New species of the Madagascan genus Hovops Benoit, 1968 (Araneae: Selenopidae), with a description of the H. madagascariensis PDOH DQG DQ LGHQWL ¿ FDWLRQ NH \ Author Corronca, José Antonio Author Rodríguez Artigas, Sandra M. text African Invertebrates 2011 2011-12-31 52 2 295 295 journal article 10.5733/afin.052.0206 2305-2562 7917142 Hovops madagascariensis ( Vinson, 1863 ) Fig. 4 Selenops madagascariensis : 9LQVRQ l8Ϭ³: ³o³, SO. ³, ¿J. ³. (7\SH ORFDOLW\: 0DGDJDVFDU. 7\SH PDWHULDO GH‒ posited in Museum of Lübeck, Germany , lost.) Hovops madagascariensis : Benoit 1968: 117 . Diagnosis: Males of H. madagascariensis are distinguished from other species by the particular shape of the RTA ( Fig. 4C ), the short AM with wider base ( Fig. 4D ), and the end of the conductor very sclerotized, pointed and curved ( Figs 4C, 4D ). Females are characterized by the shape of the epigyne, with widely separated lateral lobes in the DQWHULRU SRUWLRQ ()LJ. 4(), DQG WKH PLGGOH ¿HOG RI WKH HSLJ\QH EHLQJ D VPRRWK FDYLW\; WKH anterior copulatory openings; and the complex and multilobulated spermathecae ( Fig.4F ). Description: Fig. 4. Hovops madagascariensis : (A) female habitus, dorsal view; (B) female, eyes arrangement; (C) male, palp ventro-retrolateral view; (D) male, palp ventral view; (E) female, epigyne ventral view; (F) female, vulva dorsal view; (G) female, spination on the anterior tibiae and metatarsi; (H) male, spination on the anterior tibia and metatarsi. Scale bars: A, B = 1 mm, C–F = 0.2 mm. Male (MRAC 208.445). Total body length 13.41. Prosoma 5.71 long, 6.26 wide. Opisthosoma 7.70 long, 4.73 wide. Eye diameter and interdistances: AME 0.25, ALE 0.21, PME 0.20, PLE 0.34, AMEAME 0.37, AMEALE 0.79, AMEPME 0.19, PMEPME 1.21 , PME –PLE 0.73, PLE–PLE 2.93, ALEALE 2.45 . Leg formula: 2431. Leg measurements: I – Fe 6.90, 3DW+7LE 9.ƽo, 0W Ϭ.ƽo, 7D ƻ.4o , WRWDO ƻƽ.³o, ,, ± 8.ƽo, lo.4o, 7.ƽo, ƻ.ƽo WRWDO ƻ8.9o ; III – 8.20, 9.80, 6.70, 2.20, 26.90 total, IV – 8.20, 9.70, 7.30, 2.30, total 27.50. Leg spination: Fe I d1.1.0, pr1.0.0, rt1.1.1, II d1.1.1, pr1.1.1, rt1.1.1, III d1.1.1, pr1.1.0, rt1.1.1, IV d1.1.0, pr1.1.0, rt1.1.1; Tib I –II d0.1.0, v2.2.2, rt1.1.0, III pr1.1.0, v2.2.2, rt1.1.0, IV pr1.1.0, v2.2.0, rt1.1.0; Mt I d1.0.0, v2.2.0, rt1.0.0, II pr1.0.0, v2.2.0, rt1.0.0, III pr1.0.0, v2.2.0, rt1.0.0, IV v2.1.0, rt1.0.0. Prosoma reddish brown, legs brown, opisthosoma yellowish brown with a central colour pattern with dorsal grey lines on WKH ÀDQNV. &KHOLFHUDO IXUURZ ZLWK ³.³ WHHWK. 3DOS DQG WLELD DQG PHWDWDUVDO VSLQDWLRQ DV in Figs 4C, 4D & 4H . Female . Was described by Vinson (1863) as “a very common species found in Madagascar , especially in human dwellings in Tananarive”. Habitus, some somatic characters and the epigyne and vulva as in Figs 4A, 4B & 4E–G . Variation: Some male specimens show a lighter colour pattern that is repeated in the sclerotization of the bulb and tibial apophysis. Material examined: MADAGASCAR : Antananarivo Prov. : lƃ 'XNH +RXVH‒0DQDNDPELKLQ\, l7.LLL.l99ƻ, %. 5RWK & 6. -..DULNy (&$6&); ƻƃ ƻƂ 5pVHUYH 6SpFLDOH G¶$PERKLWDQWHO\,)RUpW G¶$PERKLWDQWHO\,l8°l³‵6: 47°17'E , 20.9 km 72° NE d’Ankazobe , 1410 m , 17–22.iv.2001 , montane rainforest, J.J. Rafanomezantsoa et al . (&$6&‒--5lƽƻ); ƽƂ ³4 LPPDWXUHV, ³ NP 4l° 1($PERKLPDQJD, l8°44‵6:47°³4‵(, l4oo P, l.[L.l99³, -. &RGGLQJWRQ, -. 6FKDUII, 6. /DUFKHU, &. *ULVZROG, 5. $QGULDPDVLPDQDQD (&$6&); lƂ 0DQMDNDWRPSR, lƻ.LLL.l994, KLJK IRUHVW, $. 3DXO\ (05$& ƻol.7ƻl); lƂ 0DQMDNDWRPSR, lƻ.LY.l99ƽ, 5. -RFTXp (05$& ƻol.8l³); lƃ lƂ VXEDGXOW, $PEDWRODPS\, [.l998, 5. 9DQ (VEURHFN (05$& ƻo8.44ƽ & ƻo8.448). Fianarantsoa Prov. : 4ƃ ƻƂ ƻ LPPDWXUHV, 3DUF 1DWLRQDOH 5DQRPDIDQD,7DODWDNHO\,ƻl°l4‵6:47°ƻƽ‵(, l9±³o.LY.l998, N. Penny , C. Griswold , D. Kavanaugh , M. Raherilalao , J. Ranorianarisoa , J. Schweikert & D. Ubick (CASC); lƃ 7DODWDNHO\, ƻl°l4‵6:47°ƻƽ‵(, LY.l99ƻ, 9. 5RWK (&$6&). Distribution: Antananarivo and Fianarantsoa provinces. Note: In the examined material, we found females that match the description and drawings proposed by Vinson (1863) for this species together with males that here are described as the male of H. madagascariensis .