Revision of the bee group Anthophora (Micranthophora) (Hymenoptera: Apidae), with notes on potential conservation concerns and a molecular phylogeny of the genus Author Orr, Michael C. Author Pitts, James P. Author Griswold, Terry text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-05 4511 1 1 193 journal article 22569 10.11646/zootaxa.4511.1.1 555c12a5-9aed-4738-8ac9-22e469bf7687 1175-5326 3770979 754B8A42-E269-42B5-92EB-043F3BEAA055 Anthophora ( Micranthophora ) phenax ( Cockerell, 1898 ) ( Figs. 42B , 47B , 52B , 57B , 62B , 67B , 72B , 77B ) Podalirius phenax ( Cockerell, 1898 ) : 146 ( holotype : ; College Farm , Mesilla Park , NM , USA ; 13 Apr. 1898 , at Prunus ( Prunus ) ; USNM , type 4336, USNM ENT 00534158 ) . Anthophora phenax ( Cockerell, 1906 ) : 66. Diagnosis. This species is unusually distinctive. All appressed metasomal setae in both sexes are longer and more strongly branched than is seen in any other A . ( Micranthophora ), and this is further emphasized by their sparseness (note that A . columbariae and similar species approach this setal form). Males may be otherwise determined by the following character combination: labral rim rounded; mandible with inferior tooth absent ( Fig. 52B ); face maculated, creamy white, almost entirely to antennal fossae ( Fig. 52B ); and clypeus nearly fully impunctate. Females may be otherwise determined by the following character combination: labrum entirely black or nearly so; mandible with inferior tooth reduced to slight nub ( Fig. 42B ); clypeal punctures unusually large; and pygidial plate unusually narrow, sides forming an angle of less than 30 degrees. Male description. Head: Head shape atypical for group, superficially more similar to that of A . ( Mystacanthophora ) males ( Fig. 52B ). Facial maculations white to slightly off-white. Galea reaching back past rear of foretrochanter in repose; dark to medium brown; moderately to weakly tessellate and often smoother near base, with weak to moderate reflections. Mandible with inferior tooth absent; maculated from base to around middle of mandible ( Fig. 52B ). Labral rim rounded; fully maculated. Clypeus fully maculated ( Fig. 52B ); almost entirely impunctate throughout. Paraocular area maculated; from base to at least supraclypeus, often laterally as well. Supraclypeal area maculated; transverse bar linking paraocular maculations. Scape maculated; almost fully along length below, somewhat amorphously. Mesosoma: Scutum shiny; with large impunctate areas. Tegula translucent to opaque, dark to medium brown. Basitibial plate functionally absent; extremely weak and no more than a bump, sometimes absent, always obscured by setae unless worn off. Metasoma: T1 covered in sparse appressed setae; T2–T3 almost always with apical appressed setal bands; T4 usually with weaker apical appressed setal band, broadly interrupted medially; T5–T6 often without appressed setae. Terga weakly tessellate to smooth between punctures, with strong reflections; apparent through appressed setae. Tergal rims translucent, medium to dark brown. Male T7 ( Fig. 62B ) with weak medial longitudinal carina; lateral projections absent; medial projections widely separated, moderately long, narrow, sharp. Male S5 ( Figs. 38A, 38C ) setal arrangement unremarkable, without large, distinctive patches, at most longer along rim. Male S6 resembling Fig 38A , clearly medially emarginate to a rounded or pointed middle, but shallower overall. Male S7 ( Fig. 67B ) with setae fully banding S7 around midpoint of length; widening from midpoint to tip, apical