The genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Diplommatinidae) in Nepal, with the description of seven new species Author Budha, Prem B. University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610, Antwerp, Belgium. & Central Department of Zoology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. & Corresponding author: prembudha @ yahoo. com Author Naggs, Fred Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK. & Email: f. naggs @ nhm. ac. uk Author Backeljau, Thierry University of Antwerp, Evolutionary Ecology Group, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610, Antwerp, Belgium. & Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, B- 1000, Brussels, Belgium. & Email: thierry. backeljau @ naturalsciences. be text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-07-21 337 1 30 journal article 22067 10.5852/ejt.2017.337 5a7f73c5-5646-446f-a72c-3ea18d8f634f 2118-9773 3832483 2669CB69-5064-4B5D-AC25-856680E3B9AA Key to the Nepalese Diplommatina species A key to 15 species of Diplommatina is provided. Two species of Diplommatina ( D. canarica and D. pachycheilus ) reported by Kuznetsov & Schileyko (1997) were excluded from the key because neither species were found in the present surveys and no Nepalese material was available to examine internal lamellae. Moreover, D. canarica is endemic in the Western Ghats ( Raheem et al. 2014 ). 1. Spiral striation present ...................................................................................................................... 2 – Spiral striation absent, constriction at the left side of the parietal edge of the aperture ( Fig. 8E ), presence of two parietalis (Prt1 and Prt2), two vertical palatalis (Vpt1 and Vpt2) and two horizontal palatalis (Hpt1 and Hpt2) ........................................................................... D. godawariensis sp. nov 2. Spiral striation fairly visible ............................................................................................................. 3 – Spiral striation distinctly visible ....................................................................................................... 5 3. Dorsal fold present ............................................................................................................................ 4 – Dorsal fold absent, constriction at AeP ( Fig. 9M ), parietal wall slightly tilted left ( Fig. 7C ) ..................................................................................................... D. shivapuriensis sp. nov 4. Dorsal fold distinct ( Fig. 3C 4 ) .............................................................................. D. fistulata sp. nov – Dorsal fold fairly distinct ( Fig. 8C 4 ) ....................................................... D. syabrubesiensis sp. nov 5. Radial ribs widely spaced, 5–10 ribs/ 0.5 mm ................................................................................... 6 – Radial ribs narrowly spaced, 10–20 ribs/ 0.5 mm ........................................................................... 10 6. Constriction at the middle of the parietal wall of the peristome ....................................................... 7 – Constriction not at the middle of the parietal wall of the peristome ................................................ 8 7. Two short parietalis (Prt1 and Prt2) ( Fig. 2B ), columellaris moderate ( Fig. 4A 3 ) ............................. ........................................................................................................... D. folliculus (L. Pfeiffer, 1846 ) – One long parietalis, columellaris strong ( Fig. 8A 3 ) .................... D. silvicola Godwin-Austen, 1886 8. Constriction in the left side of PeP, two short horizontal palatalis (Hpt1 and Hpt2) ( Fig. 9F ) .................................................................................................. D. maipokhariensis sp. nov – Constriction in the right side of PeP ................................................................................................. 9 9. Apical whorls slender ( Fig. 3B ), one parietalis ............................. D. exserta Godwin-Austen, 1886 – Apical whorls not slender ( Fig. 4B ), two parietalis (Prt1 and Prt2) ( Fig. 9B ) ................................... ........................................................................................................................... D. salgharica sp. nov 10. Constriction near or at the center of PeP .........................................................................................11 – Constriction not at the center of PeP ............................................................................................... 14 11. Horizontal palatalis present ............................................................................................................ 12 – Horizontal palatalis absent .............................................................................................................. 13 12. AeP straight ( Fig. 3A ), parietalis thin and long ( Fig. 3A3 ) ................................ D. abiesiana sp. nov – AeP curved ( Fig. 5A, A 4 ), parietalis very weak, nearly invisible ...................................................... ..................................................................................................... D. miriensis Godwin-Austen, 1917 13. Penultimate whorl slightly larger than body whorl, columellar tooth distinct ( Fig. 8B ) ............................................................................................ D. sperata W.T. Blanford, 1862 – Penultimate whorl and body whorl nearly equal, columellar tooth not distinct ( Fig. 5B ) .............................................................................. D. munipurensis Godwin-Austen, 1892 14. Constriction at the left side from the center of the PeP ( Fig. 9J ), AeP curved ( Fig.A4 ), short horizontal palatalis ( Fig. 9J ) ........................................................................................ D. regularis Fulton, 1901 – Constriction far ahead from the aperture, very long horizontal palatalis and two vertical palatalis (Vpt1 and Vpt2) ( Fig. 9I ) ........................................................................... D. oviformis Fulton, 1901