A new genus and some new species of the genus Lauriea Baba, 1971 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Galatheidae) from the Pacific and Indian Oceans, using molecular and morphological characters Author Macpherson, Enrique Author Robainas-Barcia, Aymee text Zootaxa 2013 3599 2 136 160 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.222465 02c5b4fa-dfca-45f0-96e5-449885dac8e1 1175-5326 222465 E58D2C7F-FB6F-4230-98AD-118D41C26040 Triodonthea n. gen. Diagnosis. Carapace as long as broad, lateral margins slightly convex; dorsal surface dorsal surface devoid of distinct striae, covered with long and short fine setae, some of them plumose, arising from numerous short transverse ridges; cervical groove indistinct. Rostrum triangular, with 4 strong lateral teeth on each side. Epistome with ridge between marginal ridge (mouth) and ventral margin of orbit, without protuberance near marginal ridge. Telson well developed, completely subdivided. Endopod of uropod clearly elongated. Basal antennular segment with 3 distal spines. Mxp3 lacking spine on the flexor distal margin of carpus. P1–4 stout, spinose and setose. P2–4 dactyli curved inward distally, triunguiculate, with well-developed claw on flexor margin. Chela of P5 with setae moderate in density on flexor face, without brush of plumose setae, fingers more setose, setae simple, not ribbonlike. One pair of male gonopods. Type-Species . Triodonthea setosa n. sp. Etymology . From the Latin, tri , three, odontos , tooth, plus the last syllables of Galathea . In reference to the three teeth in P2–4 dactyli. Gender: feminine. Remarks .The carapace dorsal surface that is devoid of distinct striae, the triangular rostrum triangular, with lateral spines on each side, the clearly elongated endopod of the uropod clearly elongated, well-developed eyes well-developed with broad and short eyestalks, shape of P2–4 dactyli and males with one pair of gonopods link this new genus to Lauriea Baba, 1971 , but their molecular relationships are rather distant. These genera may be easily differentiated from each other by the following characters: (1) the P2–4 dactyli are triunguiculate in the new genus, whereas these dactyli are biunguiculate in Lauriea , and (2) the 3 Mxp 3 carpus is unarmed in Triodonthea , whereas one small distal spine is present in all species of Lauriea , and (3) the P1–4 articles are covered with numerous long and plumose setae in the new genus, these plumose setae are restricted to mesial and lateral margins of P1 and extensor and flexor margins of P 2–4 in Lauriea . The divergences between Triodonthea setosa and six species of Lauriea ranged from 13.1 to 15.2% for the COI marker, and from 3.7 to 5.9% for the 16S rRNA marker ( Table 1 ). These differences were quite similar to those between the new genus and the genus Macrothea Macpherson & Cleva, 2010 ( Table 1 ).