Four new species of the primitive segmented spider genus Qiongthela from Hainan island, China (Mesothelae, Liphistiidae) Author Xu, Xin Author Liu, Fengxiang Author Kuntner, Matjaz Author Li, Daiqin text ZooKeys 2017 714 1 11 journal article 1313-2970-714-1 9D61D30E91C04A5E88304D10A8DA9553 9D61D30E91C04A5E88304D10A8DA9553 Qiongthela jianfeng sp. n. Fig. 2 Holotype . Male (XUX-2014-005), Jianfeng National Forest Park, Jianfeng Town, Ledong County, Hainan Province, China; 18.70°N , 108.84°E , 508 m, collected 20 March 2014 by F. Liu and C. Xu, deposited at CBEE, College of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan, China. Paratypes. One female (XUX-2014-002) and one male (XUX-2014-004, matured 2 August 2014 at CBEE, College of Life Sciences, Hubei University) collected at the same locality, 20 March 2014, by F. Liu and C. Xu; 1 male (XUX-2012-107) collected at the same locality, 18.70°N , 108.84°E , 500 m, collected 22 July 2012 by D. Li, F. Liu and X. Xu; 1 female (XUX-2012-098) and 1 male (XUX-2012-100, matured 10 October 2012 at CBEE, College of Life Sciences, Hubei University) collected at the Forest Research Station, Jianfeng Town, Ledong County, Hainan Province, China, 18.70°N , 108.78°E , 145 m, collected 21 July 2012 by D. Li, F. Liu and X. Xu; 1 female (XUX-2014-008) collected at the same locality, collected 21 March 2014 by F. Liu and C. Xu. Etymology. The species epithet, a noun in apposition, refers to the type locality. Diagnosis. Males of the new species differ from all other Qiongthela species by the semioval apophysis at the basal conductor (Fig. 2N, O), from Q. wuzhi sp. n. by a similar rectangular, rather than the basal angle between the two apophyses of tegulum more than 90° (Fig. 2L), by the distal part of contrategulum with two edges, the inner one being dentate and the outer one being sharp (Fig. 2L, M), and by the distal edge of embolus slightly curved (Fig. 2M). Females of the new species differ from all other Qiongthela species by the receptaculuar clusters located slightly on the dorsal wall of the bursa copulatrix, especially the lateral pair being indistinct from the dorsal view (Fig. 2D-I). The DNA barcode of the paratype (XUX-2012-107) is available on GenBank (Genbank accession code KP229838) for future identification. The DNA barcodes of the holotype (XUX-2014-005) and paratype (XUX-2012-107) are identical (the K2P distance between the two sequences is zero). Figure 2. Macrohabitat, general somatic morphology and genital anatomy of Qiongthela jianfeng sp. n. A Macrohabitat of Qiongthela jianfeng sp. n. at the Forest Research Station B Female (XUX-2012-098) C male (XUX-2012-107) D-F vulva dorsal view G-I vulva ventral view J palp ventral view K palp retrolateral view L-O palp distal view D, G (XUX-2014-009) E, H (XUX-2014-002) F, I (XUX-2012-098) J-K (XUX-2014-004) L-O (XUX-2014-005). Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Description. Male (Fig. 2C). Carapace dark; opisthosoma darker than carapace; sternum narrow; a few long pointed hairs running over ocular mound in a longitudinal row; chelicerae robust with promargin of cheliceral groove containing nine denticles of variable size; legs with strong hairs and spines; opisthosoma with 12 tergites, close to each other, the fifth largest; seven spinnerets. Measurements: BL 17.91-22.00, CL 7.35-12.2,0 CW 7.18-11.00, OL 10.35-10.00, OW 9.07-7.70; ALE> PLE> PME> AME; leg I 37.00 (10.40 + 4.90 + 8.10 + 9.60 + 4.00), leg II 36.95 (10.20 + 4.75 + 7.50 + 10.30 + 4.20), leg III 36.90 (9.70 + 4.80 + 6.80 + 11.00 + 4.60), leg IV 46.80 (12.20 + 5.30 + 9.40 + 14.20 + 5.70). Palp. The bulb of four specimens of the new species all relatively distorted. Prolateral side of paracymbium unpigmented and unsclerotised, many setae situated at the tip of paracymbium (Fig. 2J, K). Contrategulum with a proximally irregular dentate edge and two distal edges, the inner one dentate (Fig. 2L, M), the outer one sharp (Fig. 2L, M). Tegulum with a long, pointed, distally directed marginal apophysis with a smooth edge, a proximally directed terminal apophysis narrowing to a slightly bent apex, and the dorsal side of terimal apophysis with dentate edge (Fig. 2L, M). Conductor situated ventro-proximal part of embolus, fused with embolus at the basal portion, distal free, narrowing to a slightly hooked apex (Fig. 2 M-O ). Embolus largely sclerotised, with a wide, flat opening, curved distal edge (Fig. 2M). Female (Fig. 2B). Colouration of carapace and opisthosoma similar to or lighter than male according to the age of specimens; chelicerae robust with promargin of cheliceral groove with 9-10 strong denticles of variable size; legs furnished with strong hairs and spines; opisthosoma with 12 tergites, similar to male; seven spinnerets. Measurements: BL 14.75-20.00, CL 7.25-11.56, CW 6.20-10.04, OL 7.30-12.00, OW 5.60-9.50; ALE> PLE> PME> AME; palp 12.96 (4.55 + 2.25 + 2.80 + 3.36), leg I 15.47 (4.96 + 2.65 + 2.91 + 3.25 + 1.70), leg II 14.40 (4.55 + 2.30 + 2.65 + 3.25 + 1.65), leg III 15.50 (4.35 + 2.75 + 2.60 + 3.75 + 2.05), leg IV 22.51 (6.36 + 3.20 + 3.95 + 6.15 + 2.85). Female genitalia. Two pairs of receptacular clusters located slightly on the dorsal wall of the bursa copulatrix, especial the lateral pair indistinct in dorsal view, each receptacular cluster similar size, with or without a genital stalk (Fig. 2D-I). Distribution. Hainan (Jianfeng), China