Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) Author A. M text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2009 2009-12-18 41 2 1317 1608 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5277083 0253-116X 5277083 Tribe Listrodromini (FOERSTER) Listrodromoidae FOERSTER 1868 - Verh. Nat. Ver. Preus. Rhein. West. 25 : 144. Listrodromini ASHMEAD 1895 - Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 3 : 278. Type genus: Listrodromus WESMAEL. Listrodromini : HEINRICH 1968 - Ichn. Stenop. of Africa 2 : 263, 265. Listrodromini : HEINRICH 1975 - Ann. Zool. Wars. 32 (20): 457-458. Listrodromini : HEINRICH 1977 - Ichn. Florida and Neigb. States 9 : 270-271. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Holarctic, Oriental and Ethiopian Regions. I n t r o d u c t i o n: The representatives of the tribe are characterized first of all by peculiar structure of head. Face, clypeus, and malar space form together a single slightly convex surface, without sutures, elevations or impressions. Peculiar structure of mandibles, short and broad, bearing two strong almost equal teeth, separated from one another by broad gape supplement this special feature. In contrast to African and Oriental Ischnojoppini and Compsophorini , with similar structure of head, Listrodromini is differed by shortened propodeum and from Ischnojoppini , except this, by flagellum morphology of females, which is not lanceolate. Scutellum is elevated above postscutellum. Propodeum is of broken type , shortened. Claws of tarsi of females of some genera are pectinate. Areolet of front wings is always pentagonal. Abdomen of females is usually amblypygous or semiamblypygous, shortlyoval, sometimes conical, usually with white spots. M o r p h o l o g y: F l a g e l l u m: Of females short, only slightly attenuated toward apex, usually not widened, or slightly widened beyond middle and usually distinctly flattened ventrally. Flagellum of males without transversal ridges, not nodose, usually without tyloides, sometimes with tyloides; first segment sometimes shorter than second. H e a d: Face, clypeus, and malar space form single, slightly convex not differentiated surface, without of sutures, impressions or elevations. Mandibles broad, with strong approximately equal teeth separated by wide gape. T h o r a x: Mesonotum with approximately equal length and breadth, moderately convex; notauli atrophied, rarely rather distinct at base, never sharply impressed; sternauli distinct; scutellum short, more or less strongly elevated above postscutellum, usually sharply carinated laterally, more or less strongly convex dorsally. Propodeum shortened, with distinctly separated horizontal and vertical (slanting) parts, last considerably longer than horizontal one, at times several times longer; carinae of propodeum developed; spiracles small from roundish to longish-oval. L e g s: Quite short and strong; coxae of females without scopa; claws of some genera pectinate. W i n g s: Areolet distinctly pentagonal; radius straight; nervulus usually antefurcal. A b d o m e n:Offemalesusuallyamblypygous or semiamblypygous and shortly-oval, sometimes conical, of one genus ( Deuterotypus HEINRICH ) extremely narrowed and elongated; sometimes tergites 2 and 3 distinctly sclerotized and roughly sculptured, contrasting with smooth and gradually narrowed cone of follow four tergites; gastrocoeli more or less deeply impressed, thyridia small to atrophied; hypopygium of males short and blunt-pointed. C o l o r a t i o n: Tribe shows tendency to rich white pattern at apex of abdomen of both sexes; in addition, developed white latero-apical marks on front tergites, especially of genus Neotypus FOERSTER ; thorax shows tendency to developed of red pattern, often more limited of males than of females. S i z e: Quite small species. B i o l o g y: All Listrodromini are specialized parasite of Lycaenidae .