New taxa of Epiphloeinae Kuwert (Cleridae) and Chaetosomatidae Crowson (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) Author Opitz, Weston text Insecta Mundi 2010 2010-04-02 2010 123 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352832 1942-1354 5352832 0C509A80-EAFC-4F4A-9075-53A6D84FC4BB Stegnoclava Opitz , new genus Type Species. Ichnea fumigata Gorham, 1877: 414 . By present designation. Diagnosis . There are 2 autopotypic characteristics. First, the funicular antennomeres are drastically compressed together so that their combined length is shorter than antennomere 8, and second, the cranium is marked by a black “mask” that traverses the frons and projects posteriorly to cover the vertex. Description. Size : Length 6.1-9.1 mm ; width 1.8-3.1 mm . Form : Slightly triangular. Integument : Cranium bicolorous, yellow, but with black band that traverses frons and extends posteriorly through vertex; pronotum bicolorous; elytral disc with combinations of yellow and dark regions; pterothorax, and abdomen dark brown. Vestiture : Integument highly setose; cranium and pronotum often densely vested with decumbent setae; elytra very densely vested with short 2 o setae and less profusely distributed 1 o setae. Head : Cranial setiferous punctations large, frons vertically indented; antennal carina very prominent; eyes very prominently bulged, finely faceted and deeply broadly incised along frontal margin; antenna inserted at lower angle of eye incision, comprised of 10 antennomeres, clavate, scape very short, robust and triangular, with dorsal carina and about as long as length of funicular antennomeres 3-7 combined, pedicel transverse, funicular antennomeres very compressed together so that their combined length is shorter than length of antennomere 8; labrum deeply incised, medial tormal processes horizontal and contiguous; mandible subfalciform, dens well developed, mandibular penicillus well developed; maxilla, palpomere 4 conate, laterolacinia present; labium, palpomere 3 conate; gula triagonal; cranium notably indented near posterior margin of the eye. Thorax : Pronotum transverse, lateral tubercle obtuse, disc setiferous punctations small; anterior transverse depression absent, posterior transverse depression prominent, pronotal collar very narrow, discal and lateral trichobothria prominent, bothria domed, pronotal projection only slightly extended towards the middle, lateral carina confluent with pronotal hem; elytral epipleural margin subparallel, then gradually rounded to apex, epipleuron not explanate, outer sides strongly deflexed behind humerus, punctations small, much narrower than width of interstitial spaces, subseriate at basal half; mesoscutellum subglobose; protibial anterior margin with 11 to 14 spines; tibial spur formula 0-1-1; tarsal pulvillar formula 3-3-1; metendosternite without furcal lamina. Abdomen : Six visible sterna; pygidium entire, without triangular depigmented notch, posterior margin evenly convex. Distribution. The members of this genus range from northeastern Costa Rica to south-central Brazil . Etymology. The genus epithet stegnoclava is feminine and is a Latin compound name that stems from stegnus (= constricted) and clava (= club). I refer to the compressed nature of the antennal funicular antennomeres. Taxonomic Notes. Other species of Stegnoclava will be made known in another revisionary publication.