Taxonomic study of the genus Scaphoideus Uhler (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) from Japan Author Kamitani, Satoshi Author Hayashi, Masami text Zootaxa 2013 3750 5 515 533 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3750.5.5 eac426d8-a7ea-4233-9719-301e321b3d52 1175-5326 221525 68329017-1153-45E5-B3EE-AE8709A5E69B Scaphoideus pristiophorus sp. nov. ( Figs. 6 , 44–50 ) Description. Coloration & external morphology . Head slightly narrower than pronotum; anterior margin roundly prominent, pale with transverse wide orange band between ocelli, with apical black spot and black anterior margin; medial length of vertex 1.3 times as long as length next to eyes and 0.3 times as long as width of head, frontoclypeus pale with 4 or 5 narrow black stripes near anterior margin; clypellus, gena and lorum pale and immaculate. Pronotum 2.2 times as wide as long, longer than mesonotum, brown, pale at center; mesonotum orange at apical half and pale at posterior half. Fore wing brownish semitransparent; ventral surface of thorax darkened; legs pale, with black socket of macrosetae; abdominal segments pale with black anterior margin in ventral and black posterior margin in dorsum. Caudal margin of female 7th abdominal sternite more or less convex and weakly incised medially. Male genitalia. Pygofer rather long and truncate apically in lateral view, with a tuft of very long macrosetae apically (missing in this specimen figured) and many shorter macrosetae subapically, without pygofer process. Subgenital plate triangular and long, as long as 2/3 length of pygofer, provided with uniseriate row of 4 macrosetae near base. Style robust; preapical lobe very small; apophysis (apical process) slender, weakly curved laterally, with 3 short hairs. Connective with pair of very long processes; processes 2 times as long as connective, serrate at lateral margin near apex, widest at apical 1/4; arms apart to each other. Aedeagus small and robust; shaft short, as long as basal apodeme, with very small apical hooked processes at dorsal margin; gonopore apical on posterior surface. Body length (mean). ♂, 4.4–5.0 mm ( 4.7 mm ); ♀, 5.0– 5.7 mm ( 5.3 mm ). Type material. Holotype : ♂, (ELKU No. 3322), Inoko-dani, Nishimoro, Suki / Kobayashi, Miyazaki Pref., Kyushu, Japan , 18. IX. 2004 , S. Kamitani. Paratypes : [Honshu] 1♂ , Kawairi, Yamato , Fukushima Pref., 18. VIII. 1988 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 2♂ , same data except 19. VIII. 1988 ; 1♀, Osawa, Yamato , Fukushima Pref., 19. VIII. 1988 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Mt. Tsuchidake, Takahagi, Ibaraki Pref., 4. IX. 1986 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Kashiwagura, Tochigi Pref., 18. IX. 1999 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Okuda, Hatoyama, Saitama Pref., 20. IX. 1984 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , same data except 24. X. 1988 ; 1♀, Akanuma, Hatoyama, Saitama Pref., 5. IX. 1985 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Kiroko, Ogawa, Saitama Pref., 27. IX. 1996 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 2♀, Mt. Sengen, Ogawa, Saitama Pref., 27. IX. 1996 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 15♂ 3♀, Mt. Mitsumine, Ôtaki, Saitama Pref., 6. IX. 1984 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♀, same locality, 5. IX. 1985 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 69♂ 80♀, Futase, Ôtaki, Saitama Pref., 7. IX. 1986 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 18♂ 25♀, same data except 31. VIII. 1988 ; 1♂ 2♀, same data except 6. IX. 1989 ; 2♂ 2♀, same data except 13. VIII. 1990 ; 1♂ 3♀, same data except 11. IX. 1990 ; 2♂ 4♀, same locality, 2. IX. 1993 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 10♂ 1♀, same locality, 3. IX. 1993 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 2♂ 2♀, same data except 20. IX. 2000 ; 1♂ 1♀; same locality, 21. IX. 2000 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Satogawa, Shibata, Niigata Pref., 7. IX. 1984 , K. Baba (SUU); 1♀, Nyugawa, Aikawa, Sado, Niigata Pref., 27. VIII. 1983 , K. Baba (SUU); 2♀, Nita, Shimane Pref., 7. IX. 1964 , H. Kadowaki (NIAES); 1♀, Hiba, Hiwa, Hiroshima Pref., 20. VIII. 1962 , S. Nakamura (NIAES); 1♀, same data except 30. VIII. 1962 . [Kyushu] 1♂ , same data as holotype (ELKU). The holotype is deposited in Kyushu University, Japan (ELKU). Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu). FIGURES 44–50. Scaphoideus pristiophorus sp. nov. , ♂ genitalia (44–50). — 44, ♂ pygofer in lateral view; 45, right subgenital plate in ventral view; 46, left style in dorsal view; 47, connective in dorsal view; 48, connective in lateral view; 49, aedeagus in lateral view; 50, aedeagus in caudal view. Scales; 0.1 mm. Remarks. This new species is similar to S. festivus and an East Asian species, S. varius Matsumura , in habitus. However, it is peculiar in the following characters of the male genitalia: apical serration on outer margin of processes of connective; small preapical lobe and wide apophyses of style; long, straight shaft of aedeagus; and so on. The etymology of this species name is based on the serrated processes of the connective. Scaphoideus aurantius sp. nov. ( Figs. 7 , 51–57 ) Description. Coloration & external morphology . Head slightly narrower than pronotum; vertex roundly prominent, pale with transverse wide bright orange band between eyes and transverse black narrow band near anterior margin, without apical black spot; medial length of vertex 1.2 times as long as length next to eyes and 0.4 times as long as width of head, frontoclypeus pale with 4 narrow blackish stripes anteriorly; clypellus, gena and lorum pale and immaculate. Pronotum 2.2 times as wide as long, slightly longer than mesonotum, brownish orange with wide pale band at center; mesonotum orange at apical half and pale at posterior half. Fore wing brownish semitransparent; ventral surface of thorax, legs and abdominal segments pale. Caudal margin of female 7th abdominal sternite produced caudally and not incised medially. Male genitalia. Pygofer rather long and gradually tapered apically in lateral view, with a tuft of very long macrosetae apically (missing in this specimen figured) and a few shorter macrosetae subapically, without pygofer process. Subgenital plate triangular and very long, as long as 4/5 length of pygofer, provided with row of 3 macrosetae subbasally. Style slender; preapical lobe triangularly prominent; apophysis (apical process) very slender, long, weakly curved laterally. Connective with pair of long processes; processes somewhat wide, 1.2 times as long as connective, immediately tapered at apically; arms apart to each other. Aedeagus small and robust; shaft short, as long as basal apodeme, with small tooth on dorsal margin preapically; gonopore apical on posterior surface. Body length (mean). ♂, 4.0– 4.1 mm (4.0 mm); ♀, 4.7 mm . Type material. Holotype : ♂, Funaura, Iriomote Is., Ryukyus, Japan , 25. VI. 1996 , M. Hayashi et al . Paratypes : 1♂ , same data as holotype except 11. XI. 1997 (light trap) (SUU); 1♂ , same data as holotype except 12. XI. 1997 (light trap) (SUU). The holotype is deposited in Saitama University, Japan (SUU). Distribution. Japan (Ryukyus: Iriomote Is.). Remarks. This leafhopper is peculiar in having a bright orange transverse band on the vertex, the long apophysis of the style, and the connective with processes parallel sided and without serration on the outer margin. The etymology of this species name refers to the bright orange band between the eyes. Scaphoideus brevistylus sp. nov. ( Figs. 8 , 58–64 ) Description. Coloration & external morphology . Head as wide as pronotum; vertex triangularly prominent, pale with black spot at apex and transverse wide orange band between ocelli; medial length of vertex 1.3 times as long as length next to eyes and 0.4 times as long as width of head, frontoclypeus pale with narrow brownish stripe near anterior margin; clypellus, gena and lorum pale and immaculate. Pronotum 2.2 times as wide as long, longer than mesonotum, brownish orange with wide pale band at center; mesonotum orange at apical half and pale at posterior half. Fore wing pale brownish semitransparent; ventral surface of thorax, legs and abdominal segments pale. Caudal margin of female 7th abdominal sternite produced caudally and not incised medially. Male genitalia. Pygofer rather short and gradually tapered apically in lateral view, with long and shorter macrosetae on apical half of pygofer lobe, without pygofer process. Subgenital plate triangular and very long, as long as 3/4 length of pygofer, provided with row of 4 macrosetae near base. Style robust; preapical lobe small and rounded; apophysis (apical process) very short, nearly straight, with 3 short hairs. Connective with pair of long processes; processes as long as connective, somewhat wide; arms nearly parallel. Aedeagus small and robust; shaft short, slightly longer than basal apodeme, weakly hooked apically; gonopore apical on posterior surface. Body length (mean). ♂, 5.0– 5.6 mm ( 5.4 mm ); ♀, 5.4–6.4 mm ( 6.1 mm ). FIGURES 51–57. Scaphoideus aurantius sp. nov. , ♂ genitalia (51–57). — 51, ♂ pygofer in lateral view; 52, right subgenital plate in ventral view; 53, left style in dorsal view; 54, connective in dorsal view; 55, connective in lateral view; 56, aedeagus in lateral view; 57, aedeagus in caudal view. Scales; 0.1 mm. FIGURES 58–64. Scaphoideus brevistylus sp. nov. , ♂ genitalia (58–64). — 58, ♂ pygofer in lateral view; 59, right subgenital plate in ventral view; 60, left style in dorsal view; 61, connective in dorsal view; 62, connective in lateral view; 63, aedeagus in lateral view; 64, aedeagus in caudal view. Scales; 0.1 mm. Type material. Holotype : ♂, (ELKU No. 3323), Anbô / Yodogô, Yakushima Is., Kagoshima Pref., Kyushu, Japan , 27. VIII. 2004 (light trap), S. Kamitani. Paratypes : [Honshu] 1♀, Osugi, Tanabe, Wakayama Pref., 13. IX. 1989 , S. Goto (SUU). [Kyushu] 11♂ 20♀, same data as holotype . [Ryukyus] 3♀, Shinmura, Sumiyô, Amami- Oshima Is., 18. VII. 1993 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♀, Arangachi, Uken, Amami-Oshima Is., 21. V. 1993 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♀, Kominato, Naze, Amami-Oshima Is., 19. V. 1993 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 2♂ , Kinsakubaru, Naze, Amami-Oshima, 18. V. 1993 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 2♀, same locality, 19. V. 1993 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Mt. Nishime-dake, Kunigami, Okinawa Is., 15. V. 1993 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 33♂ , Mt. Terukubi, Kunigami. Okinawa Is., 4. V. 1991 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 4♂ 1♀, same data except 5. V. 1991 ; 1♂ 2♀; same data except 18. VI. 1994 ; 3♂ 3♀, same locality, 15. V. 1993 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 3♀, same data except 4. VII. 1993 ; 4♀, same data except 1. VII. 1996 ; 1♀, Hiji, Kunigami, Okinawa Is., 15. V. 1993 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Mt. Oppa-dake, Nakijin, Okinawa Is., 7. IV. 1991 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Mt. Yonaha-dake, Kunigami, Okinawa Is., 28. VI. 1992 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 4♂ 2♀, same data except 15. V. 1993 ; 3♂ 2♀, Yona, Kunigami, Okinawa Is., 4. IV. 1991 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 4♂ 1♀, same data except 5. IV. 1991 ; 4♂ , same locality, 14. IV. 1996 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Mt. Yae-dake, Motobu, Okinawa Is., 1. V. 1991 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Kyoda, Nago, Okinawa Is., 30. IV. 1991 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ , Ôura, Nago, Okinawa Is., 2. V. 1991 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 1♂ 1♀, Mt. Omoto, Ishigaki Is., 6. V. 1991 (light trap), M. Hayashi et al . (SUU); 2♂ 7♀, same locality, 7. V. 1993 , M. Hayashi et al . (SUU). The holotype is deposited in the Kyushu University, Japan (ELKU). Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu, Ryukyus). Remarks. This widespread species has been confused with S. festivus Matsumura , because the coloration is very similar. However, it is easily distinguished by the parallel-sided processes of the connective. The apophysis of the style is distinctly shorter than that of the preceding species, S. aurantius sp. nov. The etymology of this species name is based on the small style of the male genitalia.