17 |
Second metasomal sternite of female less convex medially and in lateral view its ventral border gradually sloping posteriorly, strongly shiny medially and third sternite smooth anteriorly or nearly so; second sternite of male evenly slightly convex medio-posteriorly; vertex often strongly shiny |
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Second sternite of female strongly convex medially and in lateral view its ventral border distinctly sloping posteriorly, moderately shiny medially and third sternite distinctly punctate anteriorly; second sternite of male slightly flattened medio-posteriorly; vertex moderately shiny |
18 |
Propodeum comparatively narrow, almost triangular in dorsal view (especially male, less so in female) and with nearly straight lateral margins; outer orbita black; supra-antennal elevations about half as long as scapus |
T. alticola
(Tsuneki, 1991)
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Propodeum somewhat wider, more oval in dorsal view and lateral margins curved; outer orbita with pale stripes; supra-antennal elevations smaller (about 0.2 times as long as scapus) |
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Antenna mainly blackish; pronotum dorsally black; fore tibia comparatively dark and short; metasomal segments rather wide; second sternite with ivory stripe |
T. eurysoma
Chen & van Achterberg, 2020
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Antenna largely brownish (Fig.
); pronotum dorsally white (Fig.
); fore tibia comparatively pale and more elongate (Fig.
); vertex less sculptured (Fig.
); metasomal segments comparatively elongate (Fig.
); second sternite without ivory stripe
T. albidorsalis
Zhang & Chen, sp. nov.
20 |
Vertex with elongate brownish patches; third and fourth metasomal tergites very coarsely punctate; metanotum with a pair of yellow spots medially; third sternite coarsely and densely punctate medio-posteriorly (male) or latero-posteriorly (female) in front of membranous border; [propodeal foramen comparatively wide and less arched]. |
T. formosana
(Bischoff, 1913)
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Vertex entirely black or rarely with small brownish patches; third and fourth metasomal tergites usually superficially punctate, rarely nearly as coarse as in
T. formosana
; metanotum black medially and at most with a pair of lateral yellow spots; third sternite usually more spaced and finer punctate posteriorly
T. taihorina
(Bischoff, 1914)