Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes). Author Alfred W. Thomson Author Lawrence M. Page text Zootaxa 2006 1345 1 96 journal article z01345p001 25EFA792-7DA4-4E0D-A69A-12591B8422DE Caelatoglanis Ng & Kottelat, 2005 Fig. 3 Caelatoglanis Ng and Kottelat, 2005 : 14. (Type species: Caelatoglanis zonatus Ng & Kottelat, 2005 , by original designation). Gender masculine. Diagnosis (based, in part, on Ng & Kottelat 2005): Short thoracic adhesive apparatus without median depression; wide gill openings nearly meeting one another on venter; anterior margin of pectoral spine serrated with all serrations pointing toward tip of spine; smooth to granulate anterior margin on dorsal spine; plicate upper lip; 8-10 anal rays. Caelatoglanis is distinguished from all other erethistids by having a plicate (vs. papillate) upper lip and a short thoracic adhesive apparatus (not much longer than broad vs. long and narrow in Conta , short and with a median depression in Pseudolaguvia , and absent in Erethistes , Erethistoides and Ayarnangra ). Caelatoglanis is further distinguished from Ayarnangra by having 8-10 anal rays (vs. 13-16), from Conta by having a smooth or granulate (vs. serrated) anterior margin on the dorsal-fin spine and wide gill openings that nearly meet one another on the venter (vs. narrow, restricted to the pectoral-fin base), from Conta , Pseudolaguvia , Erethistes and Ayarnangra by having a wider body (Fig. 3), and from Erethistes , Erethistoides and Ayarnangra by having wide (vs. moderate) gill openings and serrations on the anterior margin of the pectoral spine that all point toward the tip of the spine (Table 2). Description: Dorsal fin with strong spine, 6 rays; pectoral fin with strong spine, 6-7 rays; 6 pelvic-fin rays, 8-10 anal-fin rays. Head moderately compressed; body moderately elongate (Fig. 3). Skin tuberculate. Eyes small, in middle of head dorsally. Jaw teeth villiform, in bands; palatal teeth absent. Maxillary barbel extending to base of pectoral spine , with well-developed membrane. Gill openings wide, almost meeting one other on venter. Pectoral girdle with long coracoid process. Pectoral spine serrated anteriorly and posteriorly. Dorsal spine smooth or granulate anteriorly and posteriorly. Thoracic adhesive apparatus consisting of longitudinal pleats of skin without a median depression. Paired fins non-plaited. Distribution: Ataran River drainage, Myanmar (Ng & Kottelat, 2005).