half widest clearly before rounded lateral tips; apical half greatly expanded into broad hexagon, rim rounded outward, with slight medial bump. Male S8 ( Fig. 72B ) lateral projections nearly absent; medial projection nearly parallel-sided, nearly entire apically. Male genital capsule ( Fig. 77B ) with outer corners, where gonocoxite tips curve inward, marked by obvious flange of about 90 degrees or greater, best seen in profile; from corner to apex, in profile, gonocoxite with obvious secondary flange or angle; tip, in profile, rounded and weakly curved ventrally; gonostylus tip position slightly exceeding to roughly equaling that of gonocoxite, measured from above along primary axis of latter. Pubescence: See Fig. 57B . Appears dark gray overall. Setae white, except as follows: vertex and scutum with no or little dark; leg inner faces brown; tergal basal zones dark. Female similar to male, except: Head: Head shape only slightly atypical for group ( Fig. 42B ); superficially somewhat intermediate in form between other A . ( Micranthophora ) and A . ( Mystacanthophora ). Galea usually smoother, shinier. Mandible with inferior tooth reduced to tiny nub, barely angled off main blade; immaculate from base, though with golden apical smear seen in some other subgenera ( Fig. 42B ). Labrum immaculate or with slight maculation at top. Clypeal maculation greatly reduced, thin band or small triangle along rim, not reaching lateral sides, usually filling a third to half of clypeal height ( Fig. 42B ). Paraocular area immaculate. Supraclypeal area immaculate. Scape immaculate. Mesosoma: Midtibial spur apically curved; tan to orange. Basitibial plate circular distally, teardropped overall. Metasoma: T1 covered in appressed setae; T2–T4 usually with apical appressed setal bands, vaguely undulate; usually medially interrupted on T4; T5 with or without appressed setae, typically thinner if present. Terga may be more moderately tessellate. T4 impunctate rim of extended length medially, strongly triangular. Anal fimbria triangular, typically covering third or more but under half of T5 length medially. Pubescence: See Fig. 47B . Hindbasitarsal brush dark brown; anal fimbria dark brown to blackish; sterna intermixed dark and light, S5 mostly dark. Distribution. See Fig. 25 . Present in USA : Arizona , California , New Mexico , Texas , Nevada ; Mexico : Sonora , Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur , likely Chihuahua , possibly Coahuila . Found almost exclusively in Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. Ecoregional habitance is as follows, based on 149 specimen records: 6 ecoregions total: Sonoran Desert (93=62.4%), Chihuahuan Desert (43=28.9%), Mojave Desert (8=5.4%), East Central Texas forests (2=1.3%), Gulf of California xeric scrub (1≤1%), Baja California desert (1≤1%). FIGURE 25. Distribution of Anthophora phenax . Generated with 149 specimen records from 81 locations. Phenology. Recorded from February–June, September–November, primarily spring. Likely bivoltine in western deserts (Mojave, Sonoran Deserts). Nesting biology. Unknown. Floral specialization. Plausibly specialist on Boraginaceae , likely preferring Phacelia if so. Originally reported as a potential specialist on Lycium (Solanaceae) ( Moldenke & Neff 1974 ). However, 15 pollen views strongly suggest it instead uses Boraginaceae primarily or solely; visits to Solanaceae likely resulted from common co-occurrence of the two plant groups. Alternatively, this species may be an eclectic specialist on these two families ( Cane & Sipes 2006 ). Primary recorded visits by 32 females include: Family Solanaceae (47%), Boraginaceae (41%); Genus Lycium (47%), Phacelia (41%); Species Lycium berlandieri (22%), Phacelia crenulata (13%). 