FREELIVING AND PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODES FROM SPITZBERGEN, COLLECTED BY MR. H. VAN ROSSEN Author P. A. A. LOOF Department of Hematology, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands text Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 1971 1971-12-31 71 1 86 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.8152982 dc936e39-ea56-4501-b5ba-a24d055276c8 8152982 85C9CB49-EEA1-467B-ACC7-7C11B9EDEEAD Eudorylaimus agilis (de Man, 1880) Loof, 1969 . Syn. Dorylaimus lugdunensis apud Steiner, 1916 nee de Man, 1880 . Dimensions of four females : L = 1.38-1.56 mm ; a = 28 -32; b = 4. 1 -4.6; c = 11-15; V = 12 - 1344 -471 0 -1 3. Lip region offset by a deep constriction, lips well developed with conspicuously protruding papillae. Length of odontostyle 17 [x or 1.2 X width of lip region, the aperture occupying about two-fifths of its length. Distance DO- DN 4.8 - 5.0 % of oesophagus length. Vulva longitudinal. Tail curved to ventral side, its length 3.6-5.0 anal body widths. Rectum 1.0-1.6 xanal body width, prerectum 1.3-2.4 x as long as rectum. This species is easily distinguished from E. lugdunensis (de Man, 1880) by its larger size and stouter body. Samples 1, 29, 37 and 55.