The status of Micronotus Hancock, 1902 species (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) Author Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Grupo de Investigación en Artrópodos “ Kumangui ”, Bogotá, Colombia. Author Gonzalez, Gloria Raquel Dávila Universidad INCCA de Colombia. Grupo en Ecología Evolutiva y Biogeografía Tropical ECOBIT. Author Rodríguez, Martha Carolina Vásquez Universidad INCCA de Colombia. Grupo en Ecología Evolutiva y Biogeografía Tropical ECOBIT. Author Rodríguez, Diana Marcela Trujillo Universidad INCCA de Colombia. Grupo en Ecología Evolutiva y Biogeografía Tropical ECOBIT. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-12-16 5082 2 129 144 journal article 2928 10.11646/zootaxa.5082.2.3 4e1573ae-765a-41d5-9cb6-5db91c4fcc9f 1175-5326 5785332 AF3FD783-72C8-4C39-8AF5-20FADD9F41BF Key to Micronotus species 1. Mid-femur without conspicuous carinae. Pronotum without exceeding the apex of the abdomen and the hind femur ( Figs. 1B , 2B , 4B , 5B ); pronotal disc with a wavy midline from anterior to the posterior edge ( Figs. 1A , 2A , 4A , 5A )............ ... 3 ‒ Mid femur conspicuously carinate. Pronotum exceeding the apex of the abdomen and hind femur ( Fig. 3B ); pronotal disc with a small hump at the level of the prozone, thereafter no additional undulations ( Fig. 3A )..................... M. asperulus 2. Ocelli conspicuous, as wide as the antennal pedicelus ( Fig. 1C ). Hind wings reduced, especially to the female. Fastigium rounded, slightly protruding in the middle of the eyes in lateral view ( Fig. 1A )...................... M. quadriundulatus ‒ Ocelli of medium size, as wide as half the width of the antennal pedicelus ( Figs. 4C and 5C ). Hind wings moderately developed, failing to reach the pronotal apex. Fastigium conical, protruding conspicuously from the middle of the eyes in lateral view ( Figs. 4A and 5A )........................................................................ M. andeanum n. comb.