Revision of the plant bug genus Diognetus, with descriptions of thirteen new species from the Oriental and Eastern Palearctic Regions (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) Author Yasunaga, Tomohide Research Associate, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA, c / o Nameshi Author Schwartz, Michael D. - 33, Nagasaki 852 - 8061, Japan; e-mail: yasunagat. amnh @ gmail. com Author Chérot, Frédéric Département de l’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole, Service Public de Wallonie, Gembloux, BE- 5030, Belgium; e-mail: frederic. cherot @ spw. wallonie. be text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2023 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2023-03-12 63 1 1 55 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2023.001 1804-6487 7887421 3F2C90B1-6EA1-4B38-A218-C314D09F6E00 Diognetus intonsus Distant, 1904 ( Figs 2G , 9C− D , 14C− F , 15F− J , 16D− E , 30A− I ) Diognetus intonsus Distant, 1904b: 432 (as new species). Diognetus intonsus : SCHUH (1995) : 760 (catalog), SCHUH (2002 –2013) (online catalog); CH ḖROT et al. (2017): 93–94 (diagnosis, DV, MG, FG); SAHA et al. (2020) : 279 (faunal list). Diophantus literatus Distant, 1909: 510–511 (as new species). Diophantus literatus : SCHUH (1995) : 760 (catalog), SCHUH (2002 –2013) (online catalog); CH ḖROT et al. (2017): 94 (synonymy). Diplotrichiella rufescens Poppius, 1915 a: 66 (as new species). New junior subjective synonym. Diplotrichiella rufescens : SCHUH (1995) : 761 (catalog), SCHUH (2002 – 2013) (online catalog). Type material examined. Diognetus intonsus : LECTOTYPE : ( BMNH ), SRI LANKA : Ceylon , Maskelyia , Green (no further data, BMNH ). Diognetus literatus : LECTOTYPE : ( BMNH ), SRI LANKA : Ceylon , Ohiya , Green (no further data, damaged specimen, BMNH ). Diplotrichiella rufescens : HOLOTYPE : ( MZHF ), INDIA : TAMIL NADU : Trichinopoly, 1898, Coll. Nouhalier (vertically compressed and partly damaged condition). Additional material examined. INDIA : TAMIL NADU : Madras,Anamalai Hills, Cinchona, 10.28228, 76.97999, 1,067 m ( 3,500 ft ), Apr 1959 , P. S. Nathan, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00419635) ( CNC ); same locality, May 1965 ; P. S. Nathan, 3 JJ 2 ♀♀ (00419670–00419674) ( CNC ). THAILAND : CHIANG MAI : Doi Pui, 18.826460 , 98.892088 , UV lighting, 23–24 Oct 1981 , S. Sakurai, 3 ♀♀ ( DOAT , TYCN ). Redescription. Body oval, moderate in size, 4.8–5.3 mm . COLORATION: Dorsum castaneous, usually tinged with red ( Figs 14C− D ), usually with mottled pattern ( Fig. 14C ). Antennae yellowish brown; apical 1/6−1/5 of segment II, segment III (except for pale extreme base) and segment IV brown. Labium pale brown, partly tinged with red. Pronotum reddish-brown, relatively shining, with posterior 1/3−1/2 darkened and posterior margin pale; anterior mesal part of scutellum sometimes narrowly infuscate; pleura fuscous; scent efferent system creamy yellow. Hemelytron castaneous to reddish-brown, without mottled pattern; border between apex of corium and cuneal base narrowly pale; membrane pale smoky brown, with irregular pale, semitransparent maculae and pale veins. Coxae and legs yellowish brown; apical 1/3−1/2 of metafemur darkened, with two (subapical and apical) pale rings ( Fig. 14F ). Ventral surface of abdomen pale brown, with more or less reddish lateral margins. SURFACE AND VESTITURE: As in generic diagnosis; dorsum with densely distributed, silvery, reclining setae; base of mesepisternum with long, erect setae ( Fig. 30B ); hemelytron rather matte. STRUCTURE: Vertex relatively wide ( Fig. 30C ). Labium reaching apex of metacoxa ( Fig. 13F ). Scutellum weakly swollen, shallowly and sparsely punctate, less rugose. Metathoracic scent efferent system as in Fig 30B . Metatarsomere II as long as III ( Fig. 30E ); pretarsal structure as in Fig. 30F ; parempodia slightly shorter than claw. MALE GENITALIA ( Figs 15F− J ): Left paramere generally broad, with small, median process and flattened apex ( Fig. 15F ). Vesica with short, narrowed MS, medialy spinulate LS and tiny TP ( Figs 15I–J ). FEMALE GENITALIA ( Figs 9C–D , 16D− E , 30G− I ): Sclerotized ring with thickened anterior rim, posterolateral angle somewhat angulate ( Fig. 16D ); posterior wall ( Figs 30H− I ) with wide, rounded interramal lobe; dorsal structure lacking spinulate processes ( Fig. 30I ). Measurements. See Table 1 . Differential diagnosis. Recognized and distinguished from other congeners by the following combination of characters: body moderate-sized, ovoid; dorsum with relatively dense, reclining, silvery setae; scutellum less rugose, with sparsely distributed, fine punctures; left paramere generally stout, with a small median process on sensory lobe; posterior wall with rather wide interramal lobe; and dorsal structure lacking spinulate processes. Biology. Unknown; most of available specimens were collected by UV lighting method at forest zones in the Oriental Region. Distribution. India ( Tamil Nadu ), Sri Lanka , Thailand ( Chiang Mai ); record from Papua New Guinea by CH ḖROT et al. (2017) most probably represents an undescribed species.