One new species of Marthogryllacris (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Gryllacrididae) from Yunnan, China Author Chen, Xiaoqin 0009-0001-5712-988X Musicology Department, Guilin Normal College, Guilin 541199, China text Zootaxa 2024 2024-10-08 5519 2 296 300 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.2.8 a390720d-e50c-4b30-bd72-aae2a36ab650 1175-5326 13915912 25BF06BC-D459-4CA0-820C-51AEE29CF769 Marthogryllacris xiangjini sp. nov. ḂaeLjṖṞǞ Figures 1–3 Description. Male. Body large. Face ovoid with fine “riffles” and impressed scattered dots; fastigium verticis separated by a very fine suture from fastigium frontis ( Fig. 1A ). Ocelli distinct, median ocellus slightly larger than lateral ocelli ( Fig. 1A ). FIGURE 1. Marthogryllacris xiangjini sp. nov. Male: A–B. head: A. frontal view, B. frontal and lateral view; C–D. head and pronotum: C. dorsal view, D. lateral view; E. second and third abdominal tergites in lateral view; F–I. apex of abdomen: F. lateral view, G. lateral and apical view, H. apical and ventral view, I. ventral view. Thorax. Anterior margin of pronotum projecting in middle, posterior margin nearly straight ( Fig. 1B ); lateral lobes longer than deep, anterior angle widely rounded, posterior angle rounded angular, ventral margin undulant, humeral sinus shallow ( Fig. 1C ). Legs. Fore coxae with 1 small spine. Fore and middle femora unarmed on ventral surfaces; hind femora with 10–13 internal spines and 6–8 external spines on ventral surface. Fore and middle tibiae ventrally with 4 pairs of spurs and 1 pair of apical spurs; hind tibiae with 6–7 pairs of spines dorsally, ventrally with 1 pair of subapical spurs, apices with 1 pair of dorsal spurs and 2 pairs of ventral spurs. Abdomen. Second and third abdominal tergites without stridulatory pegs ( Fig. 1E ). Eighth abdominal tergite prolonged. Ninth abdominal tergite prolonged, strongly bent down from dorsal surface ( Fig. 1F ); furrowed along the midline, on both sides with a large globular swelling, that on ventro-internal angle prolonged into a long process, pointing to the outwards and slightly ventrad and crossing each other ( Fig. 1H ), its apices obtuse with a small hook ( Fig. 1G ). Subgenital plate wider than long, lateral margins slightly converging after middle area, posterior margin faintly concave ( Fig. 1I ); with long, cylindrical and upcurved styli inserted at lateral margins about middle area. Female. Body slightly larger than male. Seventh abdominal sternite as sixth sternite with posterior margin arched, projecting. Subgenital plate with basal margin faintly membranous, lateral margins converging, posterior margin bilobate ( Fig. 2F ). Ovipositor elongate, gradually upcurved behind basal area, with converging margins, apices subacute ( Fig. 2E ). FIGURE 2. Marthogryllacris xiangjini sp. nov. Female: A. head in frontal view; B–C. head and pronotum: B. dorsal view, C. lateral view; D. second and third abdominal tergites in lateral view; E. apex of abdomen in lateral view; F. subgenital plate in ventral view. FIGURE 3. A, natural habitat of Marthogryllacris xiangjini sp. nov. B–C living male. Coloration. General color light brown. Head reddish brown, genae and labrum black, apical two segments of maxillary palpi blackish, ocelli pale yellow, antennae yellowish. Pronotum with transverse black band along anterior and posterior margins ( Fig. 1C ); genicular areas of hind femora black, hind tibiae with black spines. Tegmina light yellowish, towards posterior margin lighter; in basal half with two black bands; hind wings semitransparent white, main veins yellow to brown; cross veins brown. Abdominal tergites with black bands on lateral margins. Ovipositor black brown. Measurements (mm). BL: 31.0–35.1, 36.2; PL: 6.0–7.8, 7.1; TL: 33.0–35.5, 34.5; HFL: 18.0–19.1, 19.4; OvL: 18.9. Material examined. Holotype : male , Dulongjiang , Gongshan , Yunnan , August 20, 2024 , coll. by Xiangjin Liu . Paratypes : 1 male and 1 female , Dulongjiang , Gongshan , Yunnan , August 21, 2024 , coll. by Ting Luo and Yanting Qin . Distribution. Yunnan (Gongshan). Discussion. The new species differs from other species of Marthogryllacris by the coloration of body and by the shape of the processes of the male ninth abdominal tergite. The genae is black and basal half of tegmina has two black bands. The male ninth abdominal tergite is completely split along the midline with a long spine on ventro-internal angle and its apices with a small hook ( Fig. 1G ). Etymology. Named in honor of Mr. Xiangjin Liu ( 刘Ḃae ) for sending the type specimen.