The genus Cecyrina Walker, 1867, with the description of two new species (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) Author Zhao, Qing Author Bu, Wen-Jun Author Liu, Guo-Qing text Zootaxa 2016 4114 3 309 319 journal article 39010 10.11646/zootaxa.4114.3.6 c2bd1e9d-f41d-4564-ba11-3593552abf93 1175-5326 267104 822D21B8-8A1E-40C4-B55F-FC0BB47DF4FD Cecyrina rubra sp. nov. ( Figs. 7, 8 ; 20–24) Type specimens. Holotype : male , CHINA : Pingbian County ( 22°59′ N , 103°41′ E ), Yunnan Province , alt. 1500m , 23. V. 1996 , Mugang Ba leg . Deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. Diagnosis. This species can be easily separated from the other two species by the reddish body color and the weakly raised longitudinal ridges in the dorsal surface of pronotum and sculletum ( Fig. 7 ). The legs are reddish, except the coaxe, connexival segments, the apical half of each tibia, and the third tarsal segment blackish. Abdomenal venter reddish-brown except segment II blackish, mottled with blackish spots ( Fig. 8 ). Compared to C. platyrhinoides , the head of C. rubra is less declined. The rim of pygophoral plates have robust teeth, less coarser than in C. platyrhinoides , and the apices surpassing the apices of the posterolateral angles. The apex of dorsolateral angle less transparent than in C. platyrhinoides ( Figs. 20, 21 ). The shape of parameres are also very different, the apical part of C. rubra with two protrusion ( Fig. 24 ), while the C. platyrhinoides only with one protrusion and much thinner ( Fig. 18 ). Description . Male. Body medium sized, elongate-ovate, reddish, with black-brown punctures, dorsal surface with distinctly raised longitudinal ridges ( Figs. 7, 8 ). Head. Longer than width, dorsal surface reddish; eyes large, remote from anterior margin of pronotum; mandibular plates reddish, with shallow, black-brown punctures, about one fourth longer than clypeus, convergent apically; apical half of clypeus depressed, basal half tumescent, sparsely punctured, rugulose; lateral anteocular margins subparallel. Antennae reddish-brown except apical half of last two segments blackish; segment I very short, globose, reaching about one third of postocular portion of head; segments II and III subequal in length, segments IV and V equal and depressed. Rostrum reddish-brown, reaching between the mesocoxae, apex of segment I attending half of head; bucculae light yellowish. Thorax. Pronotum width about two times length, brown punctured, dorsal surface extremely rugulose, with five longitudinal reddish ridges except central ridge brownish; anterior margin slightly concave; anterior angles angulated, short, oriented laterally; anterolateral margins sinuated; humeral angle rounded, weakly produced, slightly surpassing base of wing; posterior angles sharply angulated, hooked; calli yellowish. Scutellum triangular, dorsal surface as rugulose as pronotum, with three longitudinal ridges, each basal angle with a small pit (fovea) beside which exists a small smooth reddish spot. Corium distinctly light brown except apical angle reddish, shallowly punctured, surface less rugulose than pronotum; membrane infuscate, surpassing apex of abdomen, out margin transparent. Meso- and metasterna black. Thoracic pleura red-brown, with black punctures; metathoracic scent gland ostiole associated with an elongate, slightly curved peritreme, inner half black, other part reddish; evaporatorive area distinct, brown, surrounding scent gland peritreme, each occupying one third of metapleura. Legs reddish, except coaxe, apices of femora, first and third segments of tarsi blackish; profemora each with distinct spine, and shallow brown punctures; protibiae reddish except apical half of each blackish, dilation narrow, blade-shape, whose width about one sixth of length of protibia; protibial surface opposite that of dilation with distinct acute spine; tarsi 3-segmented, segment I longest; segment II shortest, about one third length of segment I; segment III with long, blackish hairs; tarsal claws red-black. FIGURES 20–24. Cecyrina rubra sp. n. 20–21. Pygophore (20. Dorsal view; 21. Ventral view) 22–23. Aedeagus (22. Lateral view; 23. Apical view) 24. Paramere (Ventral view) Abdomen. Oval, reddish, with little irregular yellowish spots and deep punctures; base of sternite III with distinct, anteriorly-directed tubercle, apex yellowish, not reaching metacoxae. Posterolateral connexival angles of segments III–VII slightly produced, angulated. Abdominal venter without sternal glandular patches. Male genitalia . Pygophore black-brown, cup-like, width greater than length, posterolateral angles short, angulated, situated a little higher than notch in ventroposterior rim; dorsoposterior rim sinuated, with large parandria, surface dentate, apex surpassing posterolateral angles; ventroposterior rim concave, medially convex, sclerotized ( Figs. 20, 21 ). Aedeagus simple, with one pair of lateral conjunctival lobes which are long, narrow, their apices not bifurcate; ventral and apical conjunctival lobes absent; median penial plates strongly sclerotized, united at base; vesica slightly extending from the venter of median penial plates ( Figs. 22, 23 ). Paramere oblong, one side with two small protrusion, outer margin smooth, apex obtuse ( Fig. 24 ). Female. Unknown. Distribution . China (Yunnan). Etymology . The specific name refers to the reddish body color.