Studies on the genus Lefroyothrips, with new records from Malaysia, New Caledonia and a new species from Australia (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) Author Mound, L. A. CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, PO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601. Author Ng, Y. F. 0000-0001-9895-415X Centre for Insect Systematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. ng _ yf @ ukm. edu. my; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9895 - 415 X text Zootaxa 2021 2021-02-16 4927 4 567 575 journal article 8076 10.11646/zootaxa.4927.4.7 759d42e0-6739-4f1c-bd23-fb3f4d88b89e 1175-5326 4543155 BF6AD5EA-E8A8-4C06-847C-51E45FBDB0B4 Lefroyothrips pictus (Hood) ( Figs 4 , 18, 20 ) Physothrips pictus Hood, 1916: 116 . This species was described from four females and two males taken from the flowers of Melia azedarach , 14.i.1915 , at Ibadan, Nigeria , but it has subsequently been identified from Sierre Leone, Cameroon , Uganda , Rwanda and Angola . It shares with L. fasciatus the dark band at the apex of the fore wing, but the tergites of females have a distinctive colour pattern, with tergites VI–X brown, but the posterior half of VIII and the anterior third of IX sharply pale ( Fig. 18 ). Antennal segments III–V ( Fig. 4 ) are slightly less slender than in L. lefroyi and without the small sub-basal swelling found in L. fasciatus . Specimens studied . Nigeria , Ibadan , 1 female paratype in Melia azedarach fls, 14.i.1915 , 1 male in Citrus fls, 11.iii.1964 ; Ile-Ife , 1 female in light trap, i.1970 (in BMNH ) . Angola , 1 male on Citrus fruits, 24.v.1971 (in BMNH ) . Rwanda , Rusumu , 1 female on Carapa grandiflora , x.1993 (in SMF ) .