New taxa of Epiphloeinae Kuwert (Cleridae) and Chaetosomatidae Crowson (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) Author Opitz, Weston text Insecta Mundi 2010 2010-04-02 2010 123 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352832 1942-1354 5352832 0C509A80-EAFC-4F4A-9075-53A6D84FC4BB Amboakis ampla Opitz , new species Figure 1 , 25 , 47 . Holotype . Female. ECUADOR : Orellana : Reserva Ethnica Waorani , 1 km S Onkone Gare Camp , 00 o 39’10S 76 o 26’W 30-VI- 1995 , 220 m, Fogging terre firme T.L. Erwin ( USNM ). (Specimen point mounted, antenna and gender label affixed to paper point; locality label; second locality label; USNM acronymic label; Holotype label; plastic vial with abdomen and aedeagus.) Paratypes . Two specimens. Ecuador : Orellana : Reserva Ethnica Waorani , 1 km S of Onkone Gare Camp , 76 o 27’W 00 o 39’S , 9-II- 1995 , 216 m, T.L. Erwin ( WOPC , 1) ; Tiputini Biodiversity Station , near Yasuni National Forest , 76 o 08’W 00 o 37’S , 8-II-1999 , 220- 250 m , T.L. Erwin ( USNM , 1) . Diagnosis ( Fig. 47 ). The members of this species most closely resemble those of Amboakis capitata (Gorham) . However, in members of A . ampla , the funicular antennomeres are considerably more expanded (compare Figure 1, 2 ). Moreover, the aedeagus is much longer in A . ampla , than it is in A . capitata (compare Figure 25, 28 ). Description. Size : Length 6.0 mm: width 2.0 mm. Integument : Cranium reddish-yellow; pronotum black; elytra dark brown, with slight paleness at humerus and at middle; front pair of legs mostly yellow, infuscated, middle and hind pair of legs yellow. Head : Wider than pronotum (38:36); vertex narrower than eye (9:15); funicular antennomeres considerably expanded ( Fig. 1 ). Thorax : Pronotum, transverse (71:51), side margins behind anterior transverse depression more convex than tuberculate, punctations minute, discal trichobothrium set in deep, transverse shallow, and spheroid depression; elytra, form broad rectangular, ratio of elytral length to elytral width 2:5, ratio of elytral length to pronotal length 4:9, punctations small, somewhat aseriate near sutural margin, shallowly impressed, and not wider than width of interstitial spaces, distal margin of epipleuron not spinous, disc vested profusely with dark setae; protibial anterior margin with 6 spines. Abdomen : Aedeagus as in figure 25. Variation. Size : Length 3.5-6.0 mm: width 1.2-2.0 mm. The small paratype does not show the pale regions of the elytra. Natural History. Specimens were collected during February and June, at 216- 250 m . Distribution . From the Reserva Ethnica Waorani and the environs of the Yasuni National Forest of eastern Ecuador . Etymology . The generic name Amboakis is feminine. The specific epithet ampla is an adjective derived from amplus (= large). I refer to the large size of the terminal antennomere ( Fig. 1 ). Figure 1-15. Antennae. 1) Amboakis ampla . 2) Amboakis capitata . 3) A . stenosis . 4) A . waodani . 5) Madoniella aspera . 6) M . divida . 7) Plocamocera quadrula . 8) P . clinata . 9) Amboakis antegalba . 10) A . diffusa . 11) Madoniella spilota . 12) Amboakis demagna . 13) Epiphloeus erwini . 14) Madoniella darlingtoni . 15) Plocamocera lena . Taxonomic Notes. Among the Amboakis species keyed in Opitz (2006: 119) A . ampla Opitz , new species , is most closely related to the Brazilian A . capitata . The following changes are made to the aforementioned key: 12'. Pronotum black ........................................................................................................................... 13 13(12'). Funicular antennomeres slightly expanded ( Fig. 2 ) ( Brazil : Amazonas; Mato Grosso ) ................. ............................................................................................... Amboakis capitata (Gorham) – Funicular antennomeres very expanded ( Fig.1 ) ( Ecuador : Orellana ) ............................................ .............................................................................................. Amboakis ampla Opitz , n. sp. Figure 16-24. Antennae. 16) Pyticeroides latisentis . 17) P . inexilis . 18) P . parvoporis . 19) P . pinnacerinis . 20) P . turbosiris . 21) P . moraguesi . 22) P . pullis . 23) P . ustulatis . 24) Chaetosoma colossa .