Species | Source | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | other microscleres (LxW μm) | sigmancistras (LxW μm) | Locality/ depth range |
this paper | Erect stipitate, sawfish-shaped with thin stem, with short bilateral filaments, basal attachments unknown | 14 x <1 | Axis of stem and filaments are longitudinal bundles of larger mycalostyles, with an outer sheath of smaller styles | mycalostyles 404-(904)-1060 x 9-(20)-27 styles 78-(189)-456 x 4-(10)-23 | undifferentiated | unknown | placochelae 31-(61)-75 x 9-(14)-18 | abyssochelae 12-(17)-23 x 6-(10)-13 | 5-(6)-9 x1 | Central coast of New South Wales, Australia, abyssal |
Erect arborescent, short stem and expanded irregular basal plate giving rise to dichotomous primary branching which then gives off numerous secondary branches growing in all directions | 49 x 1 | Axis cored by styles, with desmas on the surface, terminal buds of branches with strongyles, more complex desmas on the basal holdfast | styles 413–455 x 15–17 polytylote strongyles 85–140 x 5–12 (sub-)tylostyles 180 x 2–5 monocrepidial desmas 490–560 x 20 | undifferentiated | desmas with more complex zygoses | placochelae 52–58 | palmate isochelae 24–28 | 1, 50–65 2, 25–43 | Off Sagami Bay, Japan, depth unknown |
Erect short stem supporting a hemispherical body with flat apex bearing many filamentous processes, basal attachment unknown | 13 x 9 | Main body packed with many subtylostyles with points directed upwards | unknown | subtylostyles 553–1004 x 9 | unknown | placochelae 13–15 x 4 | unknown | 18–21 | Off Loggerhead Key, Carribean, bathyal |
Species | Source | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | other microscleres (LxW μm) | sigmanci stras (LxW μm) | Locality/ depth range |
Erect stipitate, whip-like with short cylindrical stem and long flattened body with 2 rows of short filaments on the narrow sides of the body, with rhizoid basal attachment | 320 x 2 | Axis of stem with densely packed parallel tracts of styles, occasional tylostyles perpendicular to the styles, body cored by parallel tracts of styles and smaller tylostyles, with single tylostyles inserted perpendicular to the tracts | styles- mycalostyles 1310–1510 x 40–55 tylostylespolytylostyles 620– 660 x 9–13 | undifferentiated | undifferentiated placochelae 70–88 | palmate- arcuate isochelae 80–95 | 9–25 | S of Amlia I., Aleution Is, Alaska, bathyal | |
Erect stipitate, with short naked constricted stem, slightly widened and flattened body bearing short spines paired or in 3 rows, slightly widened basal attachment | 14–22 | Axis of main stem cored by subtylostyles 1 condensed near base, divided into parallel fibres upwards, with tufts of subtylostyles 2 inserted into fibres symmetrically, ascending spicular- fibres spread in the body cored by subtylostyles 3, with strongyles in the base | subtylostyles 1, 1000 x 30 | subtylostyles 2, 400–600 x 11 subtylostyles 3, 600 x 20 | strongyles 240–370 x 10–14 | placochelae 60–73 x 15 | palmate isochelae 80–100 | 1, 22–24 2, 12 | SW of l’île BoaVista, Cape Vert, NW Atlantic, photic |