Description of three new species of Apatelodidae from the southern neotropical region (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea) Author Herbin, Daniel Author Beccacece, Hernan Mario text ZooKeys 2018 788 3 17 journal article 1313-2970-788-3 333AAB3FA4DB42C4907D899AE47FD8CD Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. Figs 1, 2, 3, 4 Types. Holotype male. ARGENTINA: Jujuy: Parc National Calilegua Km 22, 1.1 km apres El Monolito, 23°40'32.7"S ; 64°53'56.4"W , Alt. 1693m, 27/XI/2013, leg. B. Vincent / genitalia prep. D. Herbin ref. H1381 / HOLOTYPE ♂ Apatelodes navarroi Herbin & Beccacece. des. / CDH 3.311 / BC-Her4953. (Figs 1, 2). In MNHN. Paratypes. 1 female. ARGENTINA: Jujuy: Parc National Calilegua Km 21, El Monolito, 23°40'56.1"S ; 64°54'06"W , Alt. 1723m, 01/XII/2013, leg. B. Vincent / genitalia prep. D. Herbin ref. H1386 / CDH 3.322. (Fig. 3). InCDH. Figure 1. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. male holotype: a Dorsal view b Ventral view. Figure 2. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. male holotype genitalia: a Ventral view b Lateral view c Phallus lateral view. Figure 3. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. female paratype: a Dorsal view b Ventral view. Etymology. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. is named after the late Dr. Fernando Navarro (IFML), who directed the expedition that enabled the discovery of this new species and the following one. Diagnosis. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. belongs to a small group of Apatelodidae showing very developed socii. This group includes A. hierax Dognin, 1924, A. schreiteri Schaus, 1924, A. florisa Schaus, 1939, A. zikani Draudt, 1929, and A. combi Herbin, 2015. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. is similar to A. florisa and A. schreiteri , both described from Argentina, Tucuman (see taxonomical notes hereafter). Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. is easily distinguished by its very dark brown color, its greater size, the elongated shape of the forewings, and the slightly concave termen of the forewing below apex. The male genitalia exhibit large socii with well-developed teeth. Description. Male.Antennae: antennae bipectinate to the tip. Scape, pedicel, and antennomeres beige, rami brown. Head: brown, labial palpi thick, brown, slightly ascending and reaching beyond the front. Eyes naked, dark brown. Thorax: coloration terra brown (RAL8028) with a median longitudinal black line. Legs: coloration as for thorax, with tibia appearing very thick as covered by long light brown hair like scales . Femora densely pilose beige with dark brown scales; Abdomen: sepia brown (RAL8014). Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 17 mm, wingspan: 34 mm. Triangular, apex acute, outer margin slightly concave below apex. Coloration terra brown (RAL8028), antemedial line black, a basal rectangular black mark in antemedial area, postmedial line wavy, black. Two small hyaline spots near apex and costa: one tiny spot near costa, bordered proximally with small black triangular mark, second spot posterior to first slightly larger, triangular, and bordered proximally with black scales. Between costa and first tiny hyaline spot, a black comma marking present. Forewing ventrum: Similar to dorsum, but lighter in color: pale brown (RAL8025), with postmedial line lighter in color, darker terra brown patch at apex. Hindwing dorsum: homogenous terra brown coloration, slightly lighter than forewing. Medially, a curved transverse line lighter brown. Hindwing ventrum: Dark terra brown with a pale brown transverse line. Genitalia (Figure 2). Uncus strongly sclerotized, with wide base and single bent hook-like apex. Base of uncus with a pair of large socii made of a two folded sclerotized sheet bordered with numerous strong teeth. Valves elongated, not reaching the uncus, rather narrow, with apex rounded and a strong sclerotized spine at the dorsal base of the valve. Aedeagus short and cylindrical, with no teeth or cornuti. Caecum penis present. Vesica with a ventral diverticulum. No cornuti on vesica. Female.Antennae: similar to male but rami shorter. Head: Similar to male but labial palpi thinner and shorter, not reaching front. Thorax, Legs: As in male. Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 22 mm, wingspan: 42 mm. Similar to male but broader, apex slightly more falcate, and termen below apex more concave. Forewing ventrum, hindwing dorsum, hindwing ventrum: As in male. Genitalia (Figure 4). Papillae anales hemispherical, slightly bulbous and covered with setae. Apophyses thin and cylindrical, slightly spatulate at tip, anteriores about the same length as posteriores. Ductus bursae as a very long (about 5 mm, twice the length of corpus bursae), narrow, sinuous ribbon, of equal diameter for entire length. Ductus bursae sclerotized at entry near ostium bursae. Bursa copulatrix smooth and ovoid with a horse-shoe shaped, semi circular, single signum at extremity of bursa, signum equipped with minute teeth, inward pointing. Distribution. A. navarroi sp. n. is presently only known from Argentina, Jujuy, at medium altitude. Figure 4. Apatelodes navarroi sp. n. female paratype genitalia (H1386): a Ventral view b Dorsal view.