Definition of Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus Gama, 1964 species-complex (Collembola, Entomobryidae), with description of new species and color forms from the Iberian Peninsula
Mateos, Eduardo
journal article
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus
Gama, 1964
Figs 21–27
Tab. 1
Material examined.
Specimens from 22 localities in the Iberian Peninsula of the four subspecies described so far, as well as the new color form mentioned in this paper:
L. lusitanicus lusitanicus
L. lusitanicus coloratus
L. lusitanicus nigrus
L. lusitanicus piezoensis
Tab. 1
Fig. 1
). I found the new color form (A) in three localities:
Tab. 1
Fig. 1
): Mira pine litoral forest (LOC125),
54 specimens
, E. Mateos coll.;
de Choupal (LOC132),
35 specimens
, E. Mateos coll.;
Nacional Prazo de Sta. Marinha (LOC137),
80 specimens
, E. Mateos coll.
FIGURES 21–25.
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus
-complex: 21,
L. lusitanicus lusitanicus
; 22,
L.lusitanicus coloratus
; 23,
L. lusitanicus nigrus
; 24,
L. lusitanicus piezoensis
; 25,
L. lusitanicus
form A.
1 mm
of maximum body length) with mesothorax not projecting over the head and body color very variable, from white to purple and with various color patterns taxonomically considered subspecies (
Figs 21–25
). The new form (A) possess characteristic color pattern (
Fig. 25
): diffuse purple pigment in ant. II–IV, head, th. II–abd. II and coxae, and with the th. II anterior margin conspicuously darker pigmented. Antennae, legs and dorsal side of manubrium not scaled. Ant. IV with simple nonretractile apical bulb (
Fig. 26
). Labium chaetotaxy [M1] M2R*EL1L2 (M
1 may
be present or absent, R half in length than other setae). Labrum 4/554; prelabral setae ciliated, labral setae smooth; inverted U-shaped labral apical intrusion. Ventral cephalic groove with 3+3 ciliated setae. Head with a maximum of 7+7 macrochaetae in row A. Intraocular chaetotaxy with ciliated setae s, t, r, q, p, without scales. Dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1R2STSo/10/0301+3, with supplementary macrochaetae R1s between R0 and R1. Abd. II setae a2, m3 and m3e ciliated macrochaetae; seta a2p absent. Abd. IV trichobothrium T2 without accesory seta s; seta D1p ciliated and double in length than other setae of the trichobotrial complex; setae E1, De1 and E4p smooth mesochaetae; setae Fe4 ciliated macrochaeta or smooth mesochaeta depending on the specimens (
Fig. 27
). All setae associated with the trichobothria on abd. II–IV are acuminate and strongly ciliate. V-shaped trochanteral organ formed by 5–8 smooth setae. Inner edge of the unguis with basal pair teeth and one or two odd teeth; unguiculus with outer edge serrate or smooth. Manubrial plate with 2 internal setae and 2–4 external setae.
FIGURES 26–27.
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus
: 26, apical antennal bulb; 27, abd. IV chaetotaxy, broad circles––broad ciliated macrochaetae, small circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae, white circle––pseudopore.
All studied specimens showed the morphological and chaetotaxic characters described for this species by
Gama (1964)
Simón (2007)
Mateos (2008)
. These characters match the description of the new species
L. bilobatus
Figs 2–20
), except for the apical antennal bulb (simple in
L. lusitanicus
) and abd. IV setae E1, De1 and E4p (smooth mesochaetae in
L. lusitanicus
Different subspecies are distinguishable only by the color pattern. According to
Simón (2007)
, subspecies
L. lusitanicus piezoensis
have diffuse pigment in th. II–abd. II, with the th. II anterior margin more densely pigmented, and two dorsal dark spots on abd. III and abd. IV. Specimens of this subspecies examined by me, only have the abd. III and abd. IV dark spots (
Fig. 24