Notes On Kempnyia, With The Description Of Three New Species (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Author Froehlich, Claudio Gilberto text Illiesia 2011 7 13 133 141 journal article 8db947d3-95b4-46a4-ab2d-f4edf56a9a2f 1854-0392 4760155 Kempnyia neotropica ( Jacobson & Bianchi 1905 ) ( Figs. 1-2 ) Perla obscura Pictet, 1841:269 . Perla neotropica Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905:617 . Kempnyia neotropica Zwick, 1972:1168 . Kempnyia neotropica Froehlich, 2010:181 . Remarks. Bispo & Froehlich (2004) noted, that “as presently understood, the species is widely distributed, its area being similar to the distribution of the genus. A careful analysis of specimens from different areas is needed to evaluate if they really belong to a single species”. Zwick (1972) examined specimens from four States, Espírito Santo , Rio de Janeiro , Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul . Besides Santa Catarina , I have examined material from Minas Gerais (Serra do Cipó) São Paulo (Municipalities of Campos do Jordão, Cubatão, Iporanga, Jundiaí, Pindamonhangaba, Salesópolis and Santo André) and Goi á s (Pirenópolis). These specimens are similar in the dark body color, the structure of the male genitalia, the elliptical contour of the female subgenital plate covering part of sternum 10 and with a small apical indentation ( Fig. 1 ). Local populations differ in body length and in color, sometimes a lighter band may be present on the pronotum and the femora may be more or less bicolored. The species concept presented by Bispo and Froehlich (2004) is confirmed. A new figure of the female subgenital plate and sternum 9 is presented in Fig. 1 and of the egg ( Fig. 2 ) based on a female from the Boracéia Biological Station (Salesópolis Municipality).