71 total floral records from eight families include: Asclepiadaceae ( 1 ♂ ): Asclepias erosa 1 ♂ , Asteraceae ( 5 ♂ 1 ♀ ): Bebbia juncea 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , Pectis papposa 1 ♂ , Pluchea sp. 2 ♂ , Stephanomeria sp. 1 ♂ , Boraginaceae ( 12 ♂ 13 ♀ ): Cryptantha maritima 5 ♂ , Hydrophyllaceae sp. 5 ♂ , Phacelia crenulata 4 ♀ , Phacelia sericea 1 ♂ , Phacelia sp. 1 ♂ 6 ♀ , Phacelia sp. 3 ♀ , Fabaceae ( 2 ♂ ): Astragalus lentiginosus 1 ♂ , Parkinsonia sp. 1 ♂ , Lamiaceae ( 1 ♀ ): Hyptis emoryi 1 ♀ , Plantaginaceae ( 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ): Penstemon parryi 1 ♀ , Penstemon thurberi 1 ♂ , Solanaceae ( 17 ♂ 15 ♀ ): Lycium andersonii 1 ♀ , Lycium berlandieri 10 ♂ 7 ♀ , Lycium pallidum 1 ♀ , Lycium sp. 4 ♂ 4 ♀ , Lycium torreyi 3 ♂ 2 ♀ , Zygophyllaceae ( 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ): Larrea tridentata 1 ♂ 1 ♀ . Comments. Examination of the type of A . leucostomella revealed that it is not a synonym of A . phenax , as the genitalia and numerous other aspects do not agree. In fact, it is instead most similar to A . ( Mystacanthophora ) urbana Cresson, 1878 . As it fits within variation observed in xeric specimens of A . urbana , it does not appear to warrant specific status. Consequently, A . leucostomella is, for now, transferred to A . urbana as a new junior synonym. Anthophora phenax has been found wrapped in the web of an unidentified araneid spider, making it one of few A . ( Micranthophora ) for which there are predation records. Specimens examined: MEXICO : Baja California Norte: El Crucero, 25.7 km SE of Laguna Chapala: 1 ♂ , 13 Apr 1983 , M.S. Wasbauer; Puertecitos, 10 mi N: 1 ♂ , 26 Mar 1976 , T.L. Griswold; Baja California Sur : Loreto: 1 ♂ , 20 May 1921 , E.P. VanDuzee; Sonora : Agua Prieta, 30 km E: 1 ♀ , 3 May 2005 , R.L. Minckley; Pinacate Mts.: 1 ♀ , 28 Nov 1959 , G.D. Butler; Puerto Penasco: 1 ♀ , 11 Nov 1966 , E.M. Fisher; 1 ♀ , 11 Nov 1966 , R.J. Hamton; Puerto Penasco: 29 mi SE of Sonoyta: 1 ♀ , 6 Apr 1968 , E.M. Fisher. USA: ARIZONA :Cochise County: Tombstone, 14mi W: 1 ♀ , 16 Apr 1965 , R.M. Bohart; La Paz County: Bouse, 15.33 air km NE; Dunes by Swansea Rd: 1 ♂ 1 ♂ , 4 Apr 2014 , M.C. Orr; Cibola National Wildlife Refuge; CW3: 1 ♂ , 29 Mar 2013 , M.C. Miner; Midway; BM S280, nr: 1 ♂ 1 ♂ , 4 Apr 2014 , M.C. Orr; Parker, 15 mi W: 1 ♂ , 15 Apr 1969 , P.F. Torchio; Parker, 9 mi E: 1 ♀ , 6 Oct 1988 , T.L. Griswold; Quartzsite, 11 mi N: 2 ♀ , 27 Mar 1967 , G.E. Bohart, P.F. Torchio; Quartzsite, 34 mi S: 1 ♂ , 30 Sep 1987 , T.L. Griswold; Maricopa County: 21 mi E Gila Bend: 3 ♀ , 11 Apr 1973 , R.R. Snelling; Aguila: 1 ♀ , 18 Apr 1964 , D.L. Coates; 2 ♂ , 19 Oct 1973 , P.F. Torchio, F.D. Parker; Arlington: 2 ♀ , 5 Apr 1956 , Werner, Butler; Buckeye: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , 28 Mar 1934 , P.H. Timberlake; 1 ♂ , 30 Mar 1934 , P.H. Timberlake; 1 ♀ , 28 May 1934 , P.H. Timberlake; 1 ♂ , 29 May 1934 , P.H. Timberlake; Gila Bend: 1 ♂ , 5 Apr 1956 , G.D. Butler, F.G. Werner; Gila Bend, 12 mi E: 1 ♂ , 22 Mar 1968 , D.S. Horning, Jr.; Gila Bend, 18 mi S: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , 18 Apr 1965 , S.A. Gorodenski, J.M. Davidson, M.A. Cazier; Gila Bend, 32 mi E: 1 ♀ , 5 Mar 1961 , collector unknown; Gila Bend, 4 mi E: 5 ♂ , 21 Feb 1961 , J.C. Bequaert; Gila Bend, W, Hwy 8 frontage road: 2 ♂ , 5 Apr 1956 , Butler, Werner; Phoenix: 1 ♂ , 24 Oct 1934 , R.H. Crandall; Rainbow Valley: 2 ♀ , 22 Apr 1980 , J. Gillespie; 1 ♀ , 2 May 1980 , J. Gillespie; West Tank, 0.6km SW: 1 ♂ , 28 Mar 2016 , T.L. Griswold; Mohave County: Bill Williams River NWR; MSQ3: 1 ♀ , 28 Feb 2013 , M.C. Miner; Cattail Cove, 9 mi N Parker Dam: 1 ♂ , 7 Apr 1972 , W. Apperson; Kingman: 2 ♀ , 17 Apr 1962 , G.E. Bohart; Mohave Valley: 1 ♀ , 14 Apr 1960 , P. Artz; Pima County: 23 mi N of Ajo: 1 ♀ , 11 Nov 1966 , R.J. Hamton; 8-12 mi N of Tucson: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , 11 Apr 1963 , G.I. Stage; Canada del Oro, upper, N of Sta. Catalina Mtns.: 1 ♀ , 17 Apr 1964 , M.L. Noller, J. Burger, J.C. Bequaert, Werner; Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument: 1 ♀ , 28 Mar 1964 , J.C. Bequaert; Organ Pipe National Monument, Kuakatch Wash, 12 km SW Why: 1 ♀ , 6 Apr 1994 , R.L. Minckley; Quitobaquito: 1 ♀ , 9 Nov 1956 , collector unknown; Silverbell, 7 km E: 1 ♀ , 11 Apr 1994 , L. Kervin; Tucson: 1 ♂ , 4 Mar 1934 , G. Bryant; Why, South: 2 ♀ , 18 Mar 1999 , M.E. Irwin, M. Hauser; Pinal County: Ray, 5 mi S: 1 ♀ , 28 Mar 1961 , J.C. Bequaert; Standfield, 10mi SW: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , 13 Mar 1961 , J.C. Bequaert; Yavapai County: Aguila, 18 mi N: 1 ♀ , 6 Apr 1979 , F.D. Parker; Aguila, 8 mi N: 1 ♂ , 6 Apr 1977 , F.D. Parker; Wickenburg, 8 mi NW (Maricopa County): 1 ♀ , 4 May 1993 , J.G. Rozen, B.L. Rozen; Yuma County: Bouse, 5 mi SE: 1 ♂ , 14 May 1966 , J.H. Davidson, J.M. Davidson, M.A. Cazier; Dateland, 6 mi N: 1 ♂ , 22 Mar 1968 , R.L. Brumley; Quartzsite, 32 mi S: 1 ♂ , 23 Mar 1968 , D.R. Miller; Yuma: 2 ♀ , 14 Apr 1923 , E.P. VanDuzee; 1 ♀ , 26 Mar 1960 , collector unknown; Yuma, 15 mi E: 1 ♀ , 20 Oct 1973 , P.F. Torchio, F.D. Parker; CALIFORNIA: Imperial County: 10 miles NW Glamis, near Acolita, Kipf Road, Algodones Dunes: 1 ♂ , 17 Mar 1975 , collector unknown; Daves Wash, 4 mi SW of Palo Verde: 1 ♀ , 17 Mar 1975 , M.S. Wasbauer; Glamis, 16 mi N: 3 ♂ , 28 Mar 1974 , P.F. Torchio, W. Brindley, N. Youssef; Harpers Well: 1 ♀ , 22 Apr 1968 , collector unknown; Niland: 1 ♀ , 18 Mar 1956 , collector unknown; 1 ♂ , date unknown, collector unknown; Ogilby Road, 3 mi S of jct. Hwy 78: 3 ♂ , 16–22 Oct 1977 , M.S. Wasbauer; Ogilby, 20 km N: 1 ♀ , 16–22 Oct 1977 , collector unknown; Palo Verde: 3 ♂ , 7 Mar 1947 , E.G. Linsley; 1 ♀ , 7 Mar 1947 , collector unknown; Potholes: 1 ♂ , 1 Apr 1923 , E.P. VanDuzee; Riverside County: Blythe, 18 mi W: 2 ♂ , 17 Oct 1973 , F.D. Parker, P.F. Torchio; 1 ♂ , 17 Oct 1973 , collector unknown; Joshua Tree National Monument: 1 ♂ , 14 Apr 1969 , P.F. Torchio; San Bernardino County: 20 mi S of Needles: 1 ♀ , 20 Apr 2003 , J.G. Rozen, B.L. Rozen; Granite Mt.: 2 ♂ , 22 Oct 1978 , R.W. Brooks; Round Valley: 1 ♂ , 15 Jun 1980 , T.L. Griswold; San Diego County: Borrego: 1 ♀ , 31 Mar 1953 , P.D. Hurd; NEVADA: Clark County : New Gold Butte Rd., S Riverside: 1 ♂ , 20 Sep 2014 , M.C. Orr; NEW MEXICO: Dona Ana County: Las Cruces: 10 ♂ 5 ♀ , 25 Apr 1954 , R. Beamer; Las Cruces, 5 mi E: 1 ♂ , 8 Apr 1965 , F.D. Parker; Socorro County: Bosque del Apache NWR, T1B: 1 ♀ , 18 May–1 Jun 2009 , K. Wright; Escondida, nr.: 5 ♂ 2 ♂ , 26 Apr 1981 , U.N. Lanham; TEXAS: Culberson County: Van Horn, 60 km N: 2 ♀ , 9 Apr 1986 , T.L. Griswold; El Paso County: El Paso: 4 ♂ 7 ♂ , 26 Apr 1927 , J.O. Martin; Fabens: 1 ♀ , 22 Apr 1954 , L.D. Beamer; 1 ♀ , 22 Apr 1954 , R. Beamer; Ysleta: 1 ♀ , 18 Apr 1961 , J.G. Rozen, R. Schrammel; Presidio County: Redford: 1 ♂ , 19 Mar 1968 , R. Miller.