New records and diagnostic notes on large carpenter bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: genus Xylocopa Latreille), from the Amazon River basin of South America Author Mawdsley, Jonathan R. text Insecta Mundi 2018 2018-05-25 631 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3699701 e23922d1-6f43-4280-8ac6-131767dc4464 1942-1354 3699701 8EB081BE-6413-4CE7-861C-97B4746E075A Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) hirsutissima Maidl 1912: 315 Fig. 9 Known distribution. Bolivia , Brazil ( Goiás , Guanabara, Mato Grosso , Minas Gerais , Pará, Paraná , Piauí , Rio de Janeiro , Rondônia , São Paulo ), Paraguay ( Hurd 1978: 62 ). Type locality: “ Paraguay (San Luis)” ( Maidl 1912: 315 ). Material examined. Brazil : Pará : Cachimbo , VI.1962 , M. Alvarenga and F. M. Oliveira ( 1 ♀ ) ; Palmeiras , 8.X.1959 , P. D. Hurd ( 1 ♂ ) ; Bahia : Nilo Peçanha , X.1955 , A. A. Sousa ( 1 ♀ ) ; Rondônia : Vilhena , XI.1960 , M. Alvarenga leg. ( 1 ♀ ) . Notes. Females of this species can be readily recognized by the dense black pubescence over much of the mesonotal disc and the metasomal tergites, dark wings with violet iridescence, and overall body size which is larger (20.5 to 23.0 mm in overall body length in the material examined) than the similar X . ( N .) carbonaria (which has overall body length of 17.0 to 18.6 mm ).