The Camptandriidae of Iraq, with description of a new genus and notes on Leptochryseus Al-Khayat & Jones, 1996 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) Author Ng, Peter K. L. Author Rahayu, Dwi Listyo Author Naser, Murtada D. text Zootaxa 2009 2312 1 26 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191909 b5235354-ef06-4a49-b9d1-5498e97c3639 1175-5326 191909 Manningis Al-Khayat & Jones, 1996 Manningis Al-Khayat & Jones, 1996 : 798 . – Ng et al. 2008: 233. Type species. Paracleistostoma arabicum Jones & Clayton, 1983 , by monotypy. Diagnosis. Carapace transversely oval in outline, broader (1.6–1.7 times) than long, surface convex, not showing any obvious ridges dorsally; epigastric lobes weakly developed, hepatic regions may be depressed, posterobranchial region convex, may have patch of granules, gastro-cardiac groove distinct, but not deep ( Figs. 1 B, 4A); thoracic sternum strongly convex such that part of sternum, abdomen visible dorsally ( Figs. 1 B. 4A). Anterolateral margin of carapace may be broken up into lobes; posterolateral margin convex, distinct dorsolateral margin not reaching base of P5; posterior carapace margin straight, with broad, thickened edge ( Figs 1 B, 4A). Front with thickened margin, weakly bilobed from dorsal view; frontomedial margin distinctly bilobed ( Fig. 4 A). Supraorbital margin thick, oblique, sloping down towards posterior, weakly sinuous, notch separating it from base of front indistinct, rounded; infraorbital margin weakly sinuous, inner infraorbital tooth broadly triangular, not sharply separated from rest of infraorbital margin, not meeting lateral deflexed angle of frontal margin ( Fig. 4 A); suborbital ridge moderately developed, not visible dorsally, suborbital sulcus absent. Epistome with anterior, posterior halves separated by transverse ridge, lateral margins separated from anterior pterygostomian margin by open sulcus, posterior medial tooth broadly triangular, posterior margins on either side concave ( Fig. 4 B). Pterygostomian region with shallow transverse groove. Third maxillipeds with thick inner margin; merus slightly shorter than ischium, outer margin rounded, outer surface without distinct grooves; ischium with inner distal angle slightly produced; basal segment of palp not excavated to form spatulate structure. Chelipeds equal, very robust in males; carpus may possess tuft of long setae on inner surface, close to proximal end; palm quadrangular, about as high as long, sometimes with row of setae on inner surface, close to dorsal edge; fingers as long to slightly shorter than palm, inner surface with submarginal row of setae, tips setose, slightly spatulate, movable finger with large tooth on cutting edge ( Figs. 1 B, 4D, E). P3 longest, P5 shortest, spines absent ( Fig. 1 B). Male abdomen with all sutures complete, somite 1 slightly wider than somite 2, not reaching P5 coxae, somites 2–4 fused, somites 5–7 freely movable, lateral margins of somite 5 very weakly concave, lateral margins of somite 6 convex, slightly angular ( Fig. 4 C). G1 abruptly recurved such that distinct junction between recurved, proximal portions, recurved portion with strong spines on inner edge of distal portion, apex truncate ( Fig. 4 F, G). Remarks. In describing a new genus, Nasima , for Cleistostoma dotilliforme Alcock, 1900 , Manning (1991: 300) remarked that Paracleistostoma arabicum , together with Cleistostoma kuwaitense , should be referred to a new genus. Al-Khayat & Jones (1996) subsequently established two new genera, Manningis and Leptochryseus , for these two species, respectively. FIGURE 4. Manningis arabicum (Jones & Clayton, 1983) , holotype male (5.4 x 8.9 mm) (NHM 1981.496), Kuwait. A, carapace; B, frontal view of carapace showing orbit, eye and epistome; D, inner view of right chela; E, dorsal view of right cheliped; F, left G1; G, distal part of left G1. Scales: A, B, D–F = 1.0 mm; C = 0.5 mm; G = 0.15 mm. Manningis Al-Khayat & Jones, 1996 is similar to Serenella Manning & Holthuis, 1981 , particularly in terms of the transversely ovoid carapace, the sloped supraorbital margins, the structure of the G1 (which is sharply recurved with a distinct bend), the presence of cheliped sexual dimorphism, and the bilobed frontomedial margin of the front. Nevertheless, Manningis differs markedly from Serenella by the form of the male abdominal segmentation. All the sutures are complete in Manningis , and somites 2–4 are fused, with somites 5–7 freely movable ( Fig. 4 C), while in Serenella the sutures between somites 2–4 are incomplete (somites 2–4 fused) and somites 5 and 6 have limited mobility ( Manning & Holthuis 1981: fig. 55d ). The lateral angle of the deflexed frontal margin also meets the inner infraorbital tooth, thus effectively closing the orbit in Manningis ( Fig. 4 B). This is not the case in Serenella . In Manningis , the posteromedial tooth of the epistome is broadly triangular and the posterior margin on either side is concave ( Fig. 4 B), while in Serenella , the posteromedial tooth is acutely triangular, with convex posterior margins on either side. Finally, the cheliped palm in Manningis is quadrangular ( Fig. 4 D, E) rather than rounded as in Serenella . Comparative material. ETHIOPIA : Serenella leachii ( Audouin, 1826 ) : 6 males ( 4.8–5.3 mm x 7.0–8.0 mm), 13 females ( 4.6–5.7 mm x 6.7–8.7 mm ) ( RMNH D 26887), mangrove, Melita Bay, Gulf of Zula, Ertra ( Eritrea ), 14 April 1962 . RED SEA : 1 female (7.2 x 12.0 mm) ( RMNH ), coll. November 1896 .