Paracladopelma Harnisch from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Yan, Chuncai Author Jin, Zhaohui Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2008 1934 1 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.184929 f0c73773-d05f-4138-9f2b-e8b762bc54a1 1175-5326 184929 Paracladopelma laminatum (Kieffer) ( Figs 36–40 ) Cladopelma laminata Kieffer, 1921: 64 . Chironomus (Cryptochironomus) laminatus (Kieffer) ; Goetghebuer (1928: 85) . Tendipes (Cryptochironomus) laminatus (Kieffer) ; Goetghebuer (1937: 34) . Paracladopelma laminata (Kieffer) ; Lenz (1959 : 438 , 1960: 219); Fittkau et al . (1967 : 374 ); Reiss (1968: 261) ; Lehmann (1971: 499, 519, 543) ; Jackson (1977 : 1341 ); Pinder (1978: 132) ; Albu (1980: 148) . Paracladopelma laminatum (Kieffer) ; Spies and Saether (2004: 12) ; Zorina (2006: 35) . Material examined: CHINA : Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Aketao County, Kalakule Lake, 10 males , 19.viii.2002 , sweep net and light trap, H. Tang; Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Habahe River, Baihualin Nature Reserve, 1 male , 15.vii.2002 , light trap, H. Tang. Diagnostic characters. The species is easily distinguished from other Paracladopelma species by the single spur of mid- and hind tibial combs; superior volsella strongly pediform with pointed toe; and inferior volsella with distinctly pointed posteriomesal corner. FIGURES 36–40. Paracladopelma laminatum (Kieffer, 1921) , male from China. 36 -abdomen; 37 -wing; 38 -hypopygium, dorsal view; 39 -hypopygium, ventral view; 40 -superior volsella. Male (n = 10, unless otherwise stated). Total length 3.53–3.90, 3.74 mm. Wing length 2.03–2.33, 2.21 mm. Total length / wing length 1.59–1.76, 1.69. Wing length / length of profemur 2.45–2.71, 2.61. Coloration . Thorax dark brown, vittae black, ventral two-thirds of preepisternum, anterior half of anepisternum, and anterior two-thirds of postnotum black. Forelegs dark brown except basal 1/2 of femur yellowish brown; mid- and hind legs dark brown except femur yellowish brown. Abdomen ( Fig. 36 ) yellowish brown to brown, with posterior 1/5 of tergites I–V, entire tergite VIII, and hypopygium dark brown. Head . AR 1.66–1.90, 1.75. Ultimate flagellomere 630–760, 694 Μm long. Frontal tubercles present, 16– 20, 18 (8) Μm long, 7–10, 9 Μm wide at base, 5–6, 5 Μm wide at apex. Temporal setae 8–18, 14 including 2–7, 5 inner verticals, 4–7, 6 outer verticals, and 2–6, 4 postorbitals. Clypeus with 10–17, 13 setae. Tentorium 112– 132, 124 Μm long, 25–32, 29 Μm wide. Palpomere lengths (in Μm): 25–43, 37; 45–55, 51; 115–138, 124; 110– 163, 138; 185–240, 211. Palpomere 5/3 1.54–1.90, 1.70. Thorax . Antepronotals 0–2, 1; dorsocentrals 7–11; 9, acrostichals 3 (3); prealars 3–5, 4. Scutellum with 5– 11, 9 setae. Wing ( Fig. 37 ). VR 1.14–1.24, 1.18. Brachiolum with 2–3, 2 setae; R with 10–16, 13; R1 with 7–11, 10; R4+5 with 9–26, 19 setae. Squama with 6–12, 9 setae. Legs . Foretibia with 2 (4) subapical setae, 80–95, 88 Μm and 76–125, 97 Μm long; mid- and hind tibiae with single spur, spur of midtibia 28–37, 33 Μm long, comb with 26–38, 32 teeth, 10–12, 11 Μm long; spur of hind tibia 32–45, 37 Μm long, comb with 38–54, 44 teeth, 10–13, 12 Μm long. Mid ta1 with 2–3, 2 (7) sensilla chaetica, hind ta1 with 1–2, 1 (7) sensilla chaetica. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 6 . Hypopygium ( Figs 38–40 ). Tergite IX with 11–28, 19 setae at base of anal point. Laterosternite IX with 1– 2, 2 setae. Anal point broadened apically, 63–76, 73 Μm long, 6–8, 7 Μm wide at base, 13–18, 15 Μm wide at apex, with V-shaped ridge extending to tergite IX. Anal tergite bands Y-shaped. Phallapodeme 63–88, 79 Μm long. Transverse sternapodeme 30–83, 48 Μm long. Superior volsella ( Fig. 40 ) pediform, with pointed toe, bearing 10–18, 13 strong setae and covered with microtrichia. Inferior volsella well developed, distinctly pointed at apex, covered with microtrichia. Gonocoxite 103–113, 110 Μm long, inner margin with 3–6, 4 (9) strong setae. Gonostylus 160–188, 173 Μm long, inner margin curved, with 19–25, 22 setae and weak longitudinal keel. HR 0.60–0.71, 0.64; HV 2.07–2.39, 2.17. TABLE 6. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs of Paracladopelma laminatum (Kieffer, 1921) , male (n = 10).
fe ti ta1 ta2
p1 780–900, 848 580–670, 638 980–1130, 1081 450–500, 480
p2 750–850, 810 680–790, 746 390–450, 422 200–230, 216
p3 880–1020, 957 870–1000, 954 600–700, 656 320–370, 341
ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 380–410, 399 300–330, 319 140–160, 154 1.63–1.77, 1.70
p2 160–190, 173 100–130, 116 90–110, 100 0.51–0.59, 0.57
p3 260–320, 291 170–200, 181 110–130, 120 0.66–0.72, 0.69
Remarks. Freeman (1955) described Chironomus (Cryptochironomus) biclavatus . Two years later, he proposed a new replacement name, Chironomus (Cryptochironomus) brincki , as Cryptochironomus biclavatus Freeman is a junior homonym of Chironomus biclavatus Kieffer, 1923 (see Freeman 1957 ). Freeman and Cranston (1980) transferred the species to Paracladopelma . Based on the description and illustrations in Freeman (1957) , we find the species quite similar to Paracladopelma laminatum (Kieffer, 1921) in having a blackish body, in the shapes of the superior and inferior volsella, and in having mid- and hind tibia with single spur. It only differs from P. laminatum in having a parallel-sided, slightly distally expanded anal point. We consider this minor difference most likely to be intraspecific variation. Thus, P. b r i n c k i Freeman should be regarded as a junior synonym of P. laminata . However, as we have not re-examined the type specimen, the status of P. brincki needs further clarifying. Distribution. Zorina (2006) mistakenly stated that P. l a m i n a t u m has a Holarctic distribution. However, the species is recorded only from the Palaearctic region (O. V. Zorina pers. com.). Within the Sino-Indian Region, the species is recorded from the Russian Far East. It is also occurring in China ; this is the first record of the species from China .