New Species Of Kamimuria Klapálek (Plecoptera: Perlidae) From Thailand And Vietnam, With Notes On Chinese Species Author Sivec, Ignac Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P. O. Box 290, SLO- 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: isivec @ pms-lj. si Author Stark, Bill P. Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U. S. A. 39058 E-mail: stark @ mc. edu text Illiesia 2008 2008-10-08 4 12 110 138 journal article f1784e4b-8de8-4951-8f21-e453531a125c 1854-0392 4758787 Kamimuria atrocephala sp. n. ( Figs. 9-12 ) Material examined. Holotype and 2 ♀ paratypes from Vietnam , Vinh Phu , Tam Dao , 800-1100 m , 21° 28’ N , 105° 38’ E , 19 May-13 June 1995 , H. Malicky ( PMSL ). Adult habitus. General color brown patterned with dark brown. Head dark brown over most of surface but pale laterally in front of eyes and along anterior margin; ocellar triangle somewhat darker ( Fig. 9 ). Pronotum mostly brown but with scattered pale rugosities and a longitudinal pale spot along lateral margins; downturned lateral edges very dark. Male. Forewing length 18 mm . Hemitergal lobes slender, finger-like and bluntly rounded at apex ( Fig. 10 ). Tergum 9 with a wide mesal patch of sensilla basiconica and tergum 8 with a smaller patch of ca. 25 sensilla. Aedeagal sac membranous, slender mesally and expanded apically into a head-like structure with a pair of bare, dorsal, ear-like lobes ( Fig. 12 ). Sac armature covers most of ventral surface to near apex but basodorsal area, ear lobes and apex of dorsum bare; largest spines occur in a narrow zone below the bare ear lobe region. Female. Forewing length 22 mm . Subgenital plate a small triangular projection with mesal notch which reaches over about the basal third of sternum 9 ( Fig. 11 ). Egg. Unknown. Larva. Unknown. Etymology. The species name refers to the dark head of this species. Diagnosis. The internal male genitalia of this species is generally similar to that of K. azunensis but in that species the “ear lobes” of the aedeagal sac are covered with fine spines (compare Figs. 12 and 18 ). Hemiterga also differ for these species with those of K. azunensis narrowed apically and swollen at the base ( Figs. 15, 20 ). In addition, the area of dark pigment on the head is restricted to the ocellar region in that species ( Fig. 13 ), but covers most of the surface in K. atrocephala ( Fig. 9 ).