New taxa of Epiphloeinae Kuwert (Cleridae) and Chaetosomatidae Crowson (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) Author Opitz, Weston text Insecta Mundi 2010 2010-04-02 2010 123 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352832 1942-1354 5352832 0C509A80-EAFC-4F4A-9075-53A6D84FC4BB Madoniella spilota Opitz , new species Figure 11 , 56 . Holotype . Male. COLOMBIA Norte de Santander ANU Los Estoraques Bosque Piritama 8 o 14' N 73 o 15’S 1815 m Malaise 29.x-18.xi. 2003 J. Vargas & E. Bayona Leg. M. 4603. A second label reads, IavH-E 70315. A third label reads, Instituto Humbolt COLOMBIA ( IAVH ). (Specimen point mounted, antenna and gender label affixed to paper point; locality label; specimen number label; repository label; IAVH acronymic label; Holotype label.) Paratypes . None. Diagnosis ( Fig. 56 ): In the key of madoniellan species (Opitz, in press), the Holotype extends to couplet 11(4'), which accommodates Madoniella rubida Opitz. From the latter, M . spilota specimens may be distinguished by the spotted condition of the legs. Description. Size : Length 4.8 mm ; width 1.6 mm . Integumental Color : Cranium dark reddish-brown; pronotal disc dark brown, more reddish at sides; elytral disc with well-developed insignia, posterolateral extensions of posterior block missing, posterocentral extension of posterior block broadly confluent with yellow macula on elytral apex. Head : Vertex narrower than eyes in head dorsal view; antenna as depicted in figure 11. Thorax : Pronotal side margins very sinuous, anterior margin arcuate plane; elytral form oblong; elytral punctations large; anterior margin of protibia with 5 spines. Abdomen : Aedeagus not available for study. Variation. One specimen examined. Natural History. The primary type was collected at 1850 m sometime between October 29 th and September 18 th . Distribution. Known only from the type locality. Etymology. The specific epithet spilota stems from the Greek spilos (= fleck). I refer to the spotty infuscations on the legs.