berlese extraction of mixed oak forest leaf litter at an elevation of 2200m . Derivation of specific name . Through her support of the Nature Discovery Fund at the Canadian Museum of Nature, this species is named after Steven Furino of Waterloo, Ontario , Canada , as a gift from Sabine Behnk. Material examined . 2♀♀ ( CMNC , MZLU ). Holotype ( MZLU ): MÉXICO : Oaxaca . 25 km . E Teotitlán del Camino, 2200m , 25.IX.1990 , leg. R. Baranowski / sifting litter, mixed oak forest / HOLOTYPE Theognete stefurinoi sp. nov. R.S. Anderson. Genitalia extracted. Paratype . MÉXICO : Oaxaca : 25 km . E Teotitlán del Camino, 2200m , 24.IX.1990 , leg. R. Baranowski / sifting litter, mixed oak forest ( 1♀ CMNC ) . Chorological relationships . Sympatric with T. elongata , T. cristata , T. tomneyeae and T. baranowskii . Theognete semistriata species group Recognition. The five species in the T . semistriata species group are recognized best by the combination of an elongate-cylindical pronotum, the sutural and, in some specimens, adjacent elytral striae impressed, the sculpture of the prosternum and the form of the aedeagus. The prosternum is not to slightly swollen immediately in front of the coxae, no raised shelf is present, and it is not impressed or otherwise modified between the coxae ( Fig. 5 ). As in species of the T . denticulata group, the aedeagus is short and relatively robust in lateral view ( Figs. 79–83 ). Diagnosis. Length 2.8–4.7 mm . Cuticle black (4 species) or infused with orange (1 species). Legs moderate in length; femora with small fine punctures. Pronotal disk elongate; finely punctate, not sculptured; with vestiture of sparse, fine, appressed, not distinctly plumose scales, more or less evenly distributed over disk. Pronotum with flanks unsculptured. Elytra elongate, widest at or near midlength, smooth with only sutural or adjacent striae slightly to deeply impressed; with vestiture of sparsely scattered, fine, appressed, not distinctly plumose scales; strial punctures impressed in lateral region of elytra. Posterolateral area of elytra with series of 3–6 separate, variously impressed punctures (2 species) or with punctures variously impressed but continuous with strial punctures in lateral region of elytra (3 species). Procoxae narrowly (2 species) or moderately (3 species) separated. Mesocoxae separated by less than 1.5x width of coxa. Prosternum not to slightly swollen immediately in front of coxae; without raised shelf, not impressed or otherwise modified between coxae. Mesosternum with median, more or less round, shallow impression (4 species) or with transverse, pit-like, usually pilose impression bounded posteriorly by metasternum (1 species). Metasternum with moderately deep median impression, with small pits or setose punctures laterally behind mesocoxa distinct and separate from median impression (4 species) or continuous with median impression (1 species). Abdominal ventrite 5 more or less punctate throughout. Aedeagus short, apex broadly rounded or truncate, not produced; dorsally not sclerotized across base. Comments . Four of the five species are found in wet forests at higher elevations from 2000 to 2925m . Theognete humilis is found at lower elevations from 1100–1800m . Distribution. Click here for GoogleEarth® maps of T. semistriata species group distributions. Key to species of the T. semistriata species group 1 Pronotum with apical constriction laterally represented as a pilose crease; pronotum virtually impunctate ( Fig. 77 ); aedeagus as in Fig. 82 ................................................................................................................................... T. humilis 1’ Pronotum with apical constriction laterally represented as a series of linearly arranged (often confluent) punctures; pronotum distinctly punctate ....................................................................................................................................... 2 2 Elytra with sutural stria deeply linearly impressed, stria 2 evidenced as a series of large, separate, deep punctures ( Fig. 75 ); aedeagus as in Fig. 80 ............................................................................................................. T. semistriata 2’ Elytra with sutural stria shallowly impressed, stria 2 not or very feebly impressed.................................................... 3 3 Pronotum and elytra (striae and intervals) with dense, slender, appressed scales ( Fig. 78 ); aedeagus as in Fig. 83 ..... ................................................................................................................................................................... T. semiopaca 3’ Pronotum and elytra (intervals only) with sparse, broad appressed scales ( Figs. 74, 76 ) .......................................... 4 4 Elytra with sutural stria shallowly impressed, punctate; pronotum robust, lateral margins slightly divergent to subapical constriction ( Fig. 74 ); aedeagus as in Fig. 79 ........................................................................................ T. akros 4’ Elytra with sutural stria very shallowly impressed, not punctate; pronotum elongate, lateral margins subparallel to subapical constriction ( Fig. 76 ); aedeagus as in Fig. 81 ............................................................................. T. elongata