The first harvestman described from Bocas del Toro Archipelago: a new Poecilaemula (Opiliones: Cosmetidae) and notes about the genus Author Medrano, Miguel Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Author Kury, Adriano B. Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional / Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Author Martins, Pedro H. Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Author Proud, Daniel N. Department of Biological Sciences, Moravian University, Bethlehem, PA, USA text Journal of Natural History 2024 2024-03-18 58 9 - 12 311 329 journal article 291966 10.1080/00222933.2024.2314966 6e53e639-c4de-461b-9055-1079159d448f 1464-5262 10842860 Poecilaemula iching sp. n. ( Figures 6–10 ) Etymology. Species name is a noun in apposition, derived from I-Ching, an ancient Chinese divination text, because of the similarity between the transverse rod-shaped blots of this species and the hexagrams (figures composed of six stacked horizontal lines) of I-Ching. Type data. Panamá , Bocas del Toro : Holotype and 1 ♂ 1 ♀ Paratypes ( UMFG 22601 ) from Panama , Bocas del Toro , Bocas del Toro , Isla Solarte 9.332°N , 82.218°W . 8–9 december 2014 . A. Anker and P.H. Martins leg .; 1 ♀ Paratype ( MNRJ 9206 ), Isla Bastimentos , rainforest near the beach under logs, ‘hospital point’ 31.iii.2007 A. Anker leg. (Lost due to fire at the National Museum of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2018); 2 ♂ 1 ♀ Paratype ( MNRJ 369 ), Big Creek xi.2021 , R. Quesada leg .; 3 ♂ 1 ♀ Paratype ( MNRJ 370 ), same data as previous ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ Paratypes ( MZSP 78256 ), same data as previous. Figure 4. Poecilaemula eutypa ( Chamberlin, 1925 ) comb. n. , female holotype of Meterginoides eutypa (MCZ 1333) : a. dorsal view; b. ventral view; c. lateral view; d. original labels. ©President and Fellows of Harvard College. Diagnosis. Poecilaemula iching differs from other members of Poecilaemula sensu stricto by having patella and tibia IV sexually dimorphic. Patella IV with two dorsal apophyses (retrolateral larger) and femur with retrodorsal and retroventral rows of acuminate tubercles in males. Ti IV remarkably tuberculated with a large dorsal row of large tubercles (present only distally in minor males). Areas of mesotergum the same colour as the rest of the scutum, not darker as in P. signata . Figure 5. Poecilaemula eutypa ( Chamberlin, 1925 ) comb. n. USNM 1538059. SEM of distal part of the penis: a. dorsal view. b. ventral view of the plate; c. latero-apical view; d. detail of stylus, dorso-apical view. e. apical view of the plate. Scale bars: a, b, c, e = 50 µm; d = 20 µm. Description Measurements. Major male: CL: 2.0, AL: 3.5, CW: 3.7, AW: 5.0, IOD: 1.1, Fe I: 4.7, Ti I: 2.9, Pa I: 1.3, Mt I: 4.7, Fe II: 9.8, Ti II: 7.5, Pa II: 1.6, Mt II: 10.5, Fe III: 6.9, Ti III: 3.8, Pa III: 1.9, Mt III: 6.8, Fe IV: 9.5, Ti IV: 5.2, Pa IV: 1.8, Mt IV: 9.9. Tarsal counts: 7-7/17-17/10-10/11-12. Dorsum. Large-sized (dorsal scutum approx. 5 mm long) harvestman with long legs ( Figures 6 , 7 ). Dorsal scutum in dorsal view type β with attenuate constrictions ( Figure 8 ). Protoglyph and deutoglyph very shallow ( Figure 8 ). Dorsal scutum in lateral view almost flat, abdomen slightly convex, rising steadily from posterior and anterior borders to area III where it is the highest ( Figure 8c ). Shallow scutal groove separating carapace from abdominal scutum. No other grooves are visible on scutum, thus scutal areas only inferred from colouration pattern ( Figure 8 ). Areas I and III with two paramedian low tubercles, those of area I are more separated and lower than those of area III. Integument of dorsal scutum, free tergites and anal operculum smooth, except for the armature of areas I and III. Ocularium narrow and low, with gentle median depression ( Figure 8 ). Figure 6. Poecilaemula iching sp. n. , in vivo specimens: a–d. major form of male from Bocas del Toro, Panamá. Photos: Arthur Anker and Pedro Martins. Chelicerae. ( Figures 6–8 ) Basichelicerite enlarged, cheliceral hand inflated, but without the dorsal incrassation that gives the kidney-shaped appearance of Andean cosmetids ( Rhaucus , Rhaucoides ). Posterior and ectal borders of bulla lined with strong tubercles. Fixed finger with one triangular tooth, movable finger with two triangular/ rounded teeth. Figure 7. Poecilaemula iching sp. n. , in vivo specimens: a. minor form of male; b. female, from Bocas del Toro, Panamá. Photos: Arthur Anker and Pedro Martins. Pedipalps. ( Figure 8a,c ) Typical cosmetid pedipalps, with elongate trochanter, foliaceous femur; this is convex dorsally, with a dorsal keel formed by a row of few setiferous tubercles and a ventral row of 10 closely positioned setiferous tubercles. Ti depressed, slightly convex at the mesal and ectal sides, mesal side with a prominent keel, dorsally with some granules and ventrally smooth, with some spiniferous tubercles at the distal portion of both ectal and mesal sides. Tarsus cylindrical, with scattered dorsal setae and three well-marked ventral rows of subequal setae. Legs. ( Figures 6 , 7 , 9 ) Legs becoming steadily thicker from leg II to IV. Coxa I–IV with some minute granules, coxae IV without clavi inguines and with one prolateral apical apophysis. Legs I–III unarmed. All femora straight. Patella IV with a dorsal row of tubercles, the distalmost larger than the others, and ventrally with two rows of small tubercles. Tibia IV with two rows of tubercles (smaller basally), the prolateral row with larger tubercles than those in the retrolateral row. Dorsal surface of Ti IV with one row of tubercles more than twice the size of those on the ventral surface. Mt IV with two rows of four to five small granules. Tarsi I–II with one smooth claw; tarsi III– IV with two subparallel smooth claws and tarsal process. Tarsal formula: 7(3)/17(3)/ 10/11-12. Figure 8. Poecilaemula iching sp. n. : a. body, dorsal view male holotype (UMFG 22601); b. basichelicerite of the female, same scale as (a) (paratype MNRJ 9206); c. same as (a), lateral view; d–f. schematic variations of mask pattern. Scale bars for a–c: 1 mm. Figure 9. Poecilaemula iching sp. n. : a–d. left leg of (major form) male holotype (UMFG 22601); a. femur IV, ventral view; b. patella and tibia IV, ventral view; c. same, retrolateral view; d. same, dorsal view. e–h. Left leg of female (UMFG 22601); e. femur, ventral view; f. patella and tibia, ventral view; g. same, retrolateral view; h. same, dorsal view. i–k. Left patella and tibia of minor form of male (UMFG 22601); i. ventral view, j. retrolateral view; k. dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Figure 10. Poecilaemula iching sp. n. , distal portion of the penis, holotype UFMG 22601: a. dorsal view; b. lateral view; c. ventral view. Scale bars: 100 µm. Colour. ( Figures 6 , 7 ) Background of ventral and dorsal body and coxae I–IV: Strong Reddish Brown (40). Trochanters I–IV: Strong Orange (50). Distal femur to metatarsus: Dark Reddish Brown (44). Blots over the armature of area III: Brilliant Yellow (83), other blots of the mask: Vivid Orange (48). Male genitalia. ( Figure 10 ) VP of penis subrectangular with concave distal border; VP with two lateral, elongated, patches of microsetae, separated by a wide longitudinal space. VP with two pairs of apical MS C curved and laterally inserted; two pairs MS D, the distalmost (D1) large, and the other (D2) minute, inserted dorso-laterally on the middle third of VP; one pair of short MS A, inserted laterally near to D2; MS E and MS B frequently encountered on the ventral face and immersed in microsetae were not visible. Glans mostly smooth, with finger-like conical dorsal process, stylus with wattle (= caruncle) with profuse parallel rows of barbels, one at each side of the opening. Variation. Minormale paratype UMFG 22601: CL: 1.8, Al: 2.8, CW: 2.9, AW: 3.6, IOD: 0.7, Fe I: 4.1, Ti I: 2.7, Pa I: 1.1, Mt I: 4.1, Fe II: 8.6, Ti II: 7.1, Pa II: 1.5, Mt II: 10.1, Fe III: 6.4, Ti III: 3.6, Pa III: 1.4, Mt III: 6.4, Fe IV: 8.8, Ti IV: 4.8, Pa IV: 1.5, Mt IV: 9.0. Minor males bear slightly larger chelicerae than females ( Figure 7a ) and patellae IV and tibiae IV with smaller tubercles than major males ( Figures 7a , 9i–k ). Female paratypes (average of two individuals UMFG 22601 and MNRJ 9206): CL: 1.8, Al: 3.0., CW: 3.1, AW: 4.0, IOD: 0.7, Fe I: 4.0, Ti I: 2.5, Pa I: 1.0, Mt I: 4.2, Fe II: 8.4, Ti II: 6.3, Pa II: 1.4, Mt II: 9.0, Fe III: 6.2, Ti III: 3.4, Pa III: 1.6, Mt III: 5.9, Fe IV: 8.4, Ti IV: 4.5, Pa IV: 1.6, Mt IV: 8.1. Females with chelicerae not inflated ( Figure 8b ), with coda wider than those of males ( Figures 7b , 8f ), legs III and IV thinner than those of minor and major males, and patellae and tibiae IV unarmed ( Figures 7b , 9e–h ). Figure 11. Poecilaemula signata ( Banks, 1909 ) , live specimen. Male from Veragua Rainforest Research and Adventure Park, Limon Province, Costa Rica. Photos courtesy Kenji Nishida. Figure 12. Poecilaemula signata ( Banks, 1909 ) syntypes of Meterginus signatus (MCZ 14808: a–e ©President and Fellows of Harvard College, and SMF RI 283: f–h): a. male, dorsal view; b. female, dorsal view; c. male, ventral view; d. same, lateral oblique view; e. original labels; f–g. females, dorsal view; h. original label. Scale bars: 2 mm. Figure 13. Poecilaemula signata ( Banks, 1909 ) MCZ IZ 167484, SEM of distal part of the penis: a. dorsal view; b. lateral view; c. ventral view; d. lateral oblique view; e. detail of MS and ms on the ventral surface, ventral oblique view; f. detail of stylus, dorsal view; g. detail of ms, ventral view. Scale bars: a– d = 100 µm; e, g = 50 µm; f = 20 µm. Habitat and biology. Secretion from the ozopores intense yellow in colour, ejected in the form of drops, not jets, that are picked up by leg I and waved in front of the animal (eg leg dabbing behaviour). Stridulation was observed in one fight event (Rosannette Quesada pers. comm.).