Revision of the Afrotropical species of Deinodryinus Perkins, 1907 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae), with description of a new species from Madagascar Author Guglielmino, Adalgisa Author Olmi, Massimo text African Invertebrates 2015 2015-06-30 56 1 229 229 journal article 10.5733/afin.056.0116 2305-2562 7913961 Deinodryinus capensis Olmi, 2007 Fig. 2 Deinodryinus capensis Olmi, 2007: 206 . Redescription: Female . Micropterous, with forewing much reduced, reaching transverse furrow behind metanotum, slightly longer than scutellum (6:5); length 3.2–4.2 mm . Holotype testaceous, with antennal segments 8–10, ocellar area, prosternum, lateral regions of pronotum, posterior half of metasoma darkened; scutum, metanotum, transverse furrow behind metanotum, posterior half of propodeum and petiole black; mesopleuron and metapleuron partly darkened; legs testaceous, except mid­ and hindcoxae and club of hindfemur darkened. In two paratypes from Kogelberg Nature Reserve colour broadly darkened or black (head testaceous, except ocellar region darkened; mesosoma black, with propleuron, disc and posterior collar of pronotum, scutellum, part of mesopleuron testaceous; metasoma partly testaceous and partly darkened or brown).Antenna clavate; antennal segments in the following proportions: 7:5:15:11:10:8:7.5:7:6:9.5 ( holotype ), 7:3:12.5:9:7:7:6:6:5:6.5 ( paratype ). Head shiny, smooth, slightly granulated; occipital carina complete; frontal line absent; face with slender longitudinal furrow from anterior ocellus to clypeus; anterior region of face with tuft of long hair. Head of holotype with POL =2; OL =3; OOL=8.5; OPL=5; TL= 10; greatest diameter of posterior ocelli as long as POL. Head of paratype with POL=2; OL=2; OOL=7; OPL=4.5; TL=9; greatest diameter of posterior ocelli slightly shorter than POL (1.5:2). Pronotum shiny, smooth, unsculptured, not crossed by transverse impressions, with short anterior collar; pronotal tubercle reaching tegula. Scutum much reduced, rugose. Notauli present, posteriorly joint. Scutellum and metanotum shiny, smooth, unsculptured. Propodeum dull, with strong anterior transverse and rugose furrow situated behind metanotum; anterior surface of propodeum granulated; posterior surface of propodeum reticulate rugose.Mesopleuron and metapleuron granulated, dull, with few transverse keels. Meso­metapleural suture distinct and complete. Mesopleuron with tuft of long hairs situated on sides of transverse furrow behind metanotum. Protarsal segments of holotype in following proportions: 10:2:5:13:22. Protarsal segments of paratype in following proportions: 9:2:4:10:17. Enlarged claw ( Fig. 2 ) with two peg­like lamellae situated further distally than proximal prominence. Segment 5 of protarsus ( Fig. 2 ) with two rows of about 23–32 lamellae; distal apex with about 4 lamellae, among which one is quite long. Tibial spurs 1/1/2. Male . Unknown. Holotype (examined): SOUTH AFRICA : Western Cape : Walker Bay Nature Reserve , 34°27.41'S 19°21.39'E , 29.xi–26.xii.1997 , yellow pan trap , S. van Noort & B. Fisher ( SAMC ). Paratypes (examined): SOUTH AFRICA : Western Cape : 1♀ Kogelberg Nature Reserve , 34°15'S 19°05'E , 16.xii.1999 16.i.2000 , pitfall trap , S. van Noort ( SAMC ); 1♀ same locality, 16.iv.1999 , S. van Noort ( OLM ). Distribution : South Africa . Hosts: Unknown.