The Neotropical cuckoo wasp genus Ipsiura Linsenmaier, 1959 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae): revision of the species occurring in Brazil Author Lucena, Daercio A. A. Author Kimsey, Lynn S. Author Almeida, Eduardo A. B. text Zootaxa 2016 4165 1 1 71 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4165.1.1 849dbc61-4869-4aad-9b10-27e0fef420a8 1175-5326 267533 2D809845-D7A0-4612-BB9E-0A4AC2BF8890 Ipsiura obidana Bohart, 1985 ( Figs 152–156 ) Ipsiura obidana Bohart, 1985 : 718 . Holotype ♀ [examined]: BRAZIL: Pará, Óbidos (BME). Diagnosis. Ipsiura obidana most closely resembles I. genbergi (Dahlbom) . It can be readily distinguished by the shape of S2 spots. This species can be distinguished from other Ipsiura species by the following combination of characters: genal space very narrow and impunctate; fore femur slightly flattened distally and impunctate on outer surface; T3 with narrow lateral whitish spot, without distinct prepit swelling, pit row obsolescent, with small pits marked laterally, and TFC slightly interrupted medially. Female description. Body ( Fig. 152 ). Length: 5.9 mm. Coloration: head predominantly green, with faint purple highlights on vertex; F1 brown; mesosoma metallic green, with broad bluish purple band on dorsum, particularly on pronotum and mesoscutum; metasoma metallic green, with transverse dark purple stripes on dorsum of T1 and T2; T3 with narrow lateral whitish spot; wing membrane light brown, with brown veins; femora and tibiae green; tarsi brown, hind basitarsus brownish green. Head : genal space narrow, less than 1× MOD long; TFC enclosing the median ocellus, slightly interrupted medially ( Fig. 153 ); F1 slightly longer than broad, about 1.1× as long as F2; scapal basin covered with silvery pubescence. Mesosoma: fore femur slightly flattened distally, not projecting ventrally, diameter of distal area about one-half diameter of proximal area; fore wing with short M distal to discoidal cell, R1 shorter than stigma (as in Fig. 190 ); dorsal surface of pronotum wider than head; lower lateral pronotal surface irregularly punctate anteriorly, with indistinct posterior area delimited by faint transverse ridge; metanotum rounded, without differentiated surface; mesopleural lower posterior margin carinate, with indistinct tooth-like projections. Metasoma: T3 with six acute distal teeth ( Fig. 154 ), pit row obsolescent, indicated by small lateral pits, partially covered by anterior crease, without prepit swelling; S2 spots small, ovoid, nearly reaching each other medially ( Fig. 155 ). Punctation : genal space impunctate; outer surface of fore femur impunctate; largest punctures on T1, mesopleuron and metanotum; T3 with definite punctation. Male. Unknown. Variation. Body length 5.8– 6 mm . Hosts. Unknown. Distribution. Bolivia ( Santa Cruz ); Brazil (AM, PA, RO, RR) ( Fig. 156 ). Material examined. BRAZIL : Pará , Óbidos , 17.xii.1907 A. Ducke / Holotype (BME) . Pará , Óbidos 28.xii.1907 A. Ducke / Paratype 1♀ [BME] . BOLIVIA : Santa Cruz , Jardim Botânico 26.vii.1977 C. Porter / Paratype 1♀ [BME]. Additional material. BRAZIL : Amazonas , Manaus , 1♀ , coll. J.A. Rafael [ INPA ] . Pará , Canaã dos Carajás 16.iv.1983 , 1♀ , coll. M.F. Torres [ MPEG ] . Rondônia , Ouro Preto D’Oeste 11–13. xi.1984, 1 ♀ [ MPEG ] . Roraima , Rio Uraricoera , Ilha de Maraca 13.v.1987 , 1♀ , coll. J.A. Rafael [ INPA ] . Comments. The redescription above is based on a female from Brazil: Amazonas, Manaus.