Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Monospiniphallus norsemanensis , new species Figure 56, map 15, table 1, plate 18 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the moderately elongate body form, infuscate pronotum, basal half of clavus, and appendages, strongly infuscate membrane (pl. 18), and C-shaped (coiled) endosoma (fig. 56, pl. 18). Distinguished from M. bignoniiflori by uniform green coloration and J-shaped, large eyes, untwisted endosoma with only a single spine surpassing the secondary gonopore in that species, and from M. namyatovae by the elongate, relatively slender body form, yellow coloration (in preserved specimens), orange cuneus, weakly infuscate basal half of clavus and appendages, and twisted weakly sigmoid endosoma in that species. DESCRIPTION: MALE: Total length 3.10, pronotum width 0.88. COLORATION (pl. 18): Underlying coloration dirty green; pronotum and basal half of clavus infuscate, entire membrane strongly infuscate. SUR- FACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 18): Dorsal vestiture of reclining, dark, simple setae. STRUCTURE: Head (pl. 18): Eyes of moderate size, vertex relatively broad; frons very weakly swollen and barely projecting beyond anterior margin of eye; eye occupying three-quarters height of head; antennae inserted just above ventral margin of eye; antennal segment 2 relatively short, stout, of uniform diameter (0.79), 1.27 times width of head; labium reaching to apex of mesocoxa. Thorax (pl. 18): As in generic description. Hemelytron : Relatively long, body moderately elongate; cuneus weakly elongate triangular. GENITALIA (fig. 56, pl. 18): Pygophore: Bell shaped with wide truncate posterior margin. Endosoma: Cshaped (coiled); dorsal strap long terminating in slightly expanded bladelike apical spine; ventral strap shorter, bifid apically with pair of bladelike spines with lateralmost one shorter; secondary gonopore not visible. Phallotheca: Apical portion conical with broad base; apex projecting dorsad with elongate ovoid aperture situated on anterior surface. Parameres: Left paramere with short posterior process bent laterad; anterior process slightly produced. Right paramere moderately large with broadly flattened irregular apex. Fig. 56. Male genitalic structures of Monospiniphallus norsemanensis . FEMALE : Unknown. ETYMOLOGY: Named for the town of Norseman, Western Australia, near the type locality. HOST: The only known specimen was taken on Olearia sp. ( Asteraceae ). DISTRIBUTION (map 15): Known only from the type locality, Newman Rocks, east of Norseman, Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Newman Rocks, 136.5 km E of Norseman, 32.11084°S 123.1704°E, 250 m, 22 Oct 1996, Schuh and Cassis, Olearia sp. ( Asteraceae ), det. PERTH staff PERTH 0 5095050, 1d (AMNH_PBI 00414280) (WAMP).