Peracarid crustaceans from three inlets in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico: new records and range extensions Author Cházaro-Olvera, Sergio Author Winfield, Ignacio Author Ortiz, Manuel Author Álvarez, Fernando text Zootaxa 2002 123 1 16 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.155951 bf95ac52-32bc-4182-8364-5cb42e47f213 1175­5326 155951 Monocorophium insidiosum (Crawford, 1937) Material examined : CNCR­20395; number of specimens: 1, 2; SM station; collection date: 16/10/98 . Type locality : Oakland, San Francisco, California. Distribution : This species has been reported from Denmark , Germany , England ( Shoemaker, 1947 ); Mediterranean Sea ( Myers, 1983 ); from Chateur Bay to Chesapeake Bay ( Shoemaker, 1947 ; Bousfield, 1973 ); Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico ( Ledoyer, 1986 ); Cuba ( Ortiz & Lalana, 1989 ); Pacific coast of North America , from Alaska to northern California in coastal marine and brackish waters ( Bousfield & Hoover, 1997 ); Hawaii ( Barnard, 1970 ) and Japan ( Hirayama, 1984 ). Range extension: Within the Gulf of Mexico , this species has only been recorded in Terminos Lagoon, Campeche, Mexico ( Ledoyer, 1986 ), therefore the presence of these specimens at SM inlet extends its geographic distribution to Tamaulipas State, Mexico . Remarks : Monocorophium insidiosum is associated with Halodule and Thalassia seagrasses, and algal beds ( Ledoyer, 1986 ). Apparently, M. insidiosum is a widely distributed species that has been transported to different world regions ( Barnard, 1970 ). The salinity and temperature ranges measured at the collection site were 24 to 26 %o and 27 to 28 °C, respectively.