New species of Steleops (Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Psocidae) from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru Author Obando, Ranulfo González Author García, Alfonso N. Author Carrejo, Nancy Soraya text Zootaxa 2011 3139 28 54 journal article 45731 10.5281/zenodo.207655 d7445aa6-4e28-4706-bbd1-936f407b547e 1175-5326 207655 Steleops rioblancoensis n. sp. (female) ( Figs. 66−70 ) Female. Color (in 80% alcohol). Body creamy, with small ochre areas on thorax and abdomen. Compound eyes green yellowish, ocelli hyaline, with ochre centripetal crescents, the two upper ones thicker than the lower one. Head pattern ( Fig. 67 ) as illustrated: one ochre band from each compound eye, directed towards epistomal sulcus, then continuing to postclypeus, anteclypeus and central part of labrum. Postclypeus with thick ochre diagonal striae. Antennae: Scape and pedicel creamy white, flagellum pale brown; maxillary palpomeres creamy white, Mx4 pale brown distally. Coxae creamy white, meso- and metathoracic coxae basally with small pale brown spot. Tergal lobes of meso- and metathorax dark brown. Fore wings ( Fig. 66 ) with well defined brown transverse band, from area anterior to pterostigma to apical third of vein A; distal ends of veins R 2+3, R4+5, M1-M3, and cells R1, R 2+3, R 4+5, M1 and M2 with brown spots, areola postica with a large brown spot extended to cell M3; pterostigma with a dark brown band along posterior end, other brown spots and clear windows as illustrated. Hind wings ( Fig. 66 ) hyaline, veins pale brown. Morphology. Head concave at vertex, somewhat trapeziform in front view, MxW/MnW: 1.24; compound eyes elongate, pedunculate, H/MxW: 1.36, C: 290 microns. Antennal flagellomeres with short, sparse setae. Fore wing: L/W: 2.71. Pterostigma much wider posteriorly, distally rounded, lp/wp: 3.22; Rs curved and shorter than R 2+3-R 4+5; Rs-M fused for a short length; cell M pentagonal; areola postica trapeziform. Hind wing: Rs-M fused, Rs 4.5 times as long the fused length; vein R4+5 about as long as Rs. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 70 ) broad, with mesal setal field; posterior projection short, distally broad, apex blunt, with field of short setae. Ninth sternum broad, membranous; spermapore circular, surrounded by a pigmented, elongate area ( Fig. 68 ). Gonapophyses ( Fig. 68 ): V1 long, slender, distally pointed, inner margin distally with a field of short spines; V2 long, stout, distally rounded, with a field of microsetae, apex of inner border slightly projected to form a slender, pointed extension; V3 oval, with wide triangular projection, a row of macrosetae along posterior border, and other setae on surface, as illustrated. Paraprocts ( Fig. 69 ) broadly triangular, with setae as illustrated, sensory fields with 27 trichobothria issuing from basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 68 ) basally wide, almost trapeziform, widely rounded posteriorly, with field of setae mesally and a row of setae along postero-lateral border. Measurements. FW: 3900, HW: 2850, F: 897, T: 1765, t1: 735, t2: 172, ctt1: 31, Mx4: 200, f1: 1180, f2: 1190, IO: 445, D: 260, d: 340, IO/d: 1.31 Specimens studied . Holotype female. COLOMBIA . Caldas. Manizales. Río Blanco Reserve. 05°03'56.8''N : 75°26'52.5''W , 2339 m ., 16.i.2011 . On palm trunk. R. González and A. N. Garcia Aldrete. Slide MUSENUV cod. 23547. Paratypes : 1 female , same data as holotype , MUSENUV cod. 23548, taken together with specimens of S. manizalensis n. sp. , described above. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality.