Review of six genera of Braconinae Nees (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in China, with the description of eleven new species Author Li, Yang Author He, Jun-Hua Author Chen, Xue-Xin text Zootaxa 2020 2020-07-21 4818 1 1 74 journal article 9282 10.11646/zootaxa.4818.1.1 f8879d20-c55d-475a-bc21-180c57b0a334 1175-5326 3954745 66ABE334-716A-420A-B7E7-72025C273DE9 Atanycolus denigrator ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) Ichneumon denigrator Linnaeus, 1758: 563 . Bracon denigrator (Linnaeus) : Panzer, 1801: 163 ; Roman, 1933: 38 . Atanycolus denigrator (Linnaeus) : Foerster, 1863: 238 ; Dalla Torre, 1898: 295 ; Szépligeti, 1904: 14 ; Fahringer, 1928: 578; Telenga, 1936: 91 ; Shenefelt, 1978: 1440 ; Papp, 1998: 147 ; Sheng, 1990a: 56 ; Tobias et Belokobylskij, 2000: 185 ; Wang et al ., 2009: 36 . Bracon ( Vipio ) denigrator (Linnaeus) : Thomson, 1892: 1799 . Coelobracon denigrator (Linnaeus) : Szépligeti, 1896: 168 ; Fahringer, 1926: 124. Coeloides ( Atanycolus ) denigrator (Linnaeus) : Marshall, 1897: 116. Vipio ( Atanycolus ) denigrator (Linnaeus) : Kokujev, 1898a: 396 . Vipio ( Coelobracon ) denigrator (Linnaeus) : Kriechbaumer, 1898: 246 . FIGURE 4. Atanycolus crenulatus Telenga, 1936 . ♀. a. fore wing; b. hind wing; c. mesosoma, lateral view; d. mesosoma, dorsal view; e. metasoma, dorsal view; f. hind leg, lateral view; g. head, front view; h. head, dorsal view; i. head, lateral view; j. first metasomal tergite, dorsal view; k. sacpus outer side, lateral view; l. apex of antenna. Vipio denigrator (Linnaeus) : Graeffe, 1908: 140 . Iphiaulax ( Atanycolus ) denigrator (Linnaeus) : Hellén, 1927: 11 . Bracon ( Atanycolus ) denigrator (Linnaeus) : Hellén, 1940: 25 . Bracon ( Vipio ) heteropus Thomson, 1892: 1800 . Vipio ( Atanycolus ) heteropus (Thomson) : Schmiedeknecht, 1897: 512 . Coeloides ( Atanycolus ) heteropus (Thomson) : Marshall, 1897: 120. Vipio ( Coelobracon ) heteropus (Thomson) : Kriechbaumer, 1898: 246 . Atanycolus heteropus (Thomson) : Dalla Torre, 1898: 296 . Vipio heteropus (Thomson) : Hackwitz, 1910: 238 . Coeloides heteropus (Thomson) : Rudow, 1918: 16 . Coelobracon heteropus (Thomson) : Fahringer, 1926: 128. Iphiaulax ( Atanycolus ) heteropus (Thomson) : Hellén, 1927: 56 . Bracon ( Atanycolus ) heteropus (Thomson) : Hellén, 1940: 25 . Bracon ( Hemiatanycolus ) heteropus (Thomson) : Kangas, 1942: 65 . Synonymized by Roman, 1932: 38 . Ichneumon incertus Sulzer, 1776: 188 . Synonymized by Olivier, 1792: 133 . Atanycolus albiscutis Telenga, 1936: 90 . Synonymized by Tobias, 1976: 60 . Biology. The hosts are mainly species of Cerambycidae , Curculionidae and Buprestidae (Coleoptera) (Fahringer 1926; Telenga 1936 ; Tobias 1971 , 1976 , 1986 ; Campadelli et Scaramozzino 1994 ; Yu et al . 2016 ); in China reared from larva of Rhagium inquisitor ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) , Acanthocinus aedilis ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) , Acanthocinus griseus (Fabricius, 1792) , Saperda populnea ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) , Tetropium castaneum ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) and Monochamus sutor ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) ( Coleoptera : Cerambycidae ) ( Sheng 1990a ). Distribution. China (Nei Menggu); Austria , Bulgaria , Croatia , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Israel , Italy , Kazakhstan , Korea , Mongolia , Niger, Norway , Poland , Russia , Slovakia , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom . Note. Sheng (1990a) reported the species from Nei Menggu (N. China ), but no specimens were available for our study.