New taxa of Epiphloeinae Kuwert (Cleridae) and Chaetosomatidae Crowson (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) Author Opitz, Weston text Insecta Mundi 2010 2010-04-02 2010 123 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352832 1942-1354 5352832 0C509A80-EAFC-4F4A-9075-53A6D84FC4BB Chaetosoma colossa Opitz , new species Figure 24, 66. Holotype . Male. New Zealand : Ship Cove MB , 27-30 Nov. 72, J. McBurney ( NZAC ) (Specimen point mounted; gender label affixed to paper point; support card; locality label; repository label; Holotype label; plastic vial with aedeagus.) Paratypes . 76 specimens from New Zealand : Bay of Plenty : Waenga , 27-I-1993 , dead wood at night, J.W. Early : Northland : 4-II-1927 , E. Fairburn ( NRNZ , 1) ; idem , Mangakahia Valley , 26-II-1932 ( NRNZ , 1) ; 6-X-1932 , E, Fairburn ( WOPC , 1): Marlborough Sounds : Ship Cove , 27-30-XI-1972 , J, McBurney ( WOPC , 2) ; Marlborough , 16-I-1945 ( ANIC , 1) ; idem , Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve , 19-IX-1977 ( NZAC , 1) ; Ship Cove , 27-30-XI-1972 , J. McBurney ( NZAC , 1) ; Picton , Helms ( BMNH , 2) ; idem , collection day or collector data not noted ( OXUM , 1): Nelson : Botanical Hill , 5-X-1967 , reared from dead branch of Myoporum laetum, J.I. Townsend ( NZAC , 1) ; Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve , 19-XI-1977 , E. Schlinger ( NZAC , 1) ; idem , 16-1-1949 , collector not noted ( WOPC , 1): Wellington : Levin , 21-I-1938 ( ANIC , 1) ; Wellington , date not noted, H. Swale ( BMNH , 1) ; Wellington , day not noted-VIII-1902, J. J. Walker ( BMNH , 1) ; idem, day and month not noted-1890, Hudson ( BMNH , 1) ; Martinborough , Mahaki , 15-IX-1982 , under bark of a Podocarpus dacrydioides trunk, J.C. Watt ( NZAC , 1) ; “Wellington“ date and collector not noted ( BMNH , 2); collection date not noted, G.V. Hudson ( OXUM , 3; WOPC 2 ): Central Otago : Silverstream , date or collector not noted ( BMNH , 1): Westland : Grey Mouth , no other data noted ( MNHN , 1; WOPC , 2) ; Cobden , 12-II-1926 ( ANIC , 1): Kumara, day and month not noted-1884, Helms ( BMNH , 6): Canterbury : Christchurch ( BMNH , 1): Auckland : Orewa, 14-II-2003 , on dead tree, S.E.Thorpe ( AMNZ , 2) ; Titirangi , 10 Rimutaka Place , 3653S 174 39E , 23-I-1999 , R.J.B. Hoare ( WOPC , 1) ; itirangi, 40XI-2002, dead tree under bark, S.E. Thorpe ( AMNZ , 1; WOPC , 1) ; Ohakune , 30-XII-1916 , collector not noted ( NZAC , 1) ; Okauia , day not noted-I-1922 ( NZAC , 1) ; idem , day and month not noted-1922, collector not noted ( WOPC , 1) ; Ahuroa Forest Reserve , 15-XI-1983 , on fungi logs, B. M. Hammond ( BMNH , 1): Waikato : no other data noted ( MNHN , 1) ; Hunua Gorge , dates and collector not noted ( BMNH , 1): Rangitikei : Taihape , Oraukura Gorge , 8-VI-1982 , bark of dead standng Hoheria sexstylosa , J.C. Watt ( NZAC , 1) ; idem , 11-XI- 1982 , under bark of dead sanding Podocarpus dacrydioides , J.C. Wat ( WOPC , 1) ; Taihape , Hautapu River , 17-IX-1982 , under bark of dead Podocarpus dacridiodes trunk, J.C. Watt ( NZAC , 1) ; Uraukura , 18-IX-1982 , under bark of standing Hoheria sexstylosa , J.C. Watts ( WOPC , 1): Wanganui : Ohakune , 30-XII-1916 ( WOPC , 1) ; Taihape , Hautapu River , 17-IX-1982 , from under bark of dead standing Podacarpus dacrydioides J. C. Watt ( NZAC , 1): Steward Island : Cod Fish Island , 28-XII-1966 , J. I Townsend ( WOPC , 1). “ New Zealand ” no other information noted ( AMNZ , 3; WOPC , 1), ( BMNH , 6), ( MNHN , 3), ( FRNZ , 4), ( WOPC , 3) . LOCALITIES NOT FOUND. Chetwode Island, Nukuwaiata, 13-II-1982 ( WOPC , 1), Little Barrier, day and month not noted, 1913, H. Swale ( BMNH , 1), Kumara, no other data noted ( MNHN , 1), Diagnosis (Fig. 66): Most of the available specimens are large, from about 8 to 10mm in length. This size range, along with the strikingly black color of the integument will distinguish the member of this species from C. scaritides Westwood, the only other species in the genus. Description. Size : Length 6.6-13.0 mm.; width 1.6-3.4 mm . Integument: Mouthparts, antenna, legs reddish brown, cranium, thorax, pronotum, elytra, and abdomen dark brown to black. Vestiture : Head, pronotal, and elytral dorsum profusely vested with setae, peripheral setae particularly long. Head : Frons narrowly rugulose, oval punctations set in narrow furrows; antenna as in figure 24. Thorax : Pronotal punctations oblong, distributed in two broad strips along the sides and in two narrow strips near middle; anterior margin boldly sinuous; sixteen spines continuous from posterior margin of protibiae to protibial apex; twelve spines continuous from mesotibial posterior margin to mesotibial apex. Abdomen : Aedeagus, phallobasic apodeme short and expanded at middle. Variation. The smaller specimens tend to be more dark brown than black. Also, there is some Variation in the width of the distal portion of the phallobasic apodeme. Natural History. Many specimens of this species have been collected under the bark of standing dead trees. They have been associated with the following tree species: Myoporum laetum Foster f., Podocarpus dacrydioides (A. Rich.) de Laub. , and Hoheria sexstylosa Col. One specimen is noted as a predator of Psepholax White (Curculionidae) larvae. The available specimens were collected from August to March. Distribution. This species is widely distributed on the North and South islands of New Zealand . One specimen was collected on Steward Island. Etymology. The generic name Chaetosoma Westwood is feminine. The specific epithet is a Latin adjectival taken from colossus (= large stature). I refer to the large size of many of the available specimens.