Description of seven new taxa of Cetoniinae from Indonesia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Author Jákl, Stanislav text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2011 2011-12-09 51 2 535 550 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5329053 0374-1036 5329053 Taeniodera monacha nigra subsp. nov. ( Figs. 4a–c ) Type locality. Indonesia , West Sumatra province , Mentawai Archipelago, north part of Siberut Island, environs of Bojakan village, 50–200 m a. s.l. Type material. HOLOTYPE : J ( NMPC ): ‘ Indonesia , Mentawai isls., SIBERUT ISL., north, 50 – 200 m , BOJAKAN VILL. ENV., 5. 2004, St. Jakl lgt .’ PARATYPES : 11 JJ (nos. 13–23), 4 ♀♀ (nos. 24–27) and 93 unsexed specimens (nos. 28–120), same label data as holotype ( SJPC , two paratypes each at BMNH , MNHN , NMPC ) ; 10 unsexed specimens (nos. 1–10): ‘ Indonesia , Mentawai Isls., SIBERUT ISL., south, 0 – 50 m , SALIGUMA vill. env., 10. 1996, local collectors lgt.’ ( SJPC ) ; 2 unsexed specimens (nos. 11–12): ‘ Indonesia , Mentawai Isls., SIBERUT ISL., south, SALAPPA VILL. ENV., 10. 2005, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( SJPC ) . Description. Holotype length 15.5 mm , maximum humeral width 7.2 mm . Black, slightly shining, decorated with whitish tomentum. Head. Frons black, shining, rugosely punctate, untomented. Midline glabrous. Clypeus widening from level of eye canthus, laterally decorated with two whitish stripes of tomentum. Punctation slightly less dense than on frons. Whole surface of head covered with yellowish setation. Apex of clypeus rather deeply incised. Antennae dark brown, simple. Pronotum. Black, decorated with whitish tomentum in pattern similar to other subspecies. Coarsely and regularly punctured throughout length. Lateral margins with narrow, obtuse border. Posterior and posterolateral margins not bordered, glabrous. Each puncture bears yellowish setae. Scutellum. Black with striolate lines. Decorated with whitish tomentum, covering most of surface; sides untomented. Elytra. Basal tomentum black, overlain with white tomentum, whose pattern is rather similar to other subspecies. Striolae lines run longitudinally along sutural ridge and forme five intervals. Sutural ridge flat, apex of elytron obtuse. Humeral calli flat and glabrous; apical calli also rather flat, wrinkled. Yellowish setation short, not very abundant. Pygidium. Black, regularly wrinkled throughout length, decorated with one patch of white tomentum at centre. Venter. Abdomen black, very arched, shining, without basal tomentum. Medial furrow not developed. Each ventrite decorated with silky tomentum placed laterally; tomentum of ventrites 1–3 broader. Metasternum black, sides with silky tomentum. Punctation simple, yellowish setae short. Mesometasternal process semicircularly keel-shaped, sharp, covered with tomentum and setae. Prosternum and mentum with longer yellow setation, silky tomentum present at sides. Legs. Femora, tibiae and tarsi black. Coxae and claws reddish brown. Protibiae tridentate. Mesotibiae carinate in posterior half. Femora with small patches of tomentum and dense yellow setosity at inner side. Metatibiae with brush of long setation at inner side. Male genitalia. Close to nominotypical subspecies. Apex of parameres very flat and horizontally curved into forceps-like shape ( Figs. 4d–e ). Variability. Body length 14.8–17.2 mm . Tomentation, punctation and also other aspects rather uniform. Some specimens with reddish margin of clypeus. Sexual dimorphism. Female body length 14.5–16.7 mm . Generally wider and more robust than males. Protibia tridentate. Punctation of head and pronotum coarser. Head with stripes of white tomentum. Pronotum and elytra wider. Differential diagnosis. Black colour of the head, pronotum, elytra and legs, and decoration by white tomentum distinguish this subspecies. In addition, Taeniodera monacha nigra subsp. nov. differs from other populations in the shape of parameres, which are flattened at the apex and widely open. Etymology. The name refers to the completely black colour of the dorsum and legs. Distribution. This subspecies occurs on Siberut Island in the Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